mY LamP iSreaL

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Facebook Friend Himali says..

Smiles, friend, winks..:)

And i say in happy return..

Hellooo.. Himali.. and the good news
is Facebook is not greying out your words..
yes.. both you and i sTiLL exist here in words..
and likely WiLL a long long time more in now..
as words WiLL surely tale a tell of more
of SinG SonG DancE oF Words and
Steps too.. ugh.. this Facebook
commenting thingy wHere one
must shift and press return
keeps interrupting mY
floW iN StreAM
of Consciousness
wriTing iN ZonE oF Y i..
aliVe more now as words
WiLL fly allone with Nature
one aka God all too for ONE..
and hmm.. Love this Most words
used on Facebook.. and would Love
to see yoUrs sAMe.. wHere my top
ones here say.. HUMAN LOVE FRIEND
FREE LIFE REAL WITH A secondary smaller
used tier of words that say.. WORD DANCE
FOLKS NATURE WAYS amazing what one
of these run off the mill algorithm profile
analyzers can say in ways of hUman
FeeLinGS and SeNses iN heArt
of HUMAN EmoTioNs.. aS
SpiRiT eXpresSinG mINd
and boDy BaLanCinG soUL
as sAMe as Real ‪#‎iSreal‬
Now.. and oH
Lordy i have a new
title for this 687th Macro
Verse of Longest Long Form
Free Verse Poem ‘eva in
history of humankind
already in tHis first
micro-verse oF
Macro and
Ocean wHole
UniVerse Poem
iSreal noW
as words
do continue
to path a way anew..
ha! thanks for the Monday
Morning Muse.. my sweet
fRiend Himali.. wHo sParks..
the fist micro-verse of juST
another Day in the liFe oF Y i..;)

Himali says in response..

Glad to know my comments
are no more greyed !!
Wish you a happy
Monday morning..:)

And i say
in final happy
for now..

Yes!.. my friEnd
and Happy Monday to
you too.. HiMali NoW!..:)


Celebrating a year hEar at dVerse
Online PoEtry Pub.. as a two year
Facebook Algorithm Milestone..
as the dVerse PoEtry Pub was
celebrating tHeir online
milestone of existence
full online as well..
and as the Nautilus sHell
WiLL Geometrically gRoW iN
fossil record of animal gRowth..
what staRted as rather overall
smAll spirAling ways of words
oF SonG of PoeTry and
DancE sAme continues
iN UniVersal fLoW Now..
as i go on more with
mEmoRy milestOnes
along with
Scores of thouSands
oF photos and thouSands
of YouTube Videos and otHer
hUman symbols to express more
oF Physical INteLLiGence.. EmoTional
INtelligence.. ExisTenTial InTelligence
and etc.. etc.. beYond iN thE TrUe
MaGiC oF HUman existence far..
far.. BEyond what Standard
IQ and school teXt books
WiLL say alone..
iN noW oF..
allone wHoLe..
iN Ocean poem Wave
Flow aGaIn in F Y iSreaL..;)


And fast forward/reverse heRe to October of 2014..
wheRe one of my first long macro verse
copy and paste of micro verse inspirations
comes from dVerse in 2777 words
oF real time NoW
Poetic response iN
SpirituaL EmoTioNal
and SeNsory expresSinG
sonG of poEtry noW iSREAL..:)

2777 words of dVERSE Poetic Response

And yes.. here.. jUst a year ago..
with a TSunami of LOVE..
almost a Facebook
Memory but
here first..
from online record
poEm.. on 7182015..
wHere 14,333 words seemed
like an amazing accomplishment
of MacroVerse Ocean Whole Poem..
in so many micro verse of macro verse
ways of free verse style poetic words..
but seriAlly noW iT’s juSt another day
iN the lifE of F Y i.. wHere every
three to four days.. i spit out
close to this many eXpreSsinG
words here.. and now without
even the inspiration of dVerse..
or the Wrong Planet oF bEfore..
as use it or lose it applies to
use it a lot and give so much
more.. so sure now iT’s juSt
another 3 or 4 days in the
liFe of F Y i..
Real as iSREal
can be jUst DoinG
iT in Peace and HarmonY
Love and fearless style iN
and couRage
way for reaL noW..
oF Oliver Wendell Holmes
more stately word mansions
oF oNline PoEtry FREE VERSeReAL..;)

TSunami of LOVE

Here.. April 27th of 2013.. sTiLL in incredible
pain with a synergy of 19 life threatening
medical disorders real.. where every
second of life.. i was unsure i could
make it one more now.. with
the worst pain known to
humankind.. Type
Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. for a
total life lap of 66 months
from wake to sleep ending
this week to date.. three years
ago around July 22nd.. 2013
then.. and i was aLready amazed
that i reached the online mArk of
writing 5 Million to 6 million words
then.. in poetic words or not..
as before i started writing
on Thanks Giving Day..
2010.. writing or reading
was the las thing i wanted
or even could do.. from
January of 2008 until
that Thanks Giving day oF 2010..
Yes.. the Nautilus oF F Y i proves
now in the record book of Online
iSREAL THAT F Y i.. never gives
up like the Turtle totem and
Elephant animal totem oF Y
i Wild Wolf2
REaL Now aLiVE..
iN WeLL BeinG wHole..:)


Back to the flesh and blood world heAR.. as heRe’s the thing..
i live in heaven.. i reAlly do.. i have unlimited energy.. write
4 to 5 thousand words a day.. with little to no effort..
am approaching 6 thousand miles of public dance
walking every wHere i go per the 3 year
September time frAmE of this year
since 2013.. and am moving in
on 4 million words of the
longest long form
poem ever..
and also
12 million total
words at this speed
of distance and space
in words of DanCe iN
SinGinG SonG way
aT the 6 year mArk
this ThanksGiving day
or so.. of 2016.. REAL..
and look at those hands..
those are a lover and artist
hands that will never make
a fist to harm another human being..
but look at those elbows thaT curl..
well over 200 LBS in Nautilus Machine
ways.. the over 17inch neck that
lifts over 200 LBs in Nautilus
Machine way in neck way
as well as arms.. and sure
the hips and legs
that leg press
close to half
a toN.. noW..
33 times.. and
why don’t you see
more 6 foot or so
233 LB men..
making and
holding selfie
moves like this
just for artful Statue
of David moves both
clothed and nude.. well..
i don’t sit on mall benches
at the mall.. and watch Bball..
and Fball and Sball same..
i FucKinG work B**tch iS
what i do in DancE and
Martial Arts and Ballet
Free Verse too..
like Britney say..
and sure.. i attract
a few dance girls
at halls in steps of
dancing with the stars
of love and lust balanCinG
aS well.. but you see.. i Am
here to show you something perhaps
you have never seen now.. i went to heaven
at the end of July 2013.. and have lived there
for 3 years now sAMe.. in what the medical field
describes as Bi-Polar Mania to hypomania..
in hypergraphia.. hypersexual/ sensual.. and
hyper religiosity ways of GoD oNe noW 2..
Jesus through reports of Luke 17:21 and
Buddha.. and others did most definitely
say that the heaven of Nirvana..
and purgatory and hell
on earth is real here
now inside.. outside..
above.. so below and
all around in hUman
poTential NOW..
but sadly they were
not here to document tHeir
experiences in first record real..
and sure there have been many more
who have done more than they and likely
do much more than i do in so many more
potentials of human spiritual Intelligence
and physical Intelligence sAMe.. but now
the difference is through the science
and art/science oF trans-humanism
i can show folks how heaven
works and what heaven looks
like in my own multi-Verse of
Uni-Verse REaL nOw..
i cannot and will not
tale you what you
must believe or do..
you can follow others
for that.. but i only hope
thaT anything.. oF everything
i do iRise iSreal Now WiLL yes…
heLP you on YoUr never ending
story and land of BeinG oNe
WitH God iN the iSREAL
Kingdom of Heaven
Journey pATH noW..
as.. oh yes..
noW.. iT iS
hUman super
heroes do.. wITh
thE iSreal HUman
hiGher God oF NatUre
sAMe Force of Fearless
Love in CourAge and kInd wAy NoW..:)


“Adventure is not outside a man; it is within.”

~~ David Grayson ~~

Oh.. Lord.. trUe.. never
judge heaven
by the clothes
it does or does not
wear.. and every good
Ninja lEarns to
bLend iN to
noW make
the mission..
real.. efficient
and with results
that last more than
just bandaids
for symptoms..
tHere WiLL alWay
bE dArk and liGht as
thAt iS how NatUre worKs
in deaTh of fAll.. dArk of wiNter
liFe that IS A spARk in dArk
as bLack as WhiTe that BrinGs
back SprinG of FaLL to Summer’s
liGht.. it could be over noW.. so i never
worry about what i WiLL never change
and thaT mY FriEnd IS A dArk of hUman
NatUre that InspiRes tHe LiGht bRinGers
contiNuiNG to liGht
uP.. as thE dArk Force
is not to be underestimated
REALTOO.. as i often say.. been to
real hell.. real purgatory.. real heaven
iS wHere i Live now that i easily prove
without a court case now in self study way..
and sure.. i got the FucKinG Doctor records
in reams of 100 pAges of Medical documents
that more than real proves that other place exists
too.. as two places of Heaven and Hell that almost
never intersect
except in a perfect
Storm of Real.. in both
liGht and DArk.. but hehe..
i’M rAmBling again and thaT iS
what nomads wHo never ever give
uP the poTenTiaL oF life do in liVinG gRace..:)

As Paul McCartney.. eT aL..
sayS iN ebony and
a Piano
pLay WitH
juSt ivory
or ebony alone… ALLoNE..
IS A symphony oF reaLiTdARK..
IS Instruments oF liFe oNE noW..:)


“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together!”

~~ The Beatles, “I Am The Walrus ~~

i AM
thE Walrus..
bottoM liNe..
WitH WiNks
and sMiLes..
and a mustache
since i was in middle
school 2…. and W/big teeth too..;)

But speaKinG of SGT Pepper..
Devil’s Chief of Staff and such
as thaT in mythical mystical
magicK toUrs sAMe..
Captain sAlt2..
as anY Good Cop Stone
Statue.. in stoic long
faced mustache look
WiLL rise uP out of
law enforcement
burial ground
B E a T l e S
Land and dO
eYeS One.. noW..;)

WiNks as i
to roLe
so ABove
to the riGht to
the leFt.. stand uP
sit down fight fiGht
fiGht.. go teAM liGht..1!!..;)1
don’t tale anyone
hehe.. or do NatUre
i AM
as Wolves hoWL
Free iN cALL oF thE
WiLd toGeTheRneSS
MorE nOW..;)

PS.. in a new age..
write like you do from
bottom to top to right
to left.. wHere anyone
can come in at any Twitter
point and come back
with something
in twitter way
sort of and sure longer
too.. are a new wave of
an ADHD Nation..
wHere most people
just do not have much
more than a Pokemon
of attention
span left..
pick a
and play
wHere pOkemon
microverses pop out
of Ocean Whole Poems2..;)

Some wHo
so much
God dAM
wHoLe too..
as Humpty Dumpty SMiLes
in an American Garden oF sAnd and sUN..


And here.. a more ‘true to form’ version
of the “I am the Walrus’ SonG which
is rather oxymoron.. as the
Walrus SonG trUly SinGs
a Free Style of Folks
like Jim Carrey..
Robin Williams
and you kNow the
‘crazy’ other dopamine
and other natural neurochemical
and neurohormone folks full of
Dopamine Creativity.. Serotonin
Trust and ‘DMT’.. etc.. fullness..
of God’s Beauty.. and sure
some may have oxytocin
warm and fuzzies..
and drug enhanced
get it more stuff..
but chances are
there is some empty
darkness in that Bi-polar
human nuanced lighter
and sHaded liGht that
inspireS the greater creativity
too.. and sure adrenaline excitement..
androgen lusty waves of sensual deliGht
with the groupies as inspiration too.. all i can
relate to at lEast a little bit now.. except for
any God dam enhanced drug use.. as i have enjoyed
noW three years of ‘legend’ with no fame money along the
way of a public dancer in New Jerusalem style.. hehe.. and
dVerse comes back from vacation.. a place i have been mostly
away from a month too.. with a 5 day celebration of prompts..
to celebrate a 5 year anniversary there too.. where my
first two links three years ago.. were my Revelation
66.. 6 thousand word free verse abstract free for
all.. that took me over a week to do.. where
that is like a one day floating flighting
word play for me now..
and i provided my
‘About’ link on ‘Blogger’..
and hehe.. Brian Miller
the founder.. along with
a lady called Claudia
who have quit the
rigors and roles of more
strict ruling administrative poetry
upper brow classes and school too..
diD get a short interview by way of
Brian Miller today.. who was the
only Brave soul out of the dVerse
link group to respond to my
super abstract flow
of stuff and words
then.. so a nice a guy
he was who made sure he
got around to every poet’s place
to give them love and encouragement
unconditionally as he teaches in a Christian
Church way as well.. in real life.. a missionary
in India.. helping heroin addicts and other troubled
youth.. a real super doUper trouBle shooter to
heLp other human beings in Jesus Good cop
Golden rule way.. anyway.. he really provided
a thriving environment for freer verse away
from the rules poetry for advanced
enhanced nomad
ways of going
beyond the
norm of
poetry before..
but not every one has
an open mind like him.. it’s
nature and the conservative
vs liberal human beast that
keeps the world in a duality
of continuing yin and yang
Karmic flow of dArker
more conserving
scared energy
and liGhter
more liberal
giving and trying
new stuff in open
ways of doing stuff..
and as science shows now..
these ways of being are both
written in our DNA differently
in functional affect and effect..
with environment playing a huge
role and rule in who goes the way
of Dr. Jekyll or towards the more
wild side of Mr. Hyde2.. and in my
case a good cop Hyde with empathy
instead of the bad cop psychopathic
Hyde.. with a cold soul who gets pleasure
out of power and status over others and
even potentially their real emotional and
physical pain in life as well.. yes.. the world
is a many splendored and splintered reality
of dARk and LiGht.. the environment there now
is great for rule followers but for the non-conformist
nomads.. and super liberal ones like me.. just hell no..
just hell no.. i already worked for the Federal Government
for a quarter of a century and felt with their OCD rules too dam
long that made my mind eventually into a computer pARt too
without the
art of heARt..
stuff changes..
and today’s first prompt
of five that will make their
self present through Friday
POETRY ABOUT a theme of a journey..
and sure i am rested and refreshed from getting
away from that place after literally responding to every
prompt and every link for an entire year from April of
2015 to March of 2016.. as nicely illustrated in my
Blog Macro Verse Novel named
GodsUniVerseNovel3.. of the
338,600 words it took to
copy and paste that entire
year of effort in free verse
style poetry and prose same..
but my definition for both same
is poEtry as both prose and poetry
is one writing from the heARt wHere
iT floWs like a river over the banks oF
what was and is before.. to Ocean Waves
Whole that kNOw no Boundaries of either
spiRit bank or shore in miNd and boDy
BaLanCinG soUl noW
sAMe.. i fill and FeeL
iN the rest as i paint
the winds in color
oF Y i..
and juSt go
and go as far
as Oceans juST do.. FReED..
like i sAid.. i AM the Walrus..
Captain sAlt.. make oF iT
what yoU WiLL or WiLL noT..
i’M just in it for the NoW of
Journey with no God daM
destination but noW iN/
oF Heaven
iRise iSreal uP.. Up more..
and juSt KeeP goinG noW..:)

And sPeaKinG of That hEar i go..
to do dVerse soMe moRe.. with WiNks..

SMiles.. my friEnd Lillian..
been on about a month
break from dVerse too..
and so sorry to hear about
Viv.. stopped by tHeRe.. too..
but these days a heARt can stay
in ways of spiRit expreSsing
words of what a miNd and
yes body Part or two or
more has to say
in this brave
new singularity
of hUman souL
when uploaded
to a new unabridged
hUman bible named
online and sure.. so much more..
hehe.. sTiLL wrote a hundred thousand
plus words of my style of poetry in the last
month.. a novel every two weeks is my
own personal style
of free i

A play in middle school..
a poem of Christmas SonG
that won an award among
80 home room students in
8th grade too.. at age 13..
but after that for 40 years..
little to no poetic
eYes in hands
of finger
a short stint
of philosophic
flow in Philosophy
class at Junior College..
and a play of piano keys
in free verse SonG of Electric
keys as well in composition fLow
iN Zone of free creativity finAlly
away from sheet music prison..
as still recorded in digital
device on YouTube
now from 2007..
but not until
a full forty years
of DeserT iN Creativity
eYes come noW in
2013 from ’73
way back when..
wHere the promised
land is found within
and expressed without..
as inside.. outside.. above..
so below.. and all around more..:)

Journey of aging
a sure way for those
who survive life.. noW
lost from emotions
death at
1.. 2.. 3
from social
abuse.. and
be oh..
so young too…
as nicely played by
my crippled 94 year old
great aunt who could just
tell her pain to go away with a
a life of spiritual strength
in relative free will..
while i at 47
then.. had
no spirit at
all or Emotions
to speak of even
dark.. to escape
any pain @aLL..
yes.. there
are so many worse
things in life than
a death as living..
young too and
oR A
Ray briGht
heArt @94
no matter
crippled feet
a hEart as
never age
and iN fACt
God.. i’M glad
i have that perspective
as i never ever worry about
aging as i’ve already been dead in life..
for oh
a thousand
years in a second
even too… as
there is
no time
in life as dead…
my way
‘JoB’.. FeeLs
better than know..
in form of wiLted
Rose thAt sTilL SinGs..:)

Note here.. i FeeL it is
ridiculous to have to
include the word
journey in
a poem
i mean.. duh..
why get hooked on labels..
anyWay.. i ain’t gotta do it..
’cause i gave up that linking habit..
and won’t.. unless the word
comes before i think
about it..
greater than
labels without soUl..:)

note ends.. back
to regularly

You kNow Victoria..
a little bit of Viv lives
on in my words.. jack
henry.. don.. jill or jane..
perhaps i have forgotten
their names.. but the greatest
thing about living them all in
sharing words
pArt of
of heARt
never dies
as our hands
Write a pArt
of tHeir
eYes soUl
back to life
as yes.. the
journey goeS oN..:)

Funny how my words
turn in to lamps all oN
tHeir own.. true poEtry
is proof of God too..
a nice pLace oF liGht
to visit

WeLL i thiNk
it so sweet
all but two
so far now…
have freely
dedicated tHeir
journeys to Viv who
passed away in France
here recently.. certainly
a beloved member of dVerse
and more who will be missed
whose word do sTiLL livE oN..:)

Working with the military
for close to a quarter
of a century.. i got
to see the
fresh faces
go to war
and the
faces and bodies
come back from what
they named as sand box
life.. and truly when they
say like my father used
to say the military
will make you
into a strong
man.. there
is even
change in super
man-like way among
many fresh faces and
worm like bodies that
come back off
i wasn’t strong
enough to do it
when i was young
but i finally learned the
secret to success in life
is never leaving bootcamp
even if you never went..
as yes what
my elders
said is true..
male or female..
getting old is not
a nice game for so-
called smart phone
sissies.. and i was
the biggest nerd
usually in
the room
in techspectacular
sitting jelly fish way..;)

sMiLes Freya.. have written
close to 120K words in the
last month.. without
even the
that doing this
for a full year
last year and
responding to
every single
link and every
single prompt
brought then..
my other
lesson in life
use it or lose it
applies to all stuff
nature.. and never trying
IT.. IS A sure way never to
be all you can be.. per what
the army says.. i was a very
fragile child and young adult
in many ways of Emotional
Intelligence even though
i made straight A’s
and graduated
with a triple
three degrees..
sad to say in reality
i had to face the fact at
the end of all of that and a
25 yrs upper ending pay grade
level of Federal employment
that i had gained hardly any
of the Emotional.. Physical..
and Existential Intelligence
that could really lead
to a life not
but truly
and if i went
that long in the
dark.. i’m sure there
are many more who now
do the same.. as Lord
knows i tried hard to find
the answers.. but i could
never truly find them anywhere
else but deep within.. i have never
been happier.. or even physically
stronger at 56.. and i will not pay attention
to any limitations noW or expectations that
the 6 o’clock news or school/work bRings again..
as the bell
for mE now..
smiles and thank
you.. you alWays
make me feel welcome
i truly am in this for the journey
alone.. no likes.. no follows..
and the money
i left behind
in the bank..
hehe.. then..
long long
long ago..
ugh.. a society
without money
if it could happen
could really be heaven
now.. for so many folks
who could make their social
roles in moving.. connecting
creating ways.. like our distant
ancestors did too.. anyway.. i Am
from a month
break from
dVerse and
surely AM
AS hurricane
Fred in rain of words..;)

THeRe was a day when all my memories
were dark and negative.. and all my
feelings were pain and bLack..
and surELy a bLack
wHole soUl liKe
thaT WiLL
dAnCe and
SinG a SonG
rekneWed aS
liGht life bright
the finish now
journey never
ending starting
as phoenix rising beginning
from ashes ‘fore in death oF Life..:)

What i love now about
a bus is it IS A wonderland
in tour of new hUman
heARts when they
come separate
to be
as travel lust..
but i am a people
person.. and miss
that bus of life
when it
is not
of new
heARts to explore..
and sure of course..
this is a bus too..
and i am
the words
of your bus too..;)

Ttrue.. my friEnd
thaT A bLackest
wHole of perspective
can bRing A bRightest
bulb of hUman Hope and Love..
for when one has gOne
tHere and escapes
as hUman
iN us as far
as i FeeL a way
out mUst bE
shaRed as Love
oF liVing liFE aS liGht..:)

Train whistles sounds of
past or hopes for rides
to future destinations
past of Love
or past of
or now
of pain
that whistles
by.. funny how
all i heard was
train whistles so
far away.. when my
heart no longer SanG
a SonG of NoW.. and
now my SoUl whistles
in SpiRit FreED..
the train
is now
i always
board in FloW
in ZOne of Tracks
oF liGht of never more less
thaT i can and will do more..:)

Ah.. the canopied
road that shows a future..
a place of hope of roads
untold.. but sure.. a place
of DArk that
some can
no longer
go.. what once
looked ike despair
for so long is nothing
imaginable but hope..
a secret IS A reaLiTy
of alWays
a path
for more
than less before..
for oh the places
oNe WiLL GO iN briGht
on roads unwinding tOld..:)

Oh God.. way back then for
a whole decade it took
me a six pack of beer
to dance in my twenties
and now i am the only
one out of crowds
of hundreds
that wakes
up with no
headache at all..
and a full wallet that
never needs the first
dollar for the alcohol shot
of fearless legs.. hehe.. the
best way to lose all fear is
to dance in public..
at least for me..
and sure to
be a general
public named
legenT of dance2..
hehe.. i never need
a beer for fears..
As FeeT SinG DancE FReED..
iN Happy Feat of 56 year old PeN
Grin iS DanCinG
noW aLiVe..:)

That’s interesting..
i never thought about it
but neither Grandmother
offered any insight at
all about father or
in personal
way away from
them.. surely
that is a nice
to know
what one’s parents
parents fElt of Them..
and i never met either
Grandfather.. but fortunately
one was an author and an
X-Catholic priest who literally
left a published book behind
named a ‘Soul of a Priest’..
it was good to get to
know and feel
him.. as he
died some
10 years before
i was born.. the power
of words that last can
never be underestimated
in human terms lasting longer
than even deaths of days before..:)

Not to just lessOn the grief
but even in the dArkest
days of loss
as now science
even shows.. what
can be lost in oxytocin
warm and fuzzy social
comfort feelings.. and
serotonin neuro-chemical
ways of trust can generate
liGht in greater ways of
dopamine seeking
in the
science of
grief relieved..
as sure.. the dArk
can bRinG liGht
even in neuro-chemical
and neuro-hormone way..
as the creativity is what drives
new friends aS liGht of art STiLL to come..:)

All caught up at 6 0’clock pm.. 7182016
now for dinner/gym work-out
and perHaps
more later
in words to coMe..:)

The greatest changes we humans experience and
journeys are those epic to everyday mohumanments
(haha.. have no idea where that word came from)
of life that are always MoVinG.. ConNecting
and creaTinG anew.. even IF we are not
mindfully aware of the reaLiTy of thAt..
in a world filled with ruleS.. in
both limitations and
expectations we do
become as my friend Katy
Perry says.. people of’Ye
of so little faith’.. we are sons and
daughters.. etc.. as the Sun that
shines and gives uS energy.. we
radiate emoTioNal energy to inspire
we that includes me.. i.. you.. and us..
and in a world that focuses all on the
material reductionism of life.. we miss the
big picture that we are mini-me’s of God.. you
see.. some are the lucky ones.. the ones who have
escaped this material reductionism of life.. the Buddha
and the Jesus per what has been scribed of those men
off of oral traditions of many years that may or may not
fairly represent the life of these men..
perhaps.. it is the scribes themselves
who transmit both truths and
lies of what remain
in sacred text as books..
however.. we humans are all
one family that share the same
DNA and much of the same DNA
that the common rodent ancestor
way back from 75 million years ago..
shares with many of our mammal and
more closely related primate ancestors
and still cousins today.. in ape ways…
to deny the real potential power of
human emotions and senses
as mini-me’s of God oF all
Nature way.. is to
deny the potential
journey of life in light
of sun of we… to
explore it fully
is to potentially
go BEyond.. wHeRe no
human has gone before
and with that said i will quote
the best part of my journey of life
so far that was coming out of a hell
of within to a heaven of within.. without..
inside.. outside.. above.. so below and
all around from July 19th of 2013
standing on a beach with
my wife Katrina..
with an even
fuller recovery
coming on July 22nd..
2013.. and a journey of
eXpanding MoVinG ConnecTinG
CreaTinG.. heaRt expreSsinG emoTioNs
in regulating way and senses in integrating
way as SpiRit with a miNd and BoDy soUL NoW
that is constantly balancing no different thaN
thE planets revolving around the Sun and the
Sun/Solar System revolving around the Galaxy
and the Galaxy revolving around the black
hole center that in my case was
the middle of my life at ages
47 to 53 for 66 months
in bLack wHole
helL.. so
sure i am
‘super star’
with humble
black hole middle
endings and beginnings
that continue to go on in
mindful and bodily awareness
of now in emotional and sensory
Force of human being.. iRise iSreal..
and yes.. no doubt i WiLL use this
Katy Perry theme SonG many more
noWs in the future.. as Lord kNows
heR song ‘Firework’ back in 2010..
before i started writing was the
one spark of liGht my soUl
could see.. like an
Angel calling
out to me
to say
there is
hope somewhere
for you.. where you
no longer be a piece
of pain paper floating
aimlessly in the wind..
yeah.. i get upset when
folks suggest that Katy Perry
is some kind of Fucking illuminati
demon when she has the voice of
a real Katy Christ and a tattoo of
on her arm
that remains
of the part of
she has
not given
up for dArk
wHeRe thEre is
liGht of the memory
of a man who still lives ‪#‎iSreal‬..:)

July 19, 2013..

“Today was a wonderful day of
celebration for me.
I have risen from the ashes
like a Phoenix
since 2006
started a path of
human exhaustion
leading to many health
problems culminating in
a place I can only describe as
‘Hell’ on earth at the bottom of
a span of 1 hour of sleep each night
for 35 days and 5 at the end of 40 with
no sleep at all.
In beginning of March 2008 I developed
a type of atypical nerve pain behind my
right eye that was like someone stabbing
me in the eye 24/7 for 5 years until I started
this spiritual journey March 1, 2013, with
this blog starting on March 10, 2013.
I played the song
above in 2007 creating
the music to attempt to
re-attach my emotions that
were lost to severe and unrelenting
stress as an Athletic Director of
a military installation.
There was a Female Captain
that no one could please, who
took me and many others through
a metaphorical journey of hell at work.
There is no drug that will
touch the type of nerve pain I experienced.
The only solution was to kill the
nerve in my face; which
I could not face as
there could be
From March 2008
until November 26th 2010
my eyes also would not
make tears which
was the equivalent
of swimming
in salt
eyes open.
I spent many days, months..
eventually 2 and a half years..
thinking..I could not
read..listen to music
watch TV; there was
only thinking.
I was
not able
to listen to music
until I started this
journey too, as the
nerve pain affected my
ears too.
At the start of this journey
my goal was to once again
be able to visit and enjoy the
beautiful Gulf Island National
Seashore that is one of the most
beautiful paradises that exist on this
In my journey of typing on the internet
starting in November 2010 I find
the ability to withstand the pain
of the light of the screen
taking the mind off the
pain exploring logical
discussions with many
people on the internet.
I spent years of roaming that beach
as a young man and child.
It is the same beach that
is recorded in the video
‘Captain of Her Heart’ I link
in the Revelation 66 post.
This journey of blog
works to reconnect my
emotions, and love both
spiritual and human affection.
I uploaded the piano music I created
from a dictation device, that started
my ability to listen to music again
in March of this year.
The music that is favorite for my younger
years re-attached the emotion with
mind and language allowing me
to ultimately connect to my family again.
Along the way I found my spiritual life
again, finding the ecstasy of
spirit at a level I have
never experienced
before in my life.
At the start of
rise out of
ashes I was
having to take
4 MG of Ativan
to sleep at night
with the eye pain.
My pain is at a low enough
level where I finally celebrated
a night without any Ativan last
night after a slow and painful
weaning of this most powerful
anti-anxiety medication.
It saved my life to
sleep but almost
destroyed my
ability to
feel or
I am diagnosed
with a form of Autism
where I was a non-verbal
child until age 4.
I have always had difficulty
with emotion and language,
but I did not ever
think I would
get them
with that pain
that lasted
only pain
and empty discussions
of rationality on the internet.
In this spiritual journey
that went into full speed
on 4/27/2013 with
a post called Autism
and the Nautilus
I lost most of
the pain
and regained
as much strength
in body and spirit
as I have had all my life.
That picture of the beach
is were I landed at the end of this
day with my wife and I again
enjoying this wonderful
paradise of beach.
I looked at it in pictures so long
but being there with eyes without
pain was pure bliss.
I stood trancing at the
waves coming in
matching the
waves I feel
in mind
as now
I connect
to a place
that is almost
magical with
connection of
one and all
in mind.
If God had
took me then
my life would be
not time
to go yet..:)
My wife is 43 and
she is as beautiful as she
ever was at 19 when I met her
at age 29.
I marveled at her
beauty as she walked the
beach and found a nautilus
type shell for me with
my favorite shape
of 6 of golden
When we
capture it
with photo I am
going to link it here
at the top of this topic
to represent this pure white
shell I find myself in soul now.
I went to the doctor today and the
health is wonderful again.
My testosterone was a problem
when there was pain but is
now measured at 666 the patterns
of 6 I like so much because
there are three in my birthday.
Feeling as this number represents
the golden spiral along with 9 for life.
I recently find that there is a pattern
of flow of words of speech and typing
that match this ratio of life too.
One can see it in the shapes
that form in my typing throughout
this blog as the songs
of Nautilus Golden Ratio sing in
the archetype of mind and
Universe with me one and all.
My song I created on the
piano was at the start of this
struggle to keep my soul.
It is interesting to
me too, as close
to midpoint in my
music the mood changes
to uplifting instead of pensive.
I explore these many archetypes of
mind and culture in this blog.
In linking the you tube videos
it brought me to this
wonderful dark haired woman
and stallion of black on the desert.
The Woman favors my
wife very much.
I feel that she is like this
woman taking the black
horse that was soul
carrying across the desert
to meet it’s life again on the beach
that always was so much of soul to me.
I experience great joy, deep sadness,
true light spirit love and true will, with
the love of affection for my wife again
today all in one; once again
proving my soul and heart
of humanity.
The tears of joy stream down
my face
when I come to
this video and see the
whole of my wife who is
the guardian angel in this many
colored dresses taking me through
life guarding my soul no matter how
black it becomes after this pain that
is worse than any death I imagine
except for that death at the bottoms
of those last 5 of 40 days of no sleep;
a literal place of hell that is a thousand
years! in one moment!
I am thankful for every experience in life
as it takes me to this full
place of humanity and soul!
There is no possible way to
describe the happiness of
bliss I feel to be alive
on that beach again!
For anyone traveling
on this journey with me
in the background not speaking
I hope you feel my joy and can share
a part of it!
I am not sure what comes next but I am
ready for it!
Love and blessing true will to
all of you my friends!
KATiE MiA FredericK!”

And a couple of more
memories here in
Macro verse way
of continuing


i come in like a Wrecking Ball! heHE!


Hmm.. WeLL.. perhaps
that Turkish Evil eYe bit..
is a little bit not what i expected
as instead of protection for everyone..
after the shooting of innocent police
officers in Louisiana.. the U.S.. environment
for domestic terrorism continues to grow more..
yes at home..
and all sides
of the human
coin.. now.. ugh..
from those who
protect to those who
kill and or do both.. a
sad state of affairs that
iS far from UniTed Now..
and oh my God.. the world
oF politics.. a free fall of human
deceit.. lies.. and bully boys are us
they for sure now.. anyWay.. iF yA thiNk
wE got it bad here.. perHaps you haven’t
studied current events and history same of
the rest of the world now.. it ain’t
exactly A piece of apple
pie.. a Summer Game
oF Baseball.. or
a pool party
over there..
over all over there
either.. as we do have
a pretty nice overall whole
pie over here.. as Jesus F.
iN Christ.. according to some
books there was a son of
God who was crucified
just for professing
the Golden rule
true and that
we are all children
of God deserving the
same God dAM treatment
dArk to liGht.. in all the colors
and shades of grey from white
to bLack that comes in too.. the
Golden rule is rather simple as the
dude Jesus said that just one commandment
of Love the God oF Nature all with all ya heARt..
SpiRit and SoUl.. and yA neighbor as ya self as
pAft of aLL of thAT in consuming no harm to
yOur neighbor too.. fulfills all laws of
before.. as they FucKinG are not
needed as long as folks treat
other folks in fearless
courageous love
in kiNd real..
yeS.. iNcLudinG
Nature wHole too..
wHere even Love
yA so called enemy
and help ’em out instead
of stoning them.. cutting of tHeir
hands or strangling them in honor
killings same.. or anything else besides
this unconditional Love real as highest
hiGher God Given Altruistic Fearless
Love as all FReED inheritance gift
from God oF Nature sTilL now to
wE homo sapiens sapiens iSREAL
NoW.. this ain’t rocket science..
UGH.. as the world turns..
can be a nasty dirty place..
but sure tHere IS A way
out in Golden Rule simple
Heaven now for those who
see a team effort rather than
a divisive way aWay from Unity
now.. but true.. once again.. human
diversity as great as iT iS for overall
survival speLLs potential conflicts in
both Nature and Nuture way.. a BaLanCinG
act more than ever for the camel making iTs
way through the smallest needle eYe of a culture
and cultures trULy grown too large for their Trump Britches..;)


WeLL yes.. this pARt of the
story of the 686th Macro
Verse.. iRise ISreal..
per Yellow Boy’s
Visit to the shower
was quite clear to me..
and sure.. everynow Katrina
puts on the latest World and National
News Dirty Events in politics.. domestic
terrorism.. bad cops and stuff like that..
he runs to the shower to grab a bar
of soap to clean the shit all up
no less than a covered up
litter box of STUFF..
yes.. he’s quite brave
only armed with
a bar
not clearly
visible in this photo
too.. hehe.. Katrina
said i was weird wearing
my green sandals on the
opposite foot while i got
my knickers down as
the Walrus

And finAlly heRe beFore i hit the
sack and bed the same..
Goddess Isis in full
personal style
of Egyptian
head dress..
with Sea Horse
thigh tattoo fully
displayed for humble
praise.. for beauty as
such the Queen and i.. yes..
sure per iSiS REAL NoW2..;)

Facebook Friend Himali says..

Katrina looks soo pretty while
drying her hair..:D beautiful she is !

And i return with..

Katie Mia sMILes my friend.. Himali..
will relate your sweet
words to her!..:)


Yes.. Hashtag..
‪#‎iRise‬ ‪#‎ISreal‬ ..
for inspiration
‘porn’ at lEast..
and by the way..
have ya seen that Kia
we toGeTheR soUl YouTube
extended Video about unity and
differences among humans and
culture coming toGeTheR and DanCing
and SinGinG.. and plaYinG instruments
togeTheR as weLL.. WeLL.. Ki means
coming out or arising as well out of
the east which is short for Easter
as such for rebirth when yA add
the A.. which of course translates
into another symbol totAlly..
iN South Korean Language
oF course.. and sure.. i’LL
leave a YouTube
liNk as i WiLL
use that as the
headliner theme musiCk
to go along with all the Nature
pics in my next Macro Verse
oF Longest Long Poem form
Poem ‘eva pushing that
4M wordS iN no limits..
no expectations.. for
the different of My
Human potenTiaL
fuller explored as
nows go by..
and rise aGain..
yes.. in thaT coming
687th Macro Verse
titled.. wErise iSreal
yes.. sure.. hashtag..
‪#‎wErise‬ #iSreal ..
whatever hash tags
care to do as it’s
just another cultural
meme as nows go by..
as the ‘SonG oF mY
soUL’.. also web site
titled as KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
continues to gRow and shine like
no form Ocean Poem of beForE.. so FReED..:)

So.. i checked to see the results of last Facebook Profile
pic Turkish Evil eye.. and i’ll just call it the Karmic eYe
now as i do like to be somewhat original in creaTioN
activity @lEast.. so anyWay.. ha! whether it was done
on purpose or not.. Trump’s wife’s speech
per the opening so-called ‘gay’ mans
song in way of ‘We are the
Champions’ that would
have Freddie Mercury
rolling in his grave
if he kNew the Trump
fame stained his greAT!
creative and inspirational
SonG.. so yeah.. as the Karmic
eYe WiLL have it.. the Trump wife’s
speech came out sounding like a Black
Democratic President’s Wife as such..
and sure both speeches were
equally inspirational as the
story of any immigrant
coming over here..
by ancestor
way of wish
or even more
struggle to get free
here.. once yA get here
as an historical Black slave
too.. anyway.. careful what stones
yA throw aT Hillary glass houses or
the shattered glass my end up falling
on Trump and Trump’s own by the end
of last night’s convention events that did happen..
Oh.. the Karmic eYe.. no matter what happens yA
get the last look.. and say/do.. and with Yoda at thE
hELm.. yA are surE to maKe more poSitive liGht iSreal..:)

No matter how much camouflage..
Yoda Guise.. or very hairy human
legs.. it is almost impossible
to hide and blend in on
NorthWest Florida
Beaches… Rivers
and StreAMs oN
sugar white
oF LiFe..
so.. aLiVe..;)

Ah.. yes..
finAlly a place
wHeRe Yoda BLends
iN and can jUSt be himsELf..;)

Facebook Friend
Himali says in response..
to me as Yoda in the Garden..

What a pose with the beautiful garden. .
You truly seem to blend in..:)

i say in Happy return..

SMiLes.. and Hellooo.. my friEnd Himali…
Good to see your smile AND text this morning.. hehe..
and yes.. a beautiful Black Water River Forest bench
here in small park by that River.. Downtown that i grew up on..
the Water and FoRest is Healing no matter wHere i go i blend in
WitH God when NatUre is near.. and sMiLes2.. you are Nature too
my FriEnd.. hope you are having a wonderful evening in
India.. as i AM guessing your mini-vacation there
away from the Emirates of Arabia..
is still going on..:)

Himali says..

Hehe.. yes still on vacation mode !
And yes nature is so soothing and peaceful.
You’re lucky to have grown up with such natural
beauty around and we all melt into nature as we belong there 🙂

i say in on hashtag of bliss..

#Bliss ..:)

Facebook Friend..
Rafiah says..

I love the garden and the bench.
I would want to drink a cup of tea
with my favourite chocolate chip cookies..:)

Thanks my FriEnd Rafiah.. a lovely day it was..
i am currently watching the video you shared
and will be there soon to comment..:)


Facebook Friend Rafiah shares
a version of Sharia law that suggests
that it is non-violent and humane..
which of course is not at all
what one hears
about it in the
west as there
are horror stories
right and left..
yes in
and religion ways of discussion..
So i say in return for clarification..
in context with the recent honor killing
in Pakistan of a famous fashion model..
I’m hoping your Sharia law does not
support this.. as it does in some Muslim

Rafiah responds..

Islam does not even allow hitting a woman,
killing her for any reason is out of the question.
Sharia forbid any such activity. In fact sharia is
very pro woman. It is the society that is misogynist.
His brother is caught by the cops and hopefully
he’ll be punished for what he did.

i say..

Good to hear my friend..
thanks for letting me know..
sadly it doesn’t operate that
way in many other Muslim countries..
but i am happy it works better where you live..
sadly.. the teaching from the Koran and similar
teachings from the Old Testament now in the
the still revised version in the U.S.. has been
used in fundamentalist ways for all types
of abuse against women.. Jesus came
to perfect those old imperfect laws
by reducing 613 Torah
Commandments into
one of Love one’s neighbor
as themselves and God with
all their heart without consuming
each other with harm.. if one does
that with empathy and compassion
there is never even any light beating
of wives that according to the secular
laws of Pakistan is still allowed..
that’s sad.. but countries
will evolve as the U.S.
has steadily done too..
for women’s.. minority’s
and disabled people’s rights..
as God lives in all of Nature..
not just a select few as more valuable
than others from mountain to human
to less than a grain of sand and more and less..:)

“Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. [Quran Verse 4:34]”

And i say here now.. sadly a so-called Jesus
hasn’t come to correct verses that harm other
folks in the Koran.. and happily one was reported
to do that in the Christian New Testament but no
matter that when the Jesus says gentile.. jew.. servant
or free.. woman or man no more.. the old antiquated verses
in the Old Testament that were supposed to be perfected with
the Golden rule are still used as a heavy hand to at least ostracize
those who are the woman or man no more.. per everyone is children
of God no matter inborn nature or cultural associated differences as nurture..
so sure a verse out of Leviticus is still cherry picked to oppress God of Nature
born homosexuals as sexual orientation.. but thank God they don’t support raping
women per the verses in Deuteronomy that do just that.. but sure they could
again.. if the heads of churches same as clerics in Pakistan still allow
light beating of wives..
sure they could
spit in their
face and not
hurt them
but they
are not dogs
and even dogs
are children of God
same that deserve neither
spit on the face or a light beating as such..
to treat a human or dog less than a child of
God and the rest of Nature is just not what God
WiLL do when truly fully human in human form..
with or without lies and or truths of black
books of
there’s a better
way.. and it is
the Golden Rule
with consuming
no pARt of Nature
the bread
and water oF LiFe..:)

Rafiah’s Facebook Friend Saad says..

Islam is peace for every one for every relation.
BUt we r not perfect followers.we need
to mend our ways through education.

And i say..

SAMe is true in the U.S.. my friend..
not many people accept me.. for the
fact that i WiLL not put Jesus on the
only level as A God.. any greater
than any human as pArt oF God
when history clearly
shows now that IS A lie..
one then orchestrated by
Roman Emperor Constantine
and innumerable scribes and
scholarly suggested numbers
of 3 to 4 hundred thousand
copy and revised mistakes..
God lives now end and
beginning of never
ending story..
but that is not
something even
taught in most religions
or schools as paRt of US..
no books.. no schools.. no
religions needed when God
speaks through aLL of we
as Golden Rule
Love.. God’s
greAtest giFt
to wE.. noW..
the world is no
longer a patch of
dirt in the middle east
or even only earth.. God’s
territory extends bEyond Infinity
much too far for any human tongue
or eYes to fully relate unless they think
they are God FULL incarnate.. we speak a very
limited Language noW of God but wE muSt alWays
seek to see/speak more oF God.. or we give uP God..:)

Saad responds..

Oh I am happy to read this.
spread peace every where..:)

i say..

Amen.. my friend..
Peace and Harmony
Is God’s Language
iN all of Nature
wiTh Balance..:)

Rafiah.. shares a Islam
Scholarly video that
suggests that God
actually allows
light beating
in some cases..
of women straying…

as Rafiah says..

the explanation and right interpretation of the ayat you mentioned here is explained by Nouman Ali Khan. See one need proper understanding of all aspects necessary to know exactly what the ayat is telling. Glancing through the translations, which sometimes are very poor in conveying the whole and main message, it does not help much. Anyways Noman Ali has tried opening the reality and meaning of the ayah here.

And i say
in somewhat
analytical science and
FeeLinG Poetic terms..

Hi.. Rafiah.. no matter how many scholarly degrees a person has in science..
religion.. or philosophy as in the case of the New Testament when Jesus says
who is the one who has not sinned who will throw the first stone.. at the
so-called evil prostitute.. which after all is the world’s oldest
profession and a far CRY better.. that what is reported of
up to 80% of young girls sexually abused in the home..
in Saudia Arabia by physician studies there..
as the young men are not allowed ‘normal’
relationships with females when they hit puberty..
and that natural frustration can go to evil deeds of child abuse..
as a horrible alternative.. there is no excuse for violence..
and there are better ways to live life..
and there are reasons that human
beings stray when they live in
oppressive societies..
light beating.. is in part
a symptom of an overall lie that
seeks to subjugate and control women..
by timid men.. who are afraid their wives
will stray.. well.. the REAL news is many
women do not like timid men.. and God makes
them free to stray to seek stronger men.. and
that is the rule of nature.. and only the weakest
man will strike the straying woman.. rather than
defeating the man who defeated them..
in getting stronger and making
a better way for themselves
with someone else that is
the way nature works..
weak men will most always lose
in the end.. and those who fearless
love will win now.. it’s how it goes..
my friend.. i have been listening to a
barrage of news stories on the abuse of women
in Pakistan and the whole thing disgusts me..
but i know the reason for it.. it is
both culture and the interpretation
of a book that is honestly confusing
as hell to most people but not
confusing to me at all..
as i know who is writing
it is just a man.. no more or
less than any other human being.. we
all have voices of God.. some stronger
and some weaker but any man who would suggest
that a man should beat a woman.. even lightly..
over her freedom to seek a stronger man is just a
weak man.. period.. with a sword or not.. and i am
free to speak for God no different than Mohammad or you..
i’m sorry.. and no.. i’m not sorry.. there are many women
in many Muslim countries.. Many homosexuals same and many other
people who are dying because of that book.. and ALL THE
interpretations of it.. and sooner or later..
as folks did with the Old Testament that
does the same thing and even worse
than the Kuran when literally interpreted..
change will come.. and eventually people who
are perceived as weaker will NOT die at the
hands of fear and hate.. there are no perfect
books anywhere any place any time.. AS GOD SPEAKS
not just a patch of sand in the middle east.. no.. not
just a rock named Earth.. an Infinity greater now than
any of us will ever be able to relate with tongue or eye..
and the weakest of all humans will solve any problem with lightly beating..
humans are smArter than that.. when they exercise theIR gifts from God free..
and some are not.. and that is why the state of affairs are what they are for
many people in many countries in the dark of what life can bring too..
over here if a man lightly beats a woman no matter what..
he can go to prison.. and if she strays he can
see if he can attract another wife..
if he shows he is strong enough to
even do that.. otherwise.. he will fall
to dust as we all will with the love we make
or the hate we take.. in ways of lightly beating
or strongly beating.. better yet kissing God in all of uS..
anyway.. all this is very inspiring.. i tend to be fearful
that i will say something like i have with so many other people
in truth and light that will turn them away.. as i am only human
and do need friends too.. as all we social animal humans do.. but i
will never stand tall for anyone to be beat lightly or strongly as God
lives in those humans too.. NO MATTER WHAT.. and yes i am strongly
against all forms of capital punishment from paddling kids in school..
to the electric chair too.. all those folks would be better off visiting
a prostitute than hurting another human.. but only if the prostitute was
helping that situation out of their own will.. Love wins.. bottom line..
Nature proves it without a doubt.. and i do not visit prostitutes
or hit women who would stray as i am much stronger
than that of what weak men are.. but some are
not and that is reality too… anyway.. thanks
for sharing.. i’M always up to lEarn something
new and to give and share a little more of what i come to lEArN..
i’ve written close to 12 million words.. sorry.. NO.. not sorry..
a 80K word Koran of a limited vocabulary of 2000 words that i’ve
read about a hundred times and scoured it from front page to back..
doesn’t impress me that much… we humans are evolving still..
and i aim to move forward with everyone else as God’s
children and what Jesus was reported to say about
folks doing more than he.. is coming true
all around us for those who have eyes and
ears that see and hear more of God Given Human
potential now.. the first clue for me that there
would be problems with the Koran was a human being
who insisted that he had the last word of God.. WeLL..
my friend as science shows now.. as it did not show then..
God’s world is much bigger than a patch of dirt in the middle east..
and i cannot fault Mohammad for ignorance of what he did know then..
we know more now.. bottom line of all that is God now.. and we continue
to grow.. or stay stagnate and beat other humans lightly when we no longer
tolerate their behavior that we do not think should be done.. God rules..
free bottom
bottom line..
with no humans
books @ALL.. my FriEnd..
And i’m listening for what
God WiLL say neXt to mE2..:)

Saad responds back suggesting i don’t understand
Islam and the culture they have and they don’t fully
understand other cultures with no reference points.. and
sure he is correct.. as no two people will read any poem the
same and that is what all sacred text is as poetry that expresses
more than concrete labels for stuff like the sky is blue in color
way.. and the sand is brown and grass is green.. of course all those
are metaphors too that can be described for other pArts of liFE in almost
infinite ways of human imagination and creativity same.. noW all metaphors
are art.. there is no science alone for God.. and sadly that is what folks
attempt to literally do to religious poems.. and it will not work any better
than the so-called ‘novice’ that stumbles across my words play no different
in parables.. and almost unlimited style and yes of creative word play too..
that comes deep within human archetypes that is written in my DNA no different
than any other human at core of expression but with different metaphors of course..
so anyway.. he asks that i talk more about the Universal aspect of Allah God.. and
i do what i do..
i do what comes
next freely with
God i and sAme
at the
of the
soUl oF Y i.. and say..

Thanks my friend.. Muslim
people i meet along my Internet
travels are among the nicest folks i meet online..
and true examples of what we call Golden Rules Christians
over here in the U.S.. i have seen much pain and suffering
in your culture and it hurts me to see that as i am human
and i do not separate myself in empathy and compassion
from or for no other human beings.. i have
studied all religions deeply and the
thing that sets humans apart as
special from all other animals
except for perhaps.. Bonobos..
is their capacity for fearless and
unconditional love which means zero violence..
this is the way the primate Bonobo lives its life
in a healthy balance of lust and love that drives
we all beings to survive and love when that capacity
exists too.. and no.. it is no one’s fault alone..
not Muhammad’s fault directly.. nor Islam.. nor
Judaism.. nor Christianity or Buddhism same
and other religions for their imperfections
that i have studied for decades.. it is
the Environment and challenges of insanely
large groups of human beings living in close quarters
in places of non-abundance that leads to all this strife no
matter religion or not.. God lives in all of us and sure the
term Allah is a beautiful metaphor perhaps more than the three
letter word metaphor GOD for same.. however.. God has existed
long before human beings construct abstract language.. put that
into words.. collect abstract intelligence to approximate the
essence of God.. but only God can speak God’s language
no less than any man alone can be God… this is basic
logic my friend and common sense that we humans
are gifted with who escape the illusions of
culture and religions same.. God breathes
in us and as us and all things else seen..
unseen.. felt.. not felt and unkNOwn sAMe
and so much more.. we humble specks of sand
can only blasphemy God in suggesting we are or
know all of God’s language whole.. as the truth
of the matter is we only speak human and are only
a speck of dust in God’s eyes whole as you say Allah same..
the meek who take no more than they give will always inherit
the Earth.. and as humans travel now.. they live out of balance
with God.. so no.. of course humans are not God’s favorite creature
now.. as humans Destroy God’s home here.. and each other.. who God
lives in and so many other God eYes and ears in sensing and feeling
ways in the rest of the Animal Kingdom and more in the world as whole..
either we humans shape up or we will eventually ship out and not
come back for potentially infinity more.. and more of what
God directs as creator and liver of all stuff creation now..
in both animate.. inanimate and other ways.. that no
humans words will ever capture alone.. anyway..
in human eye..s unconditional fearless love
that will harm no other.. including violence..
light beating.. or spitting on the face of a woman
that way.. may save the world.. for human beings species
all.. or not.. it depends on us.. action.. consequence of light..
or moving towards.. dark.. death and destruction.. God will always
have the last word.. that says whether or not this human species
will continue.. or something greater will take humans place..
as in some cases that already is the case.. as with the
Bonobo primate who lives in Peace and Harmony with
both each other and nature whole.. tHeir
advantage my friend.. is they have no
written words.. no bound books in chains..
no cultures of oppression and repression
they speak directly to God as humans used
to do in the forest too.. before chains to words..
of writing.. to cultures/religions of oppression
and repression.. they hear the call of the wild of God Free..
and they simply fearless love in passion of living now in balance..
sadly.. humans are the dirty violent apes of real now..
as the movie series planet of the apes
nicely illustrates.. in new human
prophecy way.. anyway.. you are
very nice friend as is Rafiah..
none of my dissension here is ever
directed at you good and nice people
as nice as anyone at least where i live here
in the U.S… have a nice day my friend.. with
pEace and harmony.. loving fearless eyes that live
in balance with God wild and free now.. as God’s
children will be when unchained from darkness.. now..:)


So i just finish writing a poetic expression to
my Bestie Muslim Girl Friend Rafiah.. about the
merits of the Golden Rule of Fearless Harmless
Love for God of and as of all of wE.. from the mountain
to the grain of sand of less and more..
So i go outside to do my sand
and sun dance free with
God.. i look down
without my
corrective lenses
on my face.. in shades
way.. and the sun is reflecting
brightly on shiny looking mineral
specks in the sugar white sandy loam soil..
and nah.. first noW onE has ever spArked
my interest or is ever even noticed by me in
three years of doing this now.. with God of
Nature one and sAMe.. so i pick a fleck
of the shiny mineral looking substance
up.. iT is gold metallic looking in color
and makes the shape of a heArt and
leaf the sAMe.. except iT is like
a heArt penDent
of Nature one..
now with me..
so sure.. God
is both Winking at
me.. smiling at me
and perhaps
or 3
and infinity
more now..noW..
and the messAge
is only for me but perhaps
for giving and sharing for
others too.. as of
course the God
of Nature
all too
iN Force
as sAMe
thaT mY Voice..
heARt.. SpiRit
soUl wholE noW
WilLL carry further
a while longer than
that shiny moment
with God in Heaven..
seriously.. if the sand
shit gold bricks.. i would
be less happy than getting
now oF
as Tree
oF LiFE anD


Face pain in all shapes and sizes
ugh.. and intensities.. i can relate..
hope it ends soon..
and thank
tHeRe IS
and i have to
go get my fangs
cleaned on Thursday..
just a got a friendly
Dental Hygienist
now off
to your archived
post without pain..;)

Sadly.. the English
Language has
reduced heArt
more to semi-colons
and periods when Art
is speLLed as heARt
and River sane..
HA! iNsanity
stops and goes
and rarely changes..
Nature goes and goes
and rarely stays the same
even in patterns of sand
as positioned
in a desert..
as the wind comes
without semi-colons
and periods to change
all of that whether
we wish
or stARt
the WiND for
more liFe different
than what the SuN
broUght oF Now
never sAme
as bEfore..
a hUman cHoice
oF heARt flows with
or without the symbols
that can be written text..
the human spiRit SinGS
without restraint when emoTions
Flow without specks of periods to cut off
breath.. from MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
CreaTinG iN Zone of StreAM noW
wHeRe mINd and BoDy soUl
iS BaLanCinG upon a
now with
no labELs
of whaT
was bEfore
in priSon of hEart
no lonGer SuNG..:)


The SonG ‘Kýrie, eléison means “Lord, have mercy” in Greek, and is a part of many liturgical rites in Eastern and Western Christianity. Kýrie, eléison; Christé, eléison; Kýrie, eléison is a prayer that asks “Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy”.[3] According to Page the entire song is, essentially, a prayer.[4]’
as per Wiki research as before
the Tune came into my bRain
directly after i wrote the passage
above about the fleck of God’s HeArt..
i already fElt the essence of the SonG
from the 80’s as remembered noW saMe
as Christ SpiRit for metaphor of
Golden Mercy rule of hUman
being.. all innate…
instinctual and
as we
at core..
kind apes..
no less and even
poTenTiaLLy more
than Peaceful Easy
Loving Bonobo Balances
Love and Lust for Peace
and Harmony iN Life NOW as
empirically assessed by science
now with no doubt.. NO.. nO No NO..
hUman BeinGs are not cruel at Nature
given by God aLL of Nature when FReED
to be WiLd as any Child of God WiLLs to bE
iN Balance no less than all the rest of NaTure Free..
and sure tHeir is a burning fire of Love in Christ-like
metaphor for Golden rule as heArt but yes.. aS iN other
metaphors of symbols tHeRe IS A serpent of WiLL that wraps
around thaT heARt of Golden Rule for survival tRue tHat WiLL noW
ultimately do whatever it takes to survive as sure.. Cold Andes Mountain
Plane wrecks show when the most civilized of hUman beings WiLL turn
to Cannibalism.. no different than Bonobo.. when stresses of domesticated
liFe priSons become too much out of BaLancE wiTh Nature.. and sure.. culture
in aLL itS liGht and dArk ways can be pArtly either the dArk Nightmare inspiration
or dreAmy Heaven of NoW inspiring way of LiFe.. tHere is the Jedi Christ-like
spiRit but it is tempered in a way of tribal Sith sword as metaphor when
necessary.. as sure.. retaining a Wild and Free Loving Life
in Liberty for the pursuit of happiness is worth fighting
for.. and this Tribal Instinct of competition
for subsistence is aTiLL Ruled
by reptilian serpent brain
for basic survival…
Sports.. like
the coming
Global Olympic
games IS A much better
way to express the hUman
tribal instinct.. world-wide
soccer competitions..
eTc.. than Bloody
that have
Now no
end.. noW..
A Golden Rule
without an end


Ah.. the color red.. the lady in red..
the Ape who is ready to mate..
the Sith who is pissed..
the blood that colors
our hate..
and lust..
lips that say Now
Romance is soft.. LoVinG
and hot.. cheeks flushed
and warming up for Love..
Upper chest colored same..
in eYes of brEast.. male and
female sAMe.. sports cars
for folks who make up
for all of that
in less than
of human
LiFE.. noW..
the color of blood that
runs hot and cold and
sadly just Luke
iN some oF
aLL of wE..
who FeeL Blood Red..
and sAMe iN all ThAt is
LiVinG noW foR Now oF LiFE..:)


OKay.. iF oNE reAlly thInKs… about thiS
and FeeLs iT toO.. thiS iS reaLLy epiC..
Superman.. Batman.. Wonder Woman..
the Joker.. Lois Lane.. and
somEone elsE

Trick or Treat..
YoUr choice..
when me and
the Cookie Pool
Monster get TogeTheR2..
butt anyWay..
at lEast
i’M no
a 98 cents

So oKay.. the 687th Macro Verse
title changes again from
#wErise #iSreal

iRose iSraEL..

as tHeir IS A sentient
intelligence of God wholE so
far beYond hUman intelligence
that trUly rUles and judges in God’s
own way thAt most folks misS it AlToGeTHer..
and the closer i geT to God in ways of Synchronicity
it becomes more incredible by the second.. more amazing
thaN i ever thOught i could experience liFe without thiS hiGher
power as A REAL NATURAL PART OF MY LIFE that cannot even NoW
be fully described in words.. as iT is often so far BeYond words..
i’M not sure i WiLL ever come close to describing
God iN Words.. so far beYond any scientific
definition.. any Jewish or even Occult
Definition.. Bible or Kuran
or any human symbol
i kNow of or FeeL
and SeNSe NoW
jUst beYond books
is what i AM oF God
allone.. riSinG hiGher
by thE second.. iN a
BaLanCinG way thaT iS
cAlm and as easy as Hurricane
eYe oF Y i.. i cannot hope to take many
folks to tHis place WiTh God i eXist but
a few perHaps can come WiTh me for
wHere i’Ve been and places thAt even
i cannot fathom in Hands of God
and so.. noW.. so much
more.. iRose iSraEL..
as those words
from so far
for the LuST
and Love oF LiFe
in FigHt of wHat iT
means to FULLY LiVE
WitH GoD FReED.. i say
BRinG God back and
share God
Free for
who can
and Do
WiLL thAt iSreal
sure in wERise2..:)

iN Short and tALL..
BLessed BeYond
to DancE WitH GOD..:)


WeLL.. i slept with the Lady in Red on my miNd and heARt
last niGht.. in DreaMs of One with God as God
for metaphor for Lady in Red too..
as the fire at the middle
of Sun that gives
us life to
the blood
in our veins
that pumps oUr
heaRt.. as without
the core of liFE we no longer
Flow.. we no longer eat and
drink.. and no.. we no longer
reproduce and carry on the
human race.. and i will say
now.. this micro verse
is dedicated to the
young woman
in Pakistan
who was strangled
by her brother as he thought
her free and wild woman in red
behavior was intolerable and as
the laws of Pakistan say.. if the family
forgives.. the murderer.. he could get off free..
in what they call honor killing in the
Sharia rule for not following the rule of
Mohammad and his patriarchal female
ruling friends now same as in
632 AD when a 6 year old
girl could be purchased
and bedded at age 9
with her dolls
in tow..
or ‘lightly’ beating
‘disobedient’ wives..
i’M sorry.. i MEAN..
but to lie means
more womEn will die..
at the hands of men who
think they can control the free
God of all pArts of huMan Nature
who do live less or more wild in however
God manifests as hUman being.. yes.. as science
shows.. the human species is not even FucKinG aT
core a monogamous species as the Kinsey reports
and others have clearly shown.. some are monogamous
but the majority are not.. of course males naturally leading
that human.. nature and God reality same.. some folks will
never feel comfortable parading tHeir bodies around naked
and for others who ARE more wild and free with God Nature eXposed
they do it noW like second air as i GOD DaM SuRE WiLL TOO WITHIN
DO ALLOW.. anyWay.. the truth is for males who are too afraid that they are too
weak to hold the interest of their girlfriends or wives.. their method of control
is to execute it with force.. and sure the converse applies.. as well as within the
realm of legal papers named marriage where there are consequences for
straying.. including divorce and splitting up the marital assets
and starting again for those who lives revolve around
temporal material success..

SO ANYWAY.. here are the facts
about honor killing in Pakistan
and other related information..

“On the morning Qandeel was murdered,
she shared a picture of herself staring
defiantly into the camera, wearing a pair
of leopard print pants and a black tank top.”

i say.. YOU GO GIRL..

On the list of 145 countries featured in the World
Economic Forum’s 2015 Gender Gap Report,
Pakistan is second to last with regards to gender disparity.
According to the Independent Human Rights Commission of
Pakistan, violence against women is rampant, with as many
as 212 women being killed in the name of ‘honor’ in the
first five months of 2016. Pakistan’s Prime Minister,
Nawaz Sharif, has vowed to tackle the problem
but critics say few concrete
steps have been taken.

i say..

IT.. at least in part.

“Despite reports that she was scared for her life,
she wrote that she was a fighter.
“I will bounce back,” she said,
adding that she wanted to
inspire women who have been
“treated badly and dominated by society.”

i say.. go girl again..

And now i say.. God is
listening and watching
in Karmic eYes of God

And this is what
the Killer said..

“The brother of Pakistani social media star,
Qandeel Baloch, says he’s proud he killed his
sister, claiming he did it because “girls are born to stay home.”

And this is what the other Killer
and rapist Mohammad said..
as i already said
it above..
and now i say..

Muslim countries
are comprised of Human
Beings and no matter what
he or she said before.. human
beings will strive to take care of
each other.. and gloss over the
injustices of before..
but the truth
is sometimes
the obvious
be said
clearly with
no ifs ands or buts..
as when i saw that Tarzan
movie.. that man with the mustache
and the hat who was in charge of the killing
and enslaving of the black folks was Mohammad
incarnate again on screen.. i’Ve seen ‘the horse’
up close
and personal
and the horse
is very dark
and dangerous
as the horse knows
how to mix love with
hate and get his way..
but true Angels of God
are not deterred at all
or fooled by the lies
of psychopathic
And here is what the
Gnostic Jesus had to say
about it in sacred texts attributed
to Jesus long before Constantine
or Mohammad had the opportunity
to twist what was left of these earlier
pristine texts un-convered in original
form as late as 1959 in Egypt and
to be clear.. there are still no
written words of the man named Yeshua
and Jesus.. as scribed from oral mixed
tradition the 40 years after he died
as records suggest that this was written
100 years after he died.. no suggestion of the
myths of a virgin birth.. resurrection or any non-human
natural human miracles.. and no.. i do not agree with all
of it either.. as i will Love my Mother and Father no matter
how much i disagree with them.. and yes.. i will offer dissent
to great extent.. but i refuse to even hate Mohammad or
Adolf Hitler same.. as over 200 Million deaths have
been attributed to the rise of Mohammad’s empire
as human warrior ways will do with or without
a so-called religious hand of God..
to secure territory and subsistence
resources including reproductive
controls for mating
and making
more children
to replace those
who have fallen in wars..
it’s not a pretty picture.. in fact
it is horrifying but it is part of
human nature when
there is competition
for resources no less
and more than the rest
of the animal kingdom too..
but yes.. with WILL over fearless

Jesus as reported in the
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas says..

“37) His disciples said to him,
“When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?”

He said, “When you strip naked
without being ashamed, and
take your garments and
put them
under your feet like little
children and tread upon them,
then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid.”

Does that remind you of anything
i do.. WeLL the truth is it works..
when a person loses the
guilt that has been
instilled upon
them by the
lies of Abrahamic
Religious myths
that the lady in red
who is naked from
head to toe no
less than
and a LOT more
by the bravery of
this hero woman
in Pakistan.. or
and the Penis of the
even uncircumcised
human being now..
is anything less
than Now noW..
holy and sacred
they are simply lying
to themselves and
lying to and as God
the same as God is
Wild and free and sure..
somenows/then in arid lands
God wants to keep the moisture
in and not die of thirst by covering
up with light.. light colored clothing.. that works..
fine.. but in places like Florida where the humidity
is high.. and not evaporating sweat on the skin
to cool the body in the free air of God could
mean heat stroke and death.. it is only a fool
who would cover tHeir Body from head to toe
and die in disrespect of God’s Greatest gift
of liFe.. Jesus was a Naturist.. a Yogi-like
Dude eerily similar to me..
it’s easy to see if you
read that sacred text..
down to almost
say and Do iF
one reads
than the
lies of Constantine
and his Catholic Cohorts..
and like i say.. the Karmic
eYe oF God huwomanifest
in all “wErise” human
iS watching
as the title of this
687th Macro Verse goes
and changes iN the longest long form
poem personal bible.. now approaching
4 million words.. at least four times longer
than the old bible.. both.. old testament
and new testament put toGeTHer.. and
40 times longer than the Kuran
as only a flea of what
Mohammad could
do then.. as
compared to
mE.. except for
purchasing little
girls for sex and marriage..
and being a war lord and
raping and pillaging the opposing
teams material goods and mothers
and sisters and wives.. i’d rather
be a writer with words/dance as
my only sWords are feat of feet and
hands of PeN
iS what i do
2.. noW Now
Free as God
can be maNiFest
in hUman being and
if nothing else i AM
jUst fulfilling that Saint
John Verse that says
that Jesus reports tHeRe
WilL be those who come and
do more works through hope..
faith.. and belief than he did then..
and hell no.. he was handicapped..
as he had no iPhone6s.. iMac desktop
silver workhorse.. or a pair of earbuds to
pick and choose his prophets and angels
from around the world and share them in
Google and Youtube and overall web
ways of a new age of freedom of
speech and all other forms
of human expression
from head to
sure there
IS A photo(S) that
goe(S) along with this..
As someone i heard somewhere
said something about someone
somewhere coming in glory
to judge
the living
and the dead..
and a Kingdom
that has no end..
i’M not waiting
around for anyone
else to do it.. as Jesus
said Just do it.. and DO IT MORE..
as the latest Superman Movie as the
writer said IS A metaphor for the
return of Jesus.. when Jesus
would say i cannot
do it alone
we must
rise aLL
and do iT aLL..
#iSreal #wErise ..
And if Jesus were to
come back now..
i’m quite
sure tHeRe
would be a hug
and a shake of hands..
and that would be enough
reward for me to serve like this NOW
as a soldier of Love/God with NO FEAR..:)


And yes.. i kNow i’M juSt a needle in a haYstack..
a tiny wave in an ocean of world-wide web..
a hUman with many huMan weaknesses
and functional disabilities..
but the bottom
line is for those
iN ThE #iSreAl
#wErise REAL
KnoW anD FeeL
anYthing iS possible
WiTH GoDHeaRt@HanD..
as the TITLE
but my words
are set in online SToNE..
and Love iS written iN THiS SToNE..
MaKinG room for anOTheR SonG noW..:)


Yes.. the eye is back..
and again.. the new
and improved Karmic eYe..
in left way


WeLL.. Shawna.. so nice of you to come by.. and hehe..
no need ever to say you are sorry to me or it has been
so long.. as in my terms of time.. all is now..
and you never left.. and after all..
oh my God.. you had to travel
probably close to 30,000
words and 200 or so photos
to get down to even say
hello on this 20th day of
July.. yeah.. sure i’Ve missed
you but yes.. you have four children
and are home schooling and this is
an Ocean Poem.. and not just a fly
by night verse of words and yes a
fly night verse of words too.. hehe..
in broads day light of course too..
and haha.. actually i didn’t
notice that girl’s
butt on the
Turtle photo..
as not only are
Katrina’s shoulder
lovely hehe.. so sure..
i’ve seen better butt days
than that too.. but i do love
all female butts as they do provide
a fertile way for human growth.. as
the scientist.. man speaks uP for me..
what else.. oh Lord.. i was just gonna
go outside and sand dance before i got
yoUr notification.. but i AM alWays pleased
to hear from another Super Creative individual
who home schools all four of her kids2.. and hope
all is going great on the home front there.. have spotted
your footprint here and there across dVerse trails but ugh..
no linkie to hook up with your poetic words yet.. been sitting
in this chair way too long today.. do have to sand dance in the
Sun but if that hyperlink is still working for a place you stay..
be by
to check
the latest
version of Shawna
and all of her poetic word
play and see wHeRe we can go
neXt.. yes.. Lovely seeing your text
here and perhaps i’LL catch a smile
of your glimpse of whatever you are
doing now.. after i sweat a little bit
and work on my artful
head to

*Update.. went
back and looked at
that butt you are talking
about and the girl’s butt up
there is covered by a WEAR TV
Channel 3 news banner.. ugh that other
one is a man’s butt.. you had me a little
worried i missed a great girl’s butt..
but the dude’s
tattoo on
his leg
is okay i guess..
i suppose he needs
to get to the gym
and grow some hair on
his legs.. funny isn’t it
how women no longer like men
with hairy chests compared to the
70’s where my fur was one of my
main selling points back then..
now it’s ooh a hairy man..
instead of oh lala or
whatever excited
women say
that way..
i remember
one super
girl say
at a outdoor
festival looking
at my dark chest
forest then..
oh Fred
that looks
so good..
i blushed
i blushed
and blushed
some more…
any way.. Ape
i’ll be
Ape i Am
proud Ape
to be hairy
handed or not..
oh.. and that reminds
me.. another Pacific Islander
Virgin Catholic Girl told me
when i was playing Volley ball
with her at school or rather
she asked me.. Fred is the
Color of your
hair Golden..
i said i guess
and blushed
very red
and for some
reason my pants
got tighter too..
oh the joys of
living back then..
in NEW Jerusalem
wHere even bad boys
respected women oh so true..
unless they were not virgins
and oh boy that was so truly sad..
but stuff changes.. from head to toe and MORE..;)


oKay.. i have to go play
in the sand and sun..
but will be back
in a bit to
play more
with you..
just to
hold you
over ’till
the neXt
play of
wE comes..;)

Yes.. i’M back and oh Lordy
it’s so so hot outside..
and of course after
doing that
i AM
with an excellent
shaped butt.. with
some blue jeans on..
and just to be honest..
she looks like she is ready
for anything that comes next..
Oh Lord i’M sTiLL dripping with
sweat and my feet are still half
coated with sand on top..
okay.. off now to
see what
of fun
and play
in creation
activity i kind find
next.. as Lord kNows
today and yesterday i got
i might bit top serious in play
now to let it all go an duSt have fUn..;)

i just stArted to say i will
now ravish your poetry from
top to bottom.. except for
the pARts i have
already filled
iN.. but
i look down
and see your
bottom has gotten
much longer than
beFore so sTiLL
wE wiLL
see what
comes neXt..
as Lord kNows2..
a Girl with a cowboy
hat with a quick release skirt
is super

note here..
i’m starting
to fiLL like i
AM the Walrus aGain..;)

as note ends.. with
Shawna now fully in toes..
and feat of hands..
in poETry
FTW.. as
Walruses and
egg men sAMe
WiLL do to WiLL
when sEt FReED..;)

First oF aLL Love to be
able to fully play
with a highly
creative skeLeton
BRain and a key
of 11:50 a
or pm
28 seconds
and sTiLL counting
more.. hmm.. the
key has pink laces
and the pInk shoes
have grey laces..
and very
maY bE
a Deeper
meaning for
that as sure..
what is written
will be dOne
onLY in
iT Can
be interpreted
by creative minds..
and yes.. bodies too
all iN BaLaNCe sOUL..;)
(ps.. a zillion youtube
sonGS are running through
my head.. juSt great to accompany
all these spRead oUt tHoughts
sTiLL to come)
as free
is the key
to all creativity..
prophecy.. Wholy
Spirit stuff and
the all
wax that
starts us
all aLivE.. as
Big Bangs wE..;)

First of all one time
you said thank you for
the privilege of Carouseling
your eYes.. Jesus F. In Christ
imagine what it would be like
to visualize almost every word
ya saw.. after you read oh God..
100 million or so..
i can’t totally
do that
but 4some
reason i can
sure remember
purple eyes
and pink and
blue everything else..
sounds like a chick flick
to me.. i’m pretty sure you
would eventually want to see
an ax
movie again..hehe..;)

Okay.. i’ve heard of getting
kicked out of bed for
eating crackers
but eating
is like
in bed.. so
i can’t say
that is
too mean
of you to eat toast
on your husband’s side..
as long as you eat the crumbs..
and don’t break the bread too much..
oh Lord.. iF Katrina isn’t mad at me at
least once
a day..
i take
her pulse..
but she is way
too OCD to eat
anything in bed..
ugh.. the things
i miss out on in life..
seriously.. i wouldn’t
get mad at all if she ate cake on bed..
as long as she licked the icing
and didn’t
get the
too sugary
and sticky..;)

WiLL is so important..
and Oh Lord society
takes it away by providing
all the instructions before
we almost
live and leave
the crib..
where to go..
what to study..
what to write..
how to sit still
all day moving on
from one class to
another 7 or 8 times
a day.. and now the screens
are a new 4 to 27 inch domain..
with 60 inches or so of HDTV reality
beyond the
smells of
and mosquito
bite itches..
to feel
ya skin..
hmm.. yes..
wHere did WiLL
go.. to School.. to Work..
only Free play liFe trUly bRinGS
back what we WiLL to wAnt..
i want iT all now.. i found
now.. and i need
but now..
it was
so simple
aLL alongG
now.. iS
was and
is all that is
now.. so i savor
now.. like a lollipop of God..
and should i say i suck on it..
that would BE
PC incorrect..
butT i surely enjoy
every last drop of God

Oh.. Devil yes.. been
tHeRe done the skeleton
hAir dance.. that never moves..
with cLouded eYe lids of dArkness
blUes thaT fAde to grey.. SinKinG
as dead..
oh.. the bones
so cold.. the bones
so lone.. where split
ends become dead branches gone..
and all the leaves have wept to sleep..
just looking
uP waiting
for the
Sun to
SpRing liGht
iN Winter Skeleton greys…
in wait of skeleton white reflections liGht..:)

the heARt
gRow wander..
Ravens store
no eat

Yes.. PS.. eTc..
That woman’s
right hand
is maKinG
me kinda
i skipped
her skeleton
right half..
funny how the
mind moves to
even with
holey eye..;)

ps2 play
left hand
or i will
my prompt..
ugh.. no mistakes
alloWed.. bonies or not..;)

This makes
on one Shawna
prompt.. oh teacher
oh teacher.. i wanna
another gold star now..
or at least
they do
in home school2..;)

Now to move on
4 step

And here is
six and oh God
you’ve caught up..
as i now move on
with my
6 in fuller under tow..;)

um Yum
is an om
for me
as i sit
my dog wood
tree.. oh.. but i cannot
sit still so i fidget.. get up
and lift my toes.. next is
a side swing of soul of foot
to the left and right.. hips slowly
sway.. thighs and knees move
in waving
lines.. fingers
raise to sun.. clouds
and dogwood tree top too..
whirling twirling i go.. me
and God never
get Dizzy
as gravity
our friEnd sAMe..
we fly we fly on terrestrial
plane.. cRap.. walKing on water
is boRing
to this fun
or even breakfast
in bread with extra
crumbs of toast
but that
was delicious
when the wife
swallowed the last bite..
the cake is all finished
what wiLL

ugh oh..
i feel like
i just walked
naked out my
private back yard
into the
and now
i’LL move
of hillabillaritrUmpway..;)

Ah spread
open places
love the clear
view here..
and did you
say naked and nude
as noodles come soft and hard..;)

Oh Lord that reminds me
of what stays at the Sim
Soc and Las Vegas stays
at Las Vegas.. yeah..
Jesus F in Christ..
a leadership class
where folks had the
opportunity free to cheat
on their wives.. everyone was
drinking at the bar tables.. and
i was still Autistic shy as hell.. good
thing.. i guess.. as i remember catching
the tale end of someone
saying they
walked in
the room
and saw
or her on
top of her
or him and
by the end
of that class her
or him or the other
person was pregnant too..
people can
be such rascals
when they think
no one is looking..
that’s Y i do it all out
in the open.. as my
scarlet letter is what it is
on top..
with no
one else..;)

Lord.. this
makes me
glad my

I was just
going to your
bottom and
now i’m back
up to your top..
and truly the
makes the
top and

Oh God yes..
dancing on the
table top..
the earth
is definitely
mY table
haul overall..
it’S like the world
IS A strip joint and
i’MfuLLy clothed
with Bliss..;)

Now.. i’m thInking what’s
easier.. all this fun
or approving
all my comments
to see what comes
next.. oh Jesus
in Christ..
my handwriting
is a wreck of chicken
scratch worse that Kurt
Cobain.. and i can’t even
play guitar..
for Dance..
yeah.. it’s crazy
but i remember
the way Kurt Cobain
writes.. and i like Nirvana
but tHeir songs are just ok to me..
but i do Love
teen spirit
still over
the age of
18 in dance hall way..
to be clear just the spirit..
as shy Autistic boys sTill do now..;)

Yay.. up top
again with
more Coyote Ugly..;)

So now i’m down
at Songs.. and
this reminds me
of a girl i once knew
who talked dirty to me..
she said.. never mind
keep your
head here..
while i keep it clean..;)

Man.. i mean
Woman.. i mean
Shawna.. i mean
that stringed instrument
there is a great Yo YO play..;)

Oh God ..i knew if i cLicked
on that liNk i would go straight
to Angel
but yes..
it was tastefully
done as the super
masculine Angel
will mix
as fallen
do with
Angels.. too..;)

Too much
skip to
the next
one and perhaps
be back in official ‘form’..;)

Word be
tOld i am
a lips
and eyes man..
and this is pleasing..
very pleaSinG..
and yes of
done right of course..;)

Ugh.. looks
likes a
Love without
emotion only sucks..;)

Some how
this reminds
me of what i just
said in reverse of
6 form..;)

There is
i Love better
than a 32 string
guitar with

This reminds me
to perHaps go back
and finish up on that
Journey prompt..
as i continue
to cover
you in
commentaries noW
in real time journey flow..;)

This reminds me of what
it looks like when a butterfly
enters a black Whole soul
and loses
all its
until it
comes out
on the other
side 66 months
later.. and finds
out human
are a
real deal now..
iN 8.. 9.. 10
1 start again..;)

Hmm.. back
out of Wonderland
back in Wonderland
but still
back to
work and
i’LL keep Playing..
on all fours

i like
the suck
version better..
it has more
to it..

CRap.. how did
i miss Kid
Rock way
up here..
and i wanna
be a Cowboy..
it’s like
i felt someone
wondering why
i left
kid’s rock out..;)

WeLL cRap again..
i just looked at
that previous poem
verse too.. and come to
find out it sucked too..;)

a great
dance position..
very comfy and cozy looking..
like holding a Teddy bear.. etc..;)

Man.. i mean
Shawna.. it can
be difficult to have
some names from other
countries and live here
in the
U.S. of A..
unless it’s
of course..
or Kida Rock.;)

SonGs are the best..
there was a really
cool one about
the Lady in Red
last night
but i
the female
free form..;)

Window pane flowers
of artificial
nah.. i’d
rather be
real too and
never be like that2..;)

Well okay.. i end here
with a multi-colored
on the
line.. perhaps
a Beatle Walrus..
a Yellow Submarine
play and am Egg man
too with Easter Colors here
smILing.. and to free associate like
the Beatles do as well.. BRinGs
different interpretations of
what could
and might
fly.. truly
no different
than abstract
thoughts in revelation2..
hmm.. now it’s time to work
out.. i guess i celebrated the
dVerse celebration at your
place.. now
you said hi..
wInks.. Love
ya Friend.. fair
wishes and following
sees on your re-reTirement
into wheels that alWays have
new rubber
of Shawna


WE are aLL going to have to iSreal wErise
up to get this job dONe of peace
for East and West..
stArting witH the
balance of our
own hemisphere’s
of miNd and Body way..
and then the two hemisphere’s
of Earth.. and Latitudes and Longitude
of hUmans WiLL Follow neXt as particles of H20 streaM
ZoNes whole as Rivers to Field and Ocean sAMe..
but will all that sAid.. herE IS A Facebook quoted
meMory from mE from three years ago here..:)

‘Peace Prayer for East and West’

IT is All for Love.

IT rings true backword or forward Center Balance of One and All.

The fight of west against east is Prayer Peace.

ALL One Sees Passion Life Sees One aLL

IS Experiences Ones

Neither an Answer

OR Question

Neither IS Question

an Answer Neither

Ones Experiences IS







Ones IS







IS Experiences Ones…

Ones Experiences IS…

aLL One Sees Life Passion Sees One ALL

Love for All is IT.


SMiLes came back long
enough to say hi
and catch
the last five
for a total of
41.. night
night.. Shawna Baby..;)

Ok.. i’LL go
five to top one..
and that’s quite
a selection of wine
that rap dude has..
a silver cross with
pp.. a stick
and star
and a
ya don’t
mess with big
bad jim sneer..
anyway.. lean back
is what ya do with ya ride..
when ya are super fly cool..
and yes.. i too have advanced
to the Tiger on the Savannah

Glad to the
twins are
still doing

Man.. i mean Shawna..
i Love eclectic Album
Covers and oh my God
i have an ear bug from
i Am the Walrus
and Jim
the SonG
that i don’t
wanna get
rid of as Jesus
F. in Christ..
is so much
more fun than
serious.. a clown
i’LL stay and the
to play for free..
even without
and grins..;)

resurrection th/igh
parallels rootless
legs my die refuse i but
plagues with me scalds
still scripture quiche
Spanish my rim
quiet along
hunger called wish
tracing stag
became Grey
Sebastien day
room b(re)aking
the heart—
my lost I
this: know but
bed the jib and
up it back just
know you didn’t
servants have i
penetrations eight-
figure about prophecy
continues music Irish
while brackets gloomy
cortico castrated our
guarding i(nsi)dicy
mischievous this
through stumbling
keep goo button-belly
sticks licorice
in written-notes
ransom block-half
around Pagan-wearing
Mansion almost cremating
decay and slaughter of horrors
here in hot
frigging it’s
me breathes.”
Hehe.. i just
Palindromed you..
with a Trumpwriter..;)
(note: this means
this IS A quote
of Shawna’s
Poem in
told ya..
you would
be desiring
an ax-like

Oh.. Lord.. got
confused.. didn’t
realize Sebastien
was a tailored suit
boy.. thought
we were
50 shades
of grey.. but
never the less..
dear as
and red
sith devils might say…;)


“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of the colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” — Robert F. Kennedy Speech, South Africa, 1966

it’s a tough road fighting ingrained culture..
it’s a culture that keeps human life going..
It’s a catch
22 that
both ways..
and yes.. Kennedy
iS correcT noW
has to
An effort..
one word.. one
step at a now or the cave
art remains.. alWayS iNsaMe..:)


Thanks to you my friend.. Shawna..
i’Ve been discussing some really
sad/sick and disgusting stuff
the last couple of days..
and it was heArt
in our
little poem
play yesterday..
And ha!.. poEtry
with another person
is like sex.. with another
person you Love.. the more
you hold
more you
have to give..
hehe.. and sometimes
that’s equally true when
ya would kinda like to punch
the person
and they
don’t strike
oh.. the dARk
and liGht oF liFe
you move me both
ways and sides now..;)

Ha! sorry..
no i’m not
sorry.. in fAct
even when i wanna
be sorry.. i’m usually
not sorry.. as i base my
philosophy of liFe on unconditional
Fearless Love.. and sometimes it’s true it
hurts the feelings of other’s ignorance when one
strives on with Love..
you kNow the kind
that says
in front
of the world totally
naked and unashamed
like the Gnostic Gospel
of Jesus
said to
set ya free..
i find these truths
self evident.. and truly
what is self evident in my
eYes is the trUth and liGht
of what God SinGs to mY
heARt.. SpiRit and SoUL..
and i cannot help
but to repeat
this SonG
to 12 million words..
God inspires me so much
as all free spirited animate
and inanimate paRts of God do..
tHere are lots
of preconceived
notions of protestant
preachers in my mind
as my life goes by and what
i have experienced of that in
both dArk and liGht.. including
moments with my tennis buddy
Catholic Monsignor from high
school.. i kNow
and feel
the secrets
the cloth.. and
i cannot help but
to expose those too..
in each and every way..
kNowing you
and FeeLinG you
the way i do..
i don’t
see how
it could
be easy
for you to
be truly you
and fully you..
married to a man
of the cloth down south
in Alabama lands..
but i’m sure you
do your best as you
do here.. my friEnd..
alWays best wishes to
you.. and your husband and
four Lovely children.. see you down
the trail.. as Shawna never gets old to me
iN aLL yOUr
my FriEnd..:)


Facebook Friend Himali shares
a link that sings to a woman’s
desire for Romance in books..
and the
men of life.. so i say..
SMiLes.. my friEnd Himali..
we are all born on this rock named
earth.. some folks see all the
colors of the stone
and romance
it and others
tend to rape
it without much
FeeLinG of Beauty
oF all the Colors oF Love…
Romancing this stone
iS what i do
as pLay
oF liFe..
the Earth
is my Lover
in all it gives
and takes as well..
as truLy Love is Written in the Stone..
And then tHere are the stars and all of God
to give
and take
as Fearless Love..:)

Facebook Friend Himali returns..

So true.. We come from the earth
and belong to it… No better
lover than the nature..:)

And i say..

Yes.. my friend Himali..
sad when folks separate
themselves from Nature and
surely in work life i did that for
decades with Nature finAlly taling
me in Nature’s own way to come back
home and home
is wHere i live
now.. no longer
a Wrong planet of culture..
the cAll of the Wild SinGs God’s
SonG unmistakable in book ways..
when one hearS it noW as HeARt
spiRit SunG soUL SonG SO-FReED..:)


My LOVE! of the Way of KUNG FU!

WeLL.. as i’ve mentioned before..
in longest long form style
poetic expressions
now.. to
free associate
and art in eclectic
ways is to Force 10
as Rush says in SonG
too.. and go further than
the tribe before..
it’s what
through all nows
have done.. the nomads..
the crazy ones.. hell yes of course
the dopamine filled somewhat to
extremely manic one’s
with dark lows
like Jim
Carrey.. Robin
Williams.. and
his dead
come to life
in me as wELL
iN all ways that comeS now2..
ThE more colors we feel as heARt
oF liFE the more we Sense and sex
and all the rest.. in ExpresSinG those
FeeLinGs and Senses and sure sexual
intelligence as pArt of the core libido
that drives life in general
in most all living
species of
the animal
and fishes..
and other
stuff too2..
and sure even
at the smallest particles
that join togeTher in INterdependent
relationship with all that is aka God too..
Life is sexy.. very very sexy.. to eXpress a
it up like a book and never open it up until
you are of marrying age or never at all
like a priest.. or monk.. can be to
never fully live and love
at all.. in this spiRiT
oF God and hUman
togeTher ONE more
fully alive..
as miNd
and BoDy
Balance soUL
‪#‎iSreal‬ as real can be
‪#‎wErise‬ toGeTher Free
in MoVinG ConnEcTinG
cReating liGht ways or we
fAll to the non-moving.. non-
connecting ways of non-creativity
that sets much of the world sTiLL
iN DarKness way.. sad thing is it’s
hard to change the titanic around when
all it’s ever seen and done and felt in life
is more or less like an iceberg always waiting
i’ve seen
the iceberg through
the eyes of my friends here
and those who consider me an
enemy or those who simply do not
have the ability to understand me
hardly at all.. the iceberg is
ominous for those who
live in this dark
titanic way..
they are
from God allthatis
and the pain sings a horribly
dark SonG to eYes and eARs
that would love to heal.. so i
try.. i cry..
i continue
to try..
i want give up
as i have been both
titanic and iceberg one
in the dArk way of liFe that
is Evil without even FeeLinG
or SenSinG or SeXinG liFe @ALL..
oh the balance.. oh the KUNG FU BALANCE
more than a kick or punch.. the Balance liveS now..

JUST some thoughts about YESHUA AKA JESUS…

As mentioned earlier i will easily go toe to
toe with any man or woman of the so-called cloth
as i kNow and FeeL the so-called secrets
underneath a cloth of lies and truth
trUe in both dArk and liGht..
and while i might not win
a battle with Bruce Lee..
just try me.. i cry..
just try me..
with words
as sWords.. as
i’ve been around the
block of 11 to 12 million or
so now written.. and i can whirl
and twirl a tongue of liGhTENing
and thunder vocal chordS aS weLL..
as the Lion SinGS a SonG that
WiLL not easily be missed when
as Roar
as Roar
does FloW
iN liVinG zonE
oF liFE as Free to bE..
Yeah.. i kNow and FeeL like
they say.. take a picture it lasts
longer and that is why i type to
take a picture as symbol iN
essence oF
a Lion’s
or as Long as Servers
oF iT in Robot way serve
me up some more in web ways..;)

Bowling University and Curious Ted Forrest

WeLL.. those two memories are from a year ago..
this one comes into more so-called secular ways
of liFE out of Church and Martial Arts sAMe..
but the samE prophetic spiRit that can
SinG in SonGS of church RinG
trUe in all other art forms too..
even in commercial ads
as they play to
human archetypes
that run no less deep..
if someone is selling panty
hose or filling up the
golden bowls
at tithing
nows of church..;)


WeLL.. as the scientists
say.. most all humans are
born innate with ability to
eventually speak and do non-verbal
language.. mine was delayed but eventually
will not stop.. hehe.. and sure there is the
non-verbal language that has always been
the primate way to dance and speak..
and that is the language over
here in so-called
First problem
that is endangered
the most along with
vocal speak..
as in all
stuff in life
use it or lose it
applies.. and yes.. this
comes with empathy and
FeeLinG too that has alWays
been related more in non-verbal
FeeLinG communication.. touch
and face and all the rest
of dancing
body too..
these truths and
liGhts are self-evident
and tHeRe is great innate
science as to why the non-verbal
dance of life along with SonG of Voice
is what makes us human.. and noW heals
us from head to toe to heArT.. in the west
we are losing that.. and sure
in the big
of India
they are
not to lose
it too.. the breath
of a child in SonG
says more
my Friend..
Brian Miller.. to
Breathe Free.. i..2
to Love and
Live Fearless
Nice to see you
friEnd hope yoUr
journey continues aLive2..;)


Blogger Friend SOHEIR
shares a photo that says..

ALLAH can mend a broken
heart, but you have to
give him
all the

And i saY in
trUthful liGht

True.. To
Hide any of
The pieces of we
From God is
Pain…. Hope
You are doing
WeLL.. Friend

SOHEIR says..

Hello Fred!
Have a great day and thanks!!

i say..

You too..
And SMiLes..:)

SOHEIR says..


And i say
like with
the like
Word Press function..

And now i say heRE noW..

The measure of humanity
iS reciprocal social communication..
whether that comes in vocal speak..
non verbal language of body or sign
language in text.. videos.. photos..
and or other symbolic
sign language
to approximate
the essence of
social reciprocal
hUman communication
IS A way oF all social mammal
animals in the animal kingdom….
iF one was blind and deaf like Helen
Keller they might find a typewriter way
of symbolic communication to type as well..
but what i have found in my vast Internet
travels as the words do report in
68 months all around online as
empirical evidence in all
11 to 12 million words
or so still documented
between my blogs and
the Wrong Planet etc.. sTill..
is that the human who reciprocates
text communication without fail is the
human who touches human the most
in text online.. and sure.. not every
one even has time to hardly
communicate at all
WitH love iN the
human touch
as school and work
can exhaust in ways of
mechanical cognition with
little left for huMan heARt..
expreSsinG of thaT heARt
oF EmotiONs.. SenSes.. and
yes.. SeXuality too.. by way
of Reciprocal Social hUman
communication in Social
Empathic ways of Mind and
Body cognition in KnoWinG
and FeeLinG wayS in metaphor
oF ReaL soUL of hUman bEinG
when in balance as creating art and systemizing
ways science of the overall human touch that
connects us as one race of Life with the
rest of Nature God aLL one as WeLL..
problem is.. we restrict pArts of our
God Given as Nature human
nature through the nuts
and bolts of
and religion..
This Allah and
God sAMe wears no
cultural clothes beyond what
we are born with.. as we co-create
with God one as us.. sAMe as wE pro-create
the hUman Race as species sAMe.. we have
a reasoning neo-corticall newest mammal way
of being that remembers the past and attempts
to predict the fuTure in what can be a trap
of the illusion that tHere is sTiLL anything
but noW.. and we have the EmoTioNal
BRain to give and share with otHeRs..
and the Reptilian brain
for basic
survival that
needs no think
or feel much at
all to simply survive
when nows get tough..
so.. sure the innate part is
the Father and Mother we will
never escape although many folks
try to do that through oppression and
repression of our God given Natures
in all forms of human EmoTioNs..
SeNsory Intelligences and
seXuaLiTy too..
and then we have
this reasoning mind
of mechanical cognition
that can restrict the liFE of
God within us too without us too..
and that can be the saddest paRt
as the board in the eYe of very Loving
Folks like my Friend SOHEIR who is as
overALL Loving as anyone i meet on the Internet
and actually told me to my face in text that she loves
me too.. would be lost enough in religion to not condemn
the stoning of a Lesbian woman covered up to her breast
in dirt in Iran.. not able to cover her eyes while she was stoned
to death by a crowd of devil dark haters lost.. lost.. lost in the
so-called reason that is no part of God but what humans
have created as so-called religious associated
rules to control.. to oppress.. to restrict
God Given nature.. to hide it
from God when it is
God incarnate
in all of us real
for now.. in all the
biodiversity that God
makes as human being
same as us.. as gRains of sand
same and unique in beach of LIFE FREE..
iN US.. a feeling that can come back to free those
of us who are hidden from God through the lies
of Books over the Nature
of God
as gift to us..
and yes.. just recently
a woman going to court to
be sentenced for adultery.. was
stoned in the street in front of
cops and the judgement building
same.. and no one stopped
that in a big city in
Pakistan.. NO..
as Jesus was
dead there..
in so-called
Allah land of lies
of they know
not what they
do of the most evil acts
imaginable for humanity vs
when free and wild with GoD..
the real apocalypse as i’ve said
before is the original Greek meaning
in lifting the veil of ignorance in the world
that can be human co-created nightmares
of both culture and religion in destroying both
human being individuals and Nature as whole
to by taking more Nature GoD oNe than
giving back in restoration
of this greatest
gift of earth
and life same
from God aLL..
and sure.. i know the
difficulty in doing this as i
cannot even convince my own
mother of this.. as her eYes are
blinded by the lies of both religion
and culture associated with that
religion not much different
than the lies of
in the middle
east.. however at
lEast here the stoning
has gone away and yes..
perhaps Jesus could live
here and at least avoid physical
crucifixion but would his online presence
be banned in some places along with comments
that suggest gentile.. jew.. servant or free.. woman
or man no more.. as a unity of the human race whole..
i can tell you yes..
i can cry yes..
but i will
never give
up that
of Fearless Love..
even if i go out of this life
with no one at my funeral but
the words that live on as Truth
and liGht Free.. as Brian Miller
recently suggested as advice as
a writer.. don’t get too caught up
in pleasing the limitations and
expectations of what
the audience
wants.. to get
all those likes
and followers of group
think.. well.. the same applies
to a real life prophet.. a real life
messenger of God and Nature sAMe..
the prescription.. for life.. yes the RX is
the TrUth and liGht of God oF Nature ONE
WiLL set yA Free iN Heaven now iFyoU WiLL..
It’s not alWays easy
being mE but trust
Me iT
Super Epic..
wiTh sMiles
and WiNks.
as i for one
WiLL to be FREE..
in Fearless LovE noW
WiLL to liVe naked in front
of God hiding no pArts of wHole..
And trUst me tHere iS noW no REAL
iN faCT tHere IS A Bliss
no heLL and alWays
HeaVen noW wHeRE
i for one live.. as i didn’t
shut God of Nature out
of mY life once aGain
when i heard God’s
CaLL of the Wild
and juST
and intuitively
within.. inside..
outside.. above.. and
so below and all-round
continue to do JuST
wHat God tales
mE to do in
God sPeak
and no life
of cultures or
eViL sTiLL choKing
books of fear and hate..
no matter what the source..
secular or religious sAMe..
i guarantee you.. i have made
many folks very angry.. and
others ecstatically happy..
butT i guRan God dAM
tale yoU.. noW theY
WiLL never forget
here.. as
long as
live now
or in dance
oF liFe fRee
as sure.. tHere
is no one like me
and the sAMe applies
for you once you set youR
gRain of Beach free from
of DiRT
in original
Adam way..
you knoW.. like
Batman and Bruce West..
Clark Kent and Superman..
Wonder woman and whoever
she was before when she too
escaped the cocoon lies of culture2..
and yes.. the original characters
who these characters are based
on of Dr. Jekyll and what can be
the Good Cop Mr. Hyde with
empathy and compassion
and mercy
for the
us like
the Jesus
of before and
WHO liVe as wE and
Superman sAMe noW..
human archetypes are they
aLL as printed in the Stone
sTiLL of our DNA
in Epigenetic
and Neuroplastic
way.. as sure science
rates in limited empirical way2..
as just another hemisphere of
bRain and Earth Free to Be NoW..
oh Lord.. manifestomomentous
juSt another noW
iN sUper
i.. F Y i..
DeePest 6 liFe..
and now as Taylor
Swiftie baby says..
gotta get out
in the Sun
and Sand
in front
of God
and shake it all off..
as yes.. baby.. Thursday
iS Holy R and R day for Me..
ugh.. but gotta go to the Dentist
to get me fangs cleaned before
the rest of dance stARts.. never
the less.. hehe.. NO.. never the
less wiTh mE.. aT lEast
so far.. far away
beyond the
and Pokemon
World today..
and yes..
God daM
killers too..
bully boys..
and lies lies and
more dirty God dAm
lies.. i dance.. i dance
with God free and naked
more.. i SinG a SonG oF
mY soUL Free in the Great
U.S. of A.. wHeRe GoD iN WE
liVeS free.. with more 119th dance
week At Seville with aLL A
thE KooL college age folks..
fun dance photos coming
around the July 22nd.. 3 am
time frame now.. in this
new post here.. of the
third year anniversary
of the resurrection
of my soUl from
the dArk dead
i once
waS in HeLL
for 66 months..
oh.. the ashes.. but
oH.. the WinGs of FiRe
as the Phoenix continues
to iRise.. and wErise hiGher ONE..
too.. iN iSraEL iSreal NOW toGeTheR..
No.. these are more than words.. thOughts
are and distance is energy
too.. in hUman EmoTioNal way
with Zero limits or expectations..
iN SpiRit as UniVersal prayer..
and truST or not
me.. iF you thiNk
voices carry.. yes..
SpiRits do to for REAL
one canvas one brush one painting WHOLEGOD..
Yes.. SOHEIR is juSt anotHER
AngEL sent from God..
and one day noW
when she
worship A
book and A
man who writes A
book.. shE WiLL fINd
that out noW for herself
within.. inside.. outside..
below and above..
and all around
And yes.. WiNks
it took me about allahour
to write all of this.. it
was trUly
aT aLL..
i’m not impressed
with men who are too
weak and so weak they
have to BEAT their wives lightly
to keep
straying away..
but sure they are
from a culture someNOWS
wHere they kNow not what they
do.. i offer the trUth and liGht but
i cannot make anyone come to it
or drink iT in
Heaven flow iNZonE now..
Fearless Love wins..
FearfuLL Hate
Loses.. i don’t
have to tale you
that iT is action consequence
and a rule of God all nature
as gifted or cursed to us
in pArt per culture..
religion and
our free or
so free WiLL..
so live in hell or
live in heaven.. yoU
really do have a lot of action
and consequence in liGht to
avoid the dARk of pain
that chokes the
liFe of God
yes YOu..
and of course
mE too.. i KNoW
and FeeL and SeNsE
better now.. and i exercise
that gift of hUman Relative Free WiLL
in regulating EmoTions.. Integrating SeNses..
for extreme focus and short term working memory
in cognitive executive functioning too.. as the trUth
and LiGht of the Karmic eYe action.. consequence
of the science and art of Nature God sAMe iS
iT iS the Law of God and Nature
sAMe and tHeRe
is no
but pain..
pain sucks
don’t you think..
A ND GodaM FeeL..
See and heAr.. eTc..
butt you are the only
one who WiLL do the work
to SeeK.. FinD and LiVe in Heaven
now.. or live in that other painful place
of fear and hate.. and all human EmoTioNs
and SenSEs and SeXuality sAMe as related
to that dArk place of negativity too.. oh Nature..
you SinG a SonG of GoD sAMe aLL
aH.. you are beautiful
when wE SinG
God’s SonG oF aLL..:)

Now.. i say..
Thank you
SOHEIR.. you
inspire me.. so
much mY God
Sent Sweet AngEL..
from good old Egypt..
hopefully.. she’LL geT
thE RinG of PinG back
to heAR that prayer of thanks2..
i could put this on her blog site now..
but it’s pretty safe to say i’ve blown
her mind in more than one ways..
she gets
a break now
and a pass from
me.. as she has no
idea of the gravity
of how much
she has
me with
this overall
mesSage of tRuth
and liGht iN noW..
as LaMp oF #iSreaL ..:)


WeLL.. this is my 59,960th comment
on my KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Word Press Blog in around
35 months now..
and of course
most are my
as comments
are one and
same as my
for paint
and canvas
draft same..
as the end
of August makes
three years for that
as my Friend LaLa Rukh
talked me into starTing this
Word Press Blog then at the
end of August 2013.. as i was
gaTherinG the basket of mY humanity
all in sHades of Egg whole after being
lost in hell for 66 months from the end
of January 2008.. as the pain
was accelerating from type
two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
actually starting.. Winter
of 2006 wHere colors
started hurting my
eYes.. oh.. so
strange.. along
with horrifying foot
pain then spreading
from the beginnings
of Sjogren’s Syndrome
Immune System Disorder that
started at my feet and eventually
dried up my tears like swimming
in salt water with eyes-wide open..
oh.. so much time spent in a dark
room to save my eYes.. with all that
heavy eye goo eye drop stuff to keep
some moisture in.. any air on the eyes
was tremendously painful and it didn’t help
that the Dysautonomia.. where nervous system
no longer properly synched my heart rate and
blood pressure properly.. MaKinG it oh.. so difficult
for the blood to get to my brain.. and equally difficult
to breathe with effort as simple as walking around the block..
so sure.. a ceiling fan would have ‘helped’ that iN air with more
pain for eyes.. And yes.. by the way.. if you haven’t heard.. Type Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia is the worst pain known to mankind assessed in some
literature.. as worse than the pain of crucifixion but in my case
i didn’t get off in three hours to three days of tortuous death
with this pain like a dentist drill in right eye and ear
without novocaine as in my case it was
from wake to sleep for 66 months
full.. starting with a 40 day sleep
less stay.. around March of 2008 with
only 1 hour per night of alpha
blocker aid to slow
my Dysautonomia heart
rate down so i could
sleep that cardboard
box shallow hour of sleep
the first 35 of 40 days and
the last 5 of 40 where it stopped
working.. and i did everything i couldn’t
do to kill my self.. and finally agreed to go to
the Hospital to get a large shot of Ativan in my
arm to put me finally down for a little relief
in hell of life.. oh sleep.. you were my only
relief.. but i could not dream much at
all and all the Ativan brought to
me when i did.. was the weirdest
ass dreams ya could imagine
in dark ways of
then.. ugh.. ugh oh..
Hell sucks and on top
of that and the Fibromyalgia Pain
i was diagnosed with and associated
coat hanger pain across the shoulders
associated with Dysautonomia too..
along with Severe Degenerative
Arthritis in my spine.. spinal
stenosis.. and a newly found
fact of congenitally fused
vertebra that helped
to onset the
early rise
of Arthritis
spine pain..
oh yeah.. and when
they were searching for the
source of that Dentist drill pain
in eye and ear.. the extra discovery
that my sinuses were so closed up
in congenitally deviated septum way
that the ENT asked me.. man.. how
do you breathe.. after i had been
breathing almost 50 years
with that limitation
already.. it
was kind
of a dum
question i guess..
as sure somewhat of
A mouth breather i must be..
of no duh.. way.. face palm
moment too.. anyWay.. perhaps
it was Doctor humor.. but it wasn’t
very funny to the Dentist Drill pain
he couldn’t see in my eye and ear then
that was desperately and pain STAKE
TO GET OUT OF HELL FREE.. hmm.. it took
’em two years to diagnosis that by sticking
a stick up my sinuses with Lidocaine that
gave me about a second of relief where
some folks get hours relief with the
condition i had.. they offered
to burn the nerve in my face
with the potential of
permanent numbness
of my face but by that point
i could feel no emotions and the
pain of dentist drill was actually preferable
to that as piece of paper existence is the
worst pain of all.. where all is numb like
just dust in the wind with humanity NOT
attached alive.. hmm.. what else
as i write my hell poem here..
to go with LamP iSreaL..
the likely ending name
of this 687th macro
verse here in
now.. oh yeah.. the
Autism and there was a total
of 19 medial disorders but honestly
stuff like Anhedonia.. Alexithymia..
Severe Depression.. Severe Anxiety..
Panic Attacks.. PTSD.. Tactile Sensitivity
Disintegration Disorder.. Mood Lability
before i got the most recent diagnosis
of Bi-Polar high after all of that
low.. low low.. part of that
then.. as all the doctors
got to see of me
by the time i gave
in and went was low
low low super low
of the
black whole
soUl way of death
in life in hell then..
well.. all oF iT worked
together to make an almost
perfect storm of hell for me..
the real story of Human JOB..
and all the bullying i got for
the Autism Asperger’s thingy
in life was a far distant icing
on a piece of relative heaven cake compared
to hell.. yes.. i have perspective of what hell
and heaven real in life is.. i have a story tale
of bliss to report now.. from head to toe and
more.. and a reality as documented in over
100 medical pages of documentation of
hell way back when.. anyway.. as you
might guess by now.. i count
my FucKinG BleSsinGs
second by second
and LamP iSreaL..
ain’t no pisser
now.. and that
reminds me when i first
stArted DanCinG free style
ballet and martial arts waY in
Super Walmart.. a yellow dressed
bleach blonde 60 something year old
Southern Baptist Baby.. came up to me
and heckled what i was doing.. and so i found
her and asked her.. what do you think i am doing..
and she said drawing attention to yourself through
her bright yellow hair and dress as she was taling me this..
she said you really think you are something.. well you look
ridiculous dancing in public and should be ashamed of yourself..
and i said.. well my friend.. you never heard the story of King David
celebrating God in dancing in close to what we name underwear to
day and promising to celebrate God in more Vile ways.. and by the
way this was awhile before my nude art came.. in restricted link
public way online.. so she said.. well.. you are not King David..
and then i told her about Jesus and shining the light
of your lamp.. and she told me your are not Jesus..
and then i said.. if i walk on water will
you FeeL my liGht is good then..
and for the third time she denied
me and said you are not Jesus..2..
and then i told her i Will do more
than Jesus as that is what he prophecy’s
in Verse of Saint John too.. along with
Luke’s verse that says that heaven is
at hand now all around us and soMe
folks just don’t see it and FeeL iT
as such like a Katy
Perry ET
of reaLiTy NoW..
anyWay.. i could have
told her the story of JOB
for 66 months or the story of
Moses wandering the desert of
New Jerusalem with the bully boys
that said boys are not allowed to
smile or do art OR ELSE.. for
a total of 40 years.. beFore
i got my Art and Creativity
MOJO after age 13.. fully
when i recovered more
on July 22nd of 2013..
eXpanding in liGht
after that with now
56 hundred plus lAMp
miles of dance to
match my age of
56 now.. leg pressing
close to half a ton
33 times now strongly
in parallel leg press
way with arms stretched
in the air.. Dancing now 119 weeks
as of tonight with all the cool college
age folks at Old Seville Quarter.. and
as i play this Katy Perry iRise theme
SonG aGain to celebrate my rise
above any human archetype
of pain and heaven
of beFoRe..
yes.. i tale
the story of
mY LamP iSreaL
completE noW.. as i tOld
that Lady i would do more than
she ever dreams then now and i as well
as the total close to 4 million longest
long form word poem noW in Ocean Poem
Field say continues to groW iN micro-verse
here to Macro Verse LamP iSreaL NoW
687th wave verse now.. in the water
and air particles oF Y i aS oNe with
GoD now.. yes.. the iRise iSreal
continues and tHere is noW
no limit or expectations for
of beYond within.. inside.
outside.. so below.. above..
all around that this
shine oF light
LamP iSreaL
WiLL Go neXt
as i WiLL continue
to shine my little liGht
wHerever God guides liGht
of Truth of F Y i.. neXt for iSREaL..
meanwhile.. i’ll kill ’em with Kindness
as the last pARt of my pen name miGht noW
suggest.. with a SonG for that to accompany
the photos to come after 3 am on that record
three 3 year iRise oF Y i.. July 22nd 2016.. soon to BE..:)








BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)


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About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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26 Responses to mY LamP iSreaL

  1. WeLL.. what to say.. yes.. DANCE!
    starting off this New Macroverse
    Number 688.. and haha. i haven’t
    read what i did on 687.. as 22,635 words
    total.. almost made me late to dance.. where
    i did not even have time to proof read it to see
    if there are any missed mistakes.. anyway.. Lovely
    Latino Dancer Friends were present again..
    so.. i suppose i will name them Charlie’s
    Angel’s Hispanic style.. as once
    again.. all great dancers..
    they must have
    danced early
    early early with
    an afternoon Fiesta..
    when young young young
    and yes.. they are very young
    young too compared to me who
    could be their Grandfather.. after
    all i am a great great Uncle and
    Katrina IS A great great Auntie..
    so that makes us vintage..i guess..
    and hehe.. in another photo with a group
    of girls upstairs before i leave who are watching
    me and the girls dance on the floor below she says
    i told my girl friend that guy is gonna be my husband
    and i said.. well i guess the least we can do is get a photo..
    i told her i was a poet who was documenting 119 dance
    weeks so far from Old Seville Quarter in the longest
    long form poem ever.. hehe.. and she said she
    was a millionaire.. and then i proved what
    i said online.. and when she said that’s
    a girl’s name per KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
    i told her it’s my wife’s name first per
    form of it.. and my first name
    next.. and by then..
    i had long lost
    her twitter
    or perhaps
    it was because
    i told her i was married..
    and i didn’t have a chance
    to tale her i was old enough
    to be her Grandpa.. but anyway..
    she can see the rest of the story
    in the next poem if she can remember
    the pen name.. which is kinda unlikely..
    hehe.. i’m thinking as it is kinda strange..
    the whole thing is kinda strange.. hehe.. ha!.
    oh yeah.. and a young man asked me if i was
    on LSD.. and i basically told him i was on God
    Dance Speed.. and it seems like he believed me.. heHE..
    Anyway.. per my last Macroverse.. ‘mY LamP iSreaL’.. tHeRe
    are lots of lamps on the real free dance floor of life that do come
    in terms of love in dance
    and smiles

  2. So.. what’s the next word..
    i for one chose poetry and to
    define poetry.. to truly define poetry
    one cannot resort to dictionary definitions
    as to write poetry is to create anew from heart
    where inspiration leads the tongue.. so sure when
    the wife Katrina
    nags me a little
    to sway me away
    from my ‘somenow’
    ADHD ways.. thaT is
    poeTry as it bRings
    emoTions and inspires
    me to move on to what
    she wants me to do…
    Somenows i don’t
    hEar heRe..
    as you
    that laser
    focus can come..
    but sTiLL she writes
    her poeTry in voice of
    get your ass off that computer
    now.. she doesn’t even have to think
    about it.. the words come from heArt and
    they floW in steam like a run a way train..
    more on run a way trains a little later.. as
    i saw a slow one last night
    on the road to dance..
    and another
    short one
    soon to be
    longer in a quick
    glance of macro-verse
    Facebook memories.. anyway..
    pArt of the reason i no longer post
    everyday.. is it takes away from what i
    see as floW in poetry.. for me if the poetry
    cannot flow.. it loses its heart and soul..
    and that is a big pARt of the reason
    i quit forms in the competitive
    environment of dVerse
    by compliance
    officers and
    Physics PHD
    majors.. ’cause
    already been there
    done the fill in the form
    Government work for a quarter
    of a century in red tape way..
    ugh.. Brian Miller and
    Claudia were a
    breath of fresh air..
    like oxygen that kindled
    my poetic spirit at heARt
    and soUl in mInd and Body Balance..
    Brian turned me on to the Dead Poet Society
    Stand on the Desk and make a difference in the
    world and inspired me to move on with my nude
    art standing on a desk of freedom more.. but anyway
    stuff changes.. there are the order folks who stand
    more cautious and there are the free folks
    who stand more naturally
    spirited without the
    sidewalks of life..
    insanely large populations
    must have have these rule makers
    otherwise.. anarchy and chaos.. and
    after Hurricane Katrina looting
    will come next for the
    have nots against the
    haves of course..
    and in general..
    the science assessed
    empirical rule that humans are still
    not evolved to comfortably connect to
    more than around 150 to 200 sets of eyes..
    and yes.. when you get a bunch of folks in even
    online communities.. you get creative differences
    and Jesus F. In Christ.. some are very close to
    Autistic in systemizing reciprocal social
    communication difficulty ways.. as
    been to poetry
    land and real
    autistic land
    and the behavior
    of some of the folks
    in text is indistinguishable
    in their inability to understand
    the communication of other folks
    and more on that in a few as well
    in way of Facebook Macro-Verse memory
    too.. anyway.. i live a poetic heARt.. my SpiRit
    is the expression of that EmoTioNal and SeNsory
    heARt and sure tHeir is some SeXuaLiTy that RiSes
    uP now and then.. at lEast once a week as all of Nature
    is poEtry when it becomes inspiring in any way that comes..
    some folks judge this inspiration or that inspiration as
    silly.. in appropriate.. dum.. retarded.. idiocy.. but
    i judge all inspiration as life.. and try
    to keep my mind and body balance
    soUl as open as possible to
    be inspired by all inspiration
    dArk and LiGht sAMe..
    and i find it works
    for bliss for
    other folks
    choose the dArker path..
    been tHeRe doNe thaT too..
    lEarned my Lesson weLL as
    i continue to live a life NOT ONLY

  3. brian miller says:

    hey brother,
    its been forever since i was here. some funny thoughts along the way…personally i realy love never judge heaven by the clothes it wears, or does not wear…it spun off into different thoughts, and the bit of heaven we see in the world and the people around us — of course we are always judging, sadly – or judging badly…

    i am glad to inspire a bit along the way.
    and when i am here, i will def be stopping in to catch up on where your dance is taking you.

    travel light my friend.

    • Well.. Hello tHeRe Brian..
      glad you stopped by in between this
      comment response here where i addressed
      your poetic inspiration along the way..
      and haha.. you just happened to
      come to perhaps my
      second longest
      in three
      days or so
      here.. at
      22K plus
      all in a few
      days inspiration
      with of course much
      more to come.. yes.. my
      friend my wishes are for you
      to continue to travel iN liGht
      as WeLL.. wHere a helping hand
      can be heard and treaSuRed WeLL..:)

  4. So.. the Facebook Memories roar in.. as they
    should intuitively do.. as of course this is
    my anniversary of exit from hell..
    and the real Star of David too..
    per Planetary alignments of
    a six pointed star that just so
    happened to start the year
    Goddess Isis in modern
    form (yes.. Katrina) and
    i got married back in 1990..
    with 13 more alignments coming
    to the 13th one that just so happened
    to come on the day i more fully recovered
    out of hell for 66 months.. and there will not
    be another for a very long time.. hmm.. it is
    what it is.. what comes first or what comes last
    matters not.. what you make of it now is what
    counts and not to use whatever FucKinG symbol
    you can for liGht of inspiration is simply to lose.. lose
    lose lose.. and this is the true idiocy of material reductionists
    that pooh pooh the power of hope.. faith.. and belief in all
    religions no matter myth or substantiation of every little
    God dam fact.. as even science shows the power of
    belief can cure illness in the placebo effect and
    the power of voodoo through the nocebo
    effect of negative thinking can
    make illness happen..
    and bad stuff in
    general be the
    case.. and that is
    why Fortune cookies
    work so FucKinG WeLL
    as the power of suggestion
    does work so FucKinG weLL
    for at least 33 percent of the population
    but in a state of affairs of culture that is
    reduced to material reductionism from birth
    the potential of this real human power of hope..
    faith.. and belief.. in what science loosely terms
    as the placebo affect and effect is potentially all
    over the place.. no doubt our primitive ancestors
    had percentage numbers much higher than the
    33 percent of folks who can take advantage
    of the power of suggestion in the U.S..
    as they lived by heARt more than
    FucKinG TeXTbooK Science..
    most of what i do now..
    IS A Direct result of
    the power of positive
    thinking in the visual
    imagination and creativity
    of putting what i want reality
    to be in words.. SinKinG thoSe
    woRds as Visual Images and
    associations wiTh emoTIOns
    of Hope.. Faith.. and Belief and
    more nuanced EmoTiOns that don’t
    even have FucKinG labels including
    SeNsory oTHer FeeLinGs now that are
    EmoTioNs same as whatever FucKinG
    moves yOu iN FeeLinG way iS EmoTioN
    same no different than the iON that inspires
    the atoms sAMe.. and iT iS FucKinG FucKinG
    FucKinG iF yoU SEEk the HiGher PoWer oF
    God Nature one as the documented evidence
    proves as my hUman PotenTiaL continues to
    skyrocket at age 56 sTiLL like a 16 year old
    in the britches
    of a Grand Pa..
    no different than
    Jack LaLanne.. or
    Grand Ma Moses.. who
    just fucking Nike did it.. and
    moved on to a briGhter day now..
    and those FucKeRs.. who didn’t
    seek the power of God like this from
    the wrong planet.. who may not even have
    the innate organic ability to do it.. just said
    it was sentimental mush.. well folks i for one
    prove it works.. and no duh.. like the placebo
    and nocebo effect ain’t already been proved..
    ‘your’ ‘little’ minds just can’t wrap around the
    essence of art fAct that those are just
    different words for the power of
    prayer and voodoo same..
    patterns folks and
    essence that is
    what i do in
    fluid intelligence
    other folks stick to
    crystalized intelligence
    and labels.. well i didn’t lEarn
    to speak until age 4 so i had to
    survive a different way.. so in that
    way i get the edge in God way so
    deep so deep in essence away from
    still moving
    in God way Free now.:)

    So her is another pre-Ocean Poem Macro-Verse
    on my KATiE MiA/Aghogday Blog that i first
    shared on the Wrong Planet of egg
    head reason minds.. that let’s jUst
    say wasn’t received with
    smiles… or
    witty silly red
    giggles.. as
    material reductionism
    will statically flow on
    the sidewalk
    stepping on
    a single
    crack.. and
    sure i fell to this
    hell of limited mind
    and body out of balance
    soul for literally FucKinG
    decades of dark human liGht..;)

    And a Macro-Verse of Ocean
    Whole Form Poem from
    two years ago.. celebrating
    the first year of my
    exit from
    hell as the
    phoenix wings
    continue to sing..:)

    A Flock of Seagulls in PARADISE

    Haha.. and literally
    another Rant about the
    Wrong Planet as if i need to
    say more and i did two years ago
    after they banned me
    for having
    a FucKinG heArt..
    for three months..
    oh the tin men..
    on the tin men..
    oh the Lions
    without courage
    that only have a brain
    and not much else..
    it’s really sad..
    it’s like hell
    been there
    done it too long..
    and i won’t go back..
    i tried to help ‘them’ out..
    but it’s true no matter fundamentalist
    religious folks or militant material reductionist
    atheists.. sadly you truly cannot convince either
    one of the true higher power of God because
    both in general speaking are literal thinking
    folks who cannot
    do real God magic
    to make what folks
    thought was impossible
    come FucKinG true
    in empirical case study
    evidence real.. when i first recovered
    there i told those FucKers.. that my potential
    was just beginning and i would do much greater
    works than i had done to that point then.. and as
    i did i proved it along the way in empirical evidence
    until the truth hurt so bad..
    they FucKinG banned
    me and eventually
    banned me again..
    a year later
    in 2015.. but
    that month ban
    was the last chance
    they got from me.. as it
    was me who was doing them
    a favor visiting them in hell
    from a place that is now heaven.. they
    kicked me out of hell.. oh joy.. oh joy..
    Lucifer the real Bringer
    of liGht is
    on permanent
    Staycation Heaven
    now in LA.. like that
    Fox Show about Lucifer
    says in Lower Alabama
    and hell no.. i don’t have to
    own a bar with money.. i kinda
    own Seville every now i walk in the
    bar without spending a God dam dime..
    i barter in steps of dance and smiles and
    very rarely any words.. online it is photos
    and words.. this devil don’t do the real
    hell of money..
    this devil
    is most
    L O V E
    FucKinG Style
    juSt cAll me God’s
    Joker.. as God is sick
    and tired of you human’s
    FucKinG Lies of deceit and death..
    and that is just a metaphor with deeper
    meanings of
    the Karmic
    Now in longer
    than a twitter verse breath..;)

    Another Rant about the Wrong Planet

    Train Train.. TRAIn..
    and the Train of thoughts
    and heARt continue on.. now
    iN this short Macro Verse here
    from a year ago.. as i continue
    to attempt to appease the material
    reductionist literal thinkers at dVerse
    by doing tHeir continuing more restrictive
    rules last year.. to get rid of Hurricane Fred’s
    heARt.. anyway.. that train memory WiLL get
    longer in Facebook Memory tomorrow.. as some
    FucKinG trains will stop over for a
    way station..
    but this
    one says
    i can i caN
    i will i wiLL
    i FucKinG DO
    get used to it
    i’M on my WAY..
    i’Ve Come back.. i’M ReaL..;)

    KmF 509 Train of Being

  5. WeLL.. Seriously.. a 56 year old greying dude.. who
    kinda walks like Fred Sanford more than John Travolta
    after a long night of dance with 20 something year old girls..
    in a photo with those girls smiling ear to ear.. truly
    should bring a smile to your face as it is
    so innocent and kinda sorta
    like incongruent humor..
    as it is just so far
    beyond the social
    norm.. like my serious
    take on nude art.. in all
    the passion way i do it..
    where deep down i am laughing
    my ass off.. as i am simply brave enough
    to do it.. and don’t give a FucK if folks like it or
    not or whatever they do with it when they see it.. heheR..
    haha.. anyway.. if all of that doesn’t make you grin from
    ear to ear.. and it depends on the spectrum of open
    mindedness that ranges from Pat Robertson to
    Miley Cyrus in how you may see ALL OF THAT..
    NOT FOR THE WIN.. but if this CAT
    doesn’t make you
    smile you are
    probably leaning
    more towards a
    psychopath that tortures
    little animals as this is
    dam sure God dam cute..
    in any book of liberal OR
    DUH.. like God didn’t bRinG us humans into the world
    just like this too.. it is only we who make it evil..
    shameful in all the true holy and sacred form/
    functions that are no less truly holy
    and sacred than God whole and
    to separate any oF iT
    from God is simply
    to lose God..
    and that is why
    i do nude art.. fat
    or super sexy i am a
    Child of God and i have no
    parT or function less than holy
    and sacred God WHOLE AND TO
    SEEK AND ASK FOR PAIN.. be careful
    what you hide.. as pain my be your gain..
    what other explanation can tHeir be for my
    i mean seriously it’s in genesis that we FucKeD
    up when we put clothes on.. and felt shame for
    our nakedness way back then and Jesus in the
    Gnostic Gospel of Thomas Verse 37 said to
    find God in you.. strip your clothes off..
    and tread on them without shame..
    and so-called Christian folks
    say Miley is going to hell
    for showing her
    fur down there..
    i seriousLy thiNk
    they need a fig leaf
    of sense and should re-read
    tHeir books and do a little research
    on the more pristine texts that were not
    adulterated by Constantine and the Catholic
    pedophilic/psychopathic leaning church/empire.. do you
    really trust those guys.. i dam sure give it all a much closer look..
    better to be naked than what Arab physicians suggest is up to
    80 percent of little girls molested in the home.. repression and
    oppression of human nature.. in other words separation from
    God is a four letter word named pain.. and misery and suffering..
    lEarn to be pARt of God instead of separate from Nature wHOle..
    it works for
    and i aim
    to bE a rOle
    moDeL REaL..
    oh by the way for those
    material reductionist folks that
    suggest that cats do not love.. what
    do you feel when you hug your wife’s/etc.. clothes
    if you feel less than yellow boy when he hugs
    my clothes
    perhaps you
    love less than
    just get naked
    one day in the
    sand/sun.. dance
    with God.. chances
    are.. you may finAlly
    actuAlly see God’s fAce..:)

  6. WeLL.. it’s almost noon..
    Sun and Sand dance coming..
    but first two stops at the gigoid place
    for some deeper wriTing poeTic sTuFF..
    Jesus F. in Christ.. after i close all
    theses tabs across the
    top of
    i’ve probably
    had like a million
    tabs open in the last year..
    or is that
    sADD.. it is what
    it is to this point now..

    “For one human being to love another human being:
    that is perhaps the most difficult task
    that has been entrusted to us,
    the ultimate task, the final test and proof,
    the work for which all other work
    is merely preparation.”

    ~~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~~

    Jesus F. in Christ
    ain’t that the truth
    and some folks can’t seem
    to get it through tHeir thick
    and or covered skulls
    that when the Golden
    rule including that part
    about Loving the rest of
    Nature the same as
    you and doing
    no harm
    to the rest
    oF it other than
    giving more than
    taking and sharing
    and giving.. well yeah..
    that’s a little more than the
    Golden rule but change is good too..
    and the rest mostly falls into place way..
    anyWay.. i liked your most current post
    first and i haven’t read it yet.. ’cause history
    repeats itself anyway and there is like almost
    100% chance i’ll like it as i’ve liked all the rest..
    and that’s kinda how fearless love works when
    unconditional and real and true but it only works
    100% of the time when driven by human reason
    and relative WiLL.. as those other con-social emotions
    are pArt of hUman Nature too.. and why there will always
    have to be a practice of WiLL over fearless love with Reason
    to continue to perfect it in practice over the course of liFE now..
    yeah.. Bullshit.. we practice perfect.. we are not born perfect but
    it sure is nice to be born happy.. and not all are born happy either..
    it IS A tapestry..
    and the fibers
    are different
    that paint the
    beauty whole..
    some are dArk.. some
    are liGht or tHeRe would be
    no contrast for the colors of Love..
    in fearless way of what paints iS..:)


    “Nature is not human-hearted.”

    ~~ Lao Tzu ~~

    Hmm.. perhaps
    Lao Tzu was
    a little short
    hearted here..
    as science wasn’t
    up to date then on
    the workings of the human
    brain.. as the neo-cortical
    part is what sets us apart
    from the rest of the mammal
    kingdom.. at least.. as yes..
    other mammals.. particularly
    social animals.. and the Bonobo
    particularly shows more heart now
    than human without this neo-coritical
    slightly higher and greater exercised
    potential.. and it IS A great thing that the
    rest of nature is not human headed or
    we would all likely be extinct.. as the
    human headed way.. is definitely
    not smArt
    as it is
    short sighted
    by far of what
    nature does as
    whole as God as
    sAmE in Balance as
    culture is the virus that
    IS A by product of that
    human head.. and in particular
    the prehensile thumb and hand
    and sticks scratching sanskrit
    like alphabets in sand.. bigger
    heads for smaller hips..
    more dependent
    social communication..
    written language.. culture
    and the by-products of culture..
    namely.. the infra-structure of that
    eating away the life giving subsistence
    resources of nature whole earth for all the
    rest of God Nature that lives here in balance
    in the circle of life.. the circle is fucked up and
    the monkey
    is the
    more specifically..
    the FucKinG alphaBET..;)

  7. Facebook Friend Sherri.. and also dancing
    friend from the 80’s at Disco Club
    2001 in P’Cola Florida for
    the decade i danced
    back then in
    my twenties
    before i
    the Goddess
    Isis (Katrina)..
    shares one of those
    Politics Facebook photos
    that shows Hillary demanding
    Trump’s tax returns and Trump
    saying I sent them to you by Email..

    And i say in return..

    You know i am a reAlly glass full person.. but i find i
    it very difficult to see either of these candidates with
    any real light of integrity.. that’s a sad state of affairs
    in the country.. when even i can say that is true..
    Money buys
    the U.S.A. now
    for sure and something
    must eventuAlly GIVE..:)

    And now i say..
    no one’s even really
    paying attention.. in fact
    rarely does anyone even talk
    about this on Facebook as it has
    gone beyond insanity.. on both sides..
    and sure there are hardly any signs in
    any yard for any candidate in this red state
    land i live in.. and that is saying a lot on the
    state of affairs of the country now.. where even
    the folks who are gonna vote for the man behind
    curtains don’t wanna be seen with him in public..
    hehe.. as he is like a used car salesman
    from hell or somewhere
    similar to that..
    and Hillary
    is just
    for the job and
    kept it for her connections..
    seen it happen in government crony
    circles even in much smaller scale
    ways.. where connections spell
    promotion vs jail time
    or worse..
    anyway.. it is
    the web humans
    weave.. there are much
    better ways to live.. but
    we live in insanely large societies
    that we are not evolved to live in..
    out of balance with nature and we have
    been destroying earth species in accelerating
    fashion for A few centuries or so now the tipping point
    is already here.. and humans are already starving and
    suffering around the world.. little children are being
    molested in the home.. at rates of up to 80% in
    some countries according to some reports..
    other folks are getting strangled by
    family members and other
    folks invade other
    to rebuild
    them and
    kill over 100K
    innocent folks..
    and the beat of misery
    and suffering goes on..
    and on and on.. until we shape
    up or follow the path of what we have
    given so many other species of life in
    the big lie of religion that says we have
    the right to dominate nature that is the
    biggest lie of all that folks are suffering
    for all over the world now in their
    religious lies too..
    in blindness
    of ignorance
    Trump and
    Clinton are just
    a microcosm of the
    human species of a species
    gone domesticated and bad
    instead of wild and naked and
    balanced and good like the American
    Indians before the so-called Christian
    Missionaries shot their families dead
    and forcefully converted them
    to worship a man
    on a cross
    instead of
    and being
    God whole
    as Nature same..
    we could a lot from
    those Indians if we could
    just kill the lies instead of each other..
    i can do it.. but no.. i cannot make anyone
    else do it.. unless they care.. unless they care..
    bottom line..
    They can..
    But the question
    is WiLL they…
    one must
    keep the
    half full
    of hope
    or ALL iS LOST..
    so just for shits and
    grins i will go on BEYOND
    ON A GREAtEST LiMB and say ThEY WiLL..
    can and
    WiLL WiN..
    when USED NEW..:)

  8. WeLL.. my goodness.. cLouding up again.. Thunder
    and potential liGhTENinG coming again..
    and trust me when i speLL something
    or capitalize something or
    even punctualize
    something different
    than what Queen
    Victoria suggests
    is proper tHEIR
    IS A deeper reaSon
    for it hehe.. thaT is stiLL
    to coMe.. in fAct.. scholars
    could probably pore over veriLY every
    word i say.. and not find all the connections
    i alreaDy bRinG iN Free flow ease.. as what i do
    heRe is beYond.. iN ways.. thAt is WeLL beYond
    science in empirical one step.. two step three
    four five and so much more than
    one the cLinkity DiNkity old
    school scientific
    can do
    so far
    of where
    it goes in the
    Internal of Beyond
    UniVerse of what
    can and WiLL be of
    the Human MiNd and
    BoDy SoUL.. iN BaLAnCinG
    way unLeAshed and more fully
    is not A exercise in twitter verse this
    is an exercise in the deepest philosophical
    verse that can come in human essence real..
    perHaps.. and that bRinGS me to the third word
    beYond of the day now thaT is Philosophy NoW..
    oKay FucK the Dictionary and Wiki sticky Defs..
    Philosophy is what FucKinG works whatever
    it may be for the individual human
    to have a Super Epic FucKinG
    liFe or not.. my Philosophy
    of life works for juST
    this and i can
    FucKinG prove
    iT how about
    you.. hehe..
    oKay.. some emotive
    words tHeir but you kNow
    those snooty fingered nose
    folks want to keep you in their
    inner and outer circle of thoughts..
    and i say go much much further than
    that and FeeL and SensE yoUR way
    through with loGic too.. and yes..
    you must use your small
    heads below
    both male
    and female.. etc..2..
    as libido drives it all
    at core.. at it juSt makes
    FucKinG seNse as iF it
    didn’t we wouldn’t
    FucKinG literAlly
    be here iF that
    wasn’t the
    most important
    Driving Force of the
    Day in social cooperating
    way to get the work of the night
    done day and night and all around..
    doN’t be afraid of Nature.. after all
    there is no real way to escape it without
    pain.. suffering and misery and perHaps
    death but don’t be too sure.. as iNfiniTy and bEyond
    is way farther than a scientific method of one step or
    Zillion more..
    Religion is the dogma
    of what has worked for
    groups to subjugate and
    control other folks for order
    and yes.. for some happiness
    too.. at least in limited way as well..
    but philosophy is what keeps you up day
    and night.. to find out why the FucK thaT religion
    shit ain’t working to make Ya balanced and why
    yA never even feel like smiling or even giving or
    doing a FucK too..
    yes.. it gets to
    be very
    and sexy
    or not stuff..
    so that is what i do here..
    and obviously i don’t know everything
    and i don’t know anything as most of it
    is what i FeeL.. and SenSe.. and intuit
    using ComMon Sense of Nature’s given
    all innate and instinctual power now
    in me.. through my basic God given
    and yes.. i used to rely on books
    until i smaRTENed up past standard
    IQ ways.. of looks.. and sure i stiLL
    go the traditional way of knowledge
    in labels and concrete stuff like that
    but human potential is more like magic
    than a Dictionary that just spells it all out..
    Anyway.. in school.. if it isn’t in a book folks
    thiNk it doesn’t exist.. in life if one doesn’t do
    it for a living and make money for it.. it doesn’t
    have real value to most folks.. so when i TOld
    A young lady last night that i was an International
    Poet.. and have written the Longest Long Form
    Poem ever and am still GroWinG iT even though i
    can prove that online.. and show where 1.45 million
    folks have viewed my stuff on Google plus..
    i ain’t got paid a penny for doing
    any of that..
    ain’t got
    no degree
    in any poetry
    schools but still
    i danced good enough
    without any lessons for this
    20 year old or so girl to suggest
    to her same age girl friend that
    the 56 year old dude.. hehe.. is
    gonna be her husband one day..
    human instinct rules bottom
    FUCKING 101
    WITH WiNks..noW..
    and it works the same
    way with poetry.. bottom
    line in all stuff life it.. is the
    human and the feeling and
    the senses and the sexuality
    that counts.. all this money bull
    shit is just bull shit
    i fucking hate
    money and i am
    so fucking glad
    that the wife deals
    with it and i rarely ever
    have to see that green shit again..
    and yes.. i fucking saved enough of that
    shit to last a lifetime and that shit almost killed
    me too.. it’s worth it now.. but it wasn’t worth
    it in hell
    you can
    bet your
    ass on that..
    and that’s what
    yeah.. and just like when i was in
    school.. the girls alway liked me when
    i took my glasses off at the school dance..

    i opened
    my mouth
    and yes.. let
    my Einstein out..
    such is life with A
    Beautiful Mind then..
    i didn’t get a chance
    to let her read any of
    my poetry but at least one
    of my Facebook Friends has
    suggested that poetry (not mine AFIK)
    makes her wanna pull her panties down..
    again.. Dance and Poetry works for me..
    it is
    both the
    of my liFE and
    the SonG oF mY SoUL
    iF only
    John Nash
    had become
    a Poet how different
    his life might have been..
    or Sheldon Cooper.. etc..
    a Dance
    oF LiFe..
    i think i’LL cALL
    in a story change
    to that reAlly ‘cool dude’
    who creates the big bang..
    or perhaps
    ‘we’ already
    did ‘BEyond’..;)

  9. Perhaps it’s only resting…

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd..
    i am the breeze that
    flies and catches highs when
    they come and rarely thiNks of
    lows.. and always appreciates hi’s
    when they come and Love is always
    a great say of Life my FriEnd.. hehe..
    you know the psychiatrist says this IS A
    Disorder.. all this writing.. no different than
    Lewis Carroll.. his Alice And Wonderland.. and
    the general clinical label of Hypergraphia out of
    the cultural norm.. per se.. iS Wonderland for me..
    as it is something i enjoy that stimulates me
    that bRinGS mE greAT Bliss
    it’s kinda like sex
    but never ever
    messy and
    the only
    thing that
    gets pregnant
    are the pages
    with millions more
    thots per se as more
    words comes next inthoth
    pLay.. EmoTions empower
    uS and the beauty of the alphabet
    iS when iT iS used as a tool to spRead
    those EmoTions wider to other folks as
    Energy Force to defeat Entropy as the
    Force oF EmotioN inspiRed through
    words can be used over and over
    through written words even when
    i am asleep.. hehe.. or dead as
    a door nail.. outside a cross..
    i have certain advantages
    that other folks never had..
    Anyway.. the psychiatrist suggested
    Epilepsy drugs to shut me up.. if he had
    suggested a lobotomy.. i would have said
    no too.. is it any wonder there are much fewer
    Beethovens.. Michelangelos.. really original works
    of art.. like Alice and Wonderland too.. why.. now it’s
    basically a copy and paste of what the greats did before..
    weLL.. creativity
    is dead in pills
    my friend.. there is
    great challenge in the
    madness of creativity…
    but the reward is for others..
    that can last for centuries and
    that is what real humans do.. they
    sacrifice for other folks in more important
    ways than just dying on a cross with a golden
    rule or two that can be found in another book..
    but after all as i’ve often said and Saint John
    too.. Jesus predicted that so the Beatles
    as i often say too.. just fulfilled that
    prophecy too.. along with
    Einstein and all the
    other super
    men and
    with crazy
    ass mutant
    brains that FucKinG
    fly BeyOnd that place of
    Star TreK Real.. oH.. creativity..
    you SinG A SonG of challenge
    i Love you.. ’cause you never FucKinG geT old..
    You offer a treaSure here my friend.. the hi’s are
    juSt icing on the cake of what you give.. smaLL
    talk is nice.. but deep ShIT is more like me.. hehe..
    i plan to go so deep that God WiLL be the only one
    inside me to understand me here on earth.. chances
    done that
    iT seems.. heHE..
    and sure by far.. i ain’t
    the first or the last for thAT..
    Yeah.. my way of looking at God is
    more like this.. the Facebook Profile status
    photo i just added that has always inspired me
    so much at a Biloxi pier that some homeless guys
    nailed to the place they lay their heads there at night..
    and sure these homeless folks understand that God lives
    in them and Nature as that is where they live.. no different
    than any other wild and free human being in nature one.. whole
    all natural and free.. where baths come when the rain or rivers
    SinG with skin.. and you can smell people over perfume and
    plastic and stuff like that.. anyway.. it is a stone statue
    with the bottom part missing away from a man
    representing Jesus against a cross with no
    nails in his feet or hands.. instead there
    is an older more mature version
    of him holding him up
    and surrounding
    all around him..
    and there is a
    Dove at the top
    that connects to
    Nature whole of course..
    this is how i see God and how
    i feel and sense God.. thaT i tHat
    is pArt of Nature one thaT is beyond
    ego I as actor of director i.. i has a much
    deeper voice than I.. at least i did for many
    years.. but now i’s voice sounds just like I
    as self and ego are one.. unless ego acts
    as directed by i.. just for fun.. or whatever
    the situation may dictate for teaching
    purposes.. say if i am going to
    act the role of the village
    idiot/clown/fool etc..
    with dead
    pan face
    to keep
    ’em guessing
    and thinking too..
    anyway.. when this
    i that is wrapped around I
    is one with Nature with Spirit
    as that exclamation point ! i like
    to use as ! to indicate the interconnectedness
    and interdependent relationship of all of nature
    one WE.. as all of US toGeTher aS oNe Force
    as pArt of Nature wHole too that iS Dove or
    sEaGull that flies so high allone while
    i and I and ! rest on a cross of
    floating fearless Love..
    of course there
    are infinite
    i could use
    to say the
    same God daM
    thing.. but now
    is just the flavor
    of now of what iS
    iS foR Now.. with
    sMiLEs and loVE
    aS WeLL mY FriEnd..
    the best thing about a
    super epic Devil’s advocate
    is he or she or whatever can
    now be a best God dAM Joker
    advocate for NatUre aLL/GOD..
    wHere folks have the opportunity
    to be exposed to Jack out of the BOX..
    or off
    a naiLED
    cross and
    to rest a
    CROSS FREE..:)

    And gigoid says
    in return..

    Perhaps this one is the start
    of your latest… which I’d
    call Kokopelli’s Dance


    See ya, ami


    And i say..

    WiNks.. i think
    the theme SonG
    for the words
    catches the

    And then i say..

    And per Legend..
    it’s true..
    i ‘tricked’
    the Village beauty
    into having sex with me..
    And i can prove it.. as
    she never ages.. oh..
    when Alice in


    people with
    creeds are mostly
    all the ones who must
    be asked if they believe..
    while other animals besides
    people do believe by doing live
    Creeds are the
    reaSon for loss
    over found
    heRe now..
    People are
    God LauGHS…
    some more..:)

  11. sevenling– to the choirmaster. for the flutes

    Hi Claudia.. Sorry.. i wasn’t able to participate in responding to your 5 year anniversary of Dverse Poetry prompt challenge.. i got through most of Brian’s prompt but other waves of inspiration came my way which often is the case these days.. anyway.. as always nice poetry here.. but i am coming here to thank you and empirically give you that thanks in what your effort in helping to create the opportunity to read/comment on DiVerse creative efforts from poets
    around the world has done for me in my milestones of life..
    i came here in 2013.. after living a literal
    hell in a synergy of 19 life threatening
    illnesses for 66 months that
    suddenly came to an
    end.. when i yes..
    literally met
    the face of
    God in a literal
    Therapist assessed
    miracle that was never
    seen before.. of course the
    therapist was Catholic.. the other
    Doctor’s assessed it as we don’t know
    how you recovered… In God’s Language which
    of course is not the English one or any other human
    Language.. God ‘told’ me.. God was going to have me
    do something for God that no human had ever done before..
    i had no idea what it was going to be other than something with
    a camera.. something with feet and something with words and that
    my friend has come to be the longest long form poem now at the 688th
    Macro-Verse point with God knows how many micro-verses held with-in
    each macro-verse whole approaching 4 million words that is at least 4 times
    longer than the Bible.. 40 times longer than the Kuran.. and yes.. twice as long
    as that other poem.. the Mahābhārata.. at 1.8 million words.. of course all of those
    were group efforts and not accomplished by one individual.. so sure.. now mission
    is accomplished.. but not without a ‘little help’ from my friends.. and you my friend
    were a gift from God along with Brian.. as one of those Macro Verses from 2015.. where i made a poetic expression to every single prompt and every single poem that was linked from that entire year from April of 2015 to March of 2016.. when i started feeling the pressure from folks to change what i was doing.. that only increased my fortitude of God’s Will in me.. inspired me more and that one
    effort ended up being one verse total of 338,630 words.. and a Novel unto
    itself of course in Free Verse style too.. Interestingly.. both you and Brian..
    reflect an action of being in both tolerance and acceptance
    in differences of others that reflects the Golden rule
    of Jesus that truly means gentile or jew.. servant
    or free.. woman or man no more.. in other
    words room enough for every
    one to contribute
    a verse no
    or how long..
    OUR WAY..
    smiles.. you and
    Brian most always
    reciprocated visits.. no
    matter how far you had to
    wade down into what i did..
    no need to visit my friend..
    i was never looking for
    a reward..
    only to give..
    and sadly it’s
    amazing how hard
    it can be to even do
    that in super epic way
    as Jesus said through
    Saint John there would BE
    people after him who would
    do much more..
    i BELIEVED..
    UP.. and other line.. NOW
    when Luke said heaven
    was @hand now..
    he was
    and at least
    in my life
    Bless you
    in all you
    do.. i was in this
    to serve the Lord from
    the Get go.. and i wRite on..
    as a witness and court reporter.. of sorts..

  12. WeLL.. in respect of and for respect
    oF all the other inspiring poet’s from
    dVerse i will continue on now to the
    Friday fifth prompt in Five Year Celebration
    of the dVerse Website created by the super
    nice folks Brian and Claudia.. kinda like when
    you went to heaven and met a couple of nice
    folks at the pearly
    of green
    on earth.. @NOW..
    and as Synchronicity
    WiLL have it of course
    wRite on topic the topic
    ON COURSE is
    AND stuff
    with changing
    beliefs as such..
    across the life span..
    oh.. the confusion.. oh.. the
    bullshit.. oh.. the illusions
    but ah.. the real.. all
    the hidden meanings
    behind the
    of sacred
    ARE REAL..
    and truth and
    light when seen
    deeper in essence

    WELL.. JESUS f. in christ..
    i can’t believe yet
    i will believe
    it’s you..
    but i will not
    take any chances
    and will respond
    to Shawna first before
    the chameleon her
    a more
    something else..
    and her blog
    sounding poetic
    not trying to
    hehe.. anyway..
    i know you call
    your husband
    daddy.. so yeah..
    the preacher and
    his wife before and
    after Sunday school fun..
    is what i’m hmm.. kinda seeing here..
    and believe me i have a very fertile
    and can
    even dream
    what ever i wanted
    to dream in elementary
    school.. and haha.. even
    then i liked girls so much
    that all the girls in
    school in my dreams
    my girl
    harem then..
    little romancer
    i was then.. haha..
    considering i had
    no F in idea what
    sex was until sweet 16..
    anyway.. the other ‘choir’
    members would be so
    ashamed of you if they
    knew you were blogging with
    someone as free as me.. hehe..
    how history
    repeats itself..
    as the
    i am now
    going to respond
    to the rest of the links
    and after that i may come
    back to hook up with a few more
    of your links if the milk and honey
    of your
    still lives here..
    before E V A

    crap.. i wrote
    before i read the
    other comments now
    and if this is what
    it might be about..
    man.. i’m really
    but sure..
    one of my
    early ‘girl friends’
    who was abused by
    their daddy.. ended
    up ending their life with
    a revolver on her daddy’s bed
    in her twenties with a loving husband
    and children who loved her as well..
    makes me glad i never knew about
    sex until i was 16.. as i learned
    to love girls for their
    eyes before
    any thing else..
    and when i think
    about Muhammad
    and his 6 year-old
    child bride with her
    dolls in tow by the time
    she got all consummated up
    at 9 years old.. and those potentially
    4 out of 5.. 3 to 6 year old girls in
    Saudia Arabia as at least one
    Arab physician study suggests
    were exposed to fellatio
    and or masturbation
    in the home
    over there
    where boys
    and girls are
    only allowed
    to look at family
    members now in this
    sad way too.. and yes
    all 1.6 Billion folks in the
    world and the 12 year old
    girls who are still sold into
    marriage in Pakistan now..
    in totally legal
    ways over there..
    knowing where
    all of this started
    and is still propagated..
    i would love to have met
    Muhammad back then
    and gave
    him a piece
    of what
    God told
    me.. then..
    but instead
    i’ll do it now.. yes..
    no matter if it is received or not..
    yeah.. and sure there was that man..
    my wife’s stepfather standing over her
    bed with a knife when she was a little
    girl.. and that’s all she remembers
    of her childhood..
    so sure..
    lots of
    involved for
    me in this whole
    thing too.. but no
    one has ever physically
    abused me in anyway other
    than verbal abuse in my life..
    i suppose
    it was
    in my eyes
    that said
    there will
    be consequences
    if they did.. and that
    streak continues on my friend..
    anyway.. no reason to approve
    this.. it just inspired this in me..
    and as always
    just another
    for me
    and God to go..
    with a ‘little
    help’.. from my friends..
    in liGht
    and dARk..:)

    ‘Better than
    the Beasts’..
    what a crock
    of saying..
    at least stay
    in balance with
    nature.. and
    humans alWays
    are bEasts..
    it is the word
    human that has
    separated us from
    real.. THE.. BEAST
    that smiles.. the
    beast that cries..
    the beast that hugs..
    the beast is sexual
    and warm.. sharing
    and giving
    and greed..
    the human
    is the grain..
    the first grain
    that was stored
    when the hugs
    and the
    for life
    was replaced
    by sitting
    on screens insame
    of a 4 inch scream…
    FucK that i ScreAM nakED
    the streets with
    wiLd eYes sMiLeS
    and powerful leGs
    and armS real
    with fearless
    iN A DancE
    and SonG oF liFe
    iSReaL whether or not
    anyone but God and thE
    otHeR beasts joiN iN
    AM A

    WeLL.. my friend
    Grace.. as we gracefully
    Age as Maslow well puts..
    there are two paths..
    one of stagnation
    and the other
    of rebirth..
    yes reborn..
    no different
    than that metaphor
    of Jesus2.. where we self
    actualize and the God head
    i becomes one with I.. every
    culture talks to this.. some in
    religion some in voice with
    Nature.. but the bottom
    line is.. when one is
    in balance with
    God one grows
    from birth to
    and grows
    again.. it
    doesn’t take
    a rocket scientist
    to see inside to
    outside.. to above
    to below.. to all around
    but sure books can hide
    it all
    in words
    as a greater
    force of liGht
    and liFE as co-creator
    toGetHer in a grace of
    age where age is only illusion
    of humans hooked on form
    instead of essence
    of what
    we sense
    and FeeL
    of liFE of intelligence
    before collected words
    of yesternows
    of iSREaL with GOD..
    smiles.. and thanks for the
    inspiration along the way..
    i have to give you credit..
    wiNks.. at
    least you
    don’t delete
    my poetic
    as if any of that
    matters in the real
    Kingdom of God and
    Nature now same that
    focuses all
    on giving
    in ways
    of likes
    and follows..
    big houses
    that become
    God and
    in Red
    for Lovers..
    and suits with
    ties the same
    with so much
    greater fearless Love iSREAL..:)

    Capital and Corporal Punishment
    is a slippery slope from
    grade school
    the electric
    chair.. human’s
    problem are they
    wear clothes and
    separate themselves
    from Nature.. Bonobos
    live Violence free and have
    no need for punishment as
    they barter with Peace and Love..
    in only giving and sharing….
    cutting off hands
    for thievery too.. in
    other countries..
    and paddling
    kids in
    is simply
    a primate sing of the
    insanity of wearing
    clothes.. but sure..
    there was a Gospel
    titled verse 37 of Thomas
    that spoke to the solution
    for this.. for Peace and Love
    but the reality of Nature is
    humans are not evolved
    to connect to
    more than
    150 to
    200 sets
    of eyes
    in reciprocal
    social communication
    before insanity happens..
    and it’s true if you domesticate
    Bonobos anywhere close to this
    they will turn into cannibals and
    a primate species that harms
    each other like this
    whether or not
    they eat
    each other
    or not consumes
    each other in harm..
    the reaLiTy iS humans are
    destroying the balance of nature..
    there is action and consequence NoW
    of this.. and that my friend is for the
    offending member of God all natural
    to eliminate the problem itself..
    it’s easy to see with
    bigger God eYes..
    it’s just Nature..
    or repeat the
    same old
    eitherS in ways
    of capital punishment..
    unwarranted wars and 100K’s
    of innocent folks death.. Island people’s
    destroyed by Nuclear bombs..
    hands chopped off..
    God of
    nature says
    get in balance
    or pay the piper
    with misery and
    suffering real..
    Funny how that
    works and so sad too..
    but it is what it is until
    someone changes NoW for the
    better stArting always with me..
    so how does one chart a course of
    7 billion human beings back to
    smaller groups of 150 to 200
    humans living peacefully
    together naked
    like the
    the answer could
    be a very very painful one
    but that is Karma my friend..
    we all reap what we sow as
    teAM GOD isREAL Now.. noW
    There is no other answer
    in human terms but
    Hope and
    step by
    step and
    even word
    person by
    breath.. noW REAL..:)

    When we are born different..
    sometimes it is only the Love
    of a Mother that holds us together..
    and sure i can relate.. to
    this attachment
    this tie that
    has no equal
    as when the real
    dark place comes
    the real dark place
    comes yes the darkest
    place comes the mother
    may be the only one left
    that is willing to stay even
    if one is not willing to stay..
    yeah.. i can relate my friend..
    i can relate.. so deep.. so deep..
    just a few words and a tear repressed
    as.. sure my mother is now approaching
    82.. refuses to go to a Doctor no matter what..
    and i can only hope she does not suffer prolonged
    not unlike my father.. who lived his life independently
    until age 81 and suddenly dropped dead.. tomorrow
    the 24th of July is the marker of the death of my
    only child.. i watched the so-called wonder
    of modern medicine keep him
    alive and suffering
    in pain for 51 days..
    and i lEarned the blessing
    of death.. i will never curse death..
    as i too.. learned there are experiences
    in life where death is the greatest
    blessing of all and this proves
    there is a God of
    Mercy as
    we all
    have the
    of the gift of death..
    except for those who
    are caught in the world
    of medical prolonged hell in life..
    perspective.. Jesus F in Christ.. PRICELESS MY FRIEND…
    NOT SURE.. it can ever be related in words but i try…
    ps.. nice
    to see.. ya..
    been kinda
    busy writing.. hehe..
    if you visit me.. you
    might need a super computer
    to see me and extremely broad band access
    but at any rate a pleasure and honor to see you
    hEar.. Desmond.. my old and still new poetic friEnd..:)

    Ah.. the gift of believe..
    the architect in all his
    fancy computer words
    was/is defeated
    like a little
    boy/school girl
    by the
    and me..
    by one
    thE rest oF
    it was just a matrix…
    i giggle/google @matrix..
    it doesn’t exist at aLL
    to me.. it doesn’t affect
    me or effect me anyWay aT all
    anYmore.. i unplugged and sure
    it’s possible this peace could
    end but it is what it is as heaven now..
    i FucKinG enJoy thiS HEAVEN Forevermorenow
    sliver like it never ever never ever never
    ever was even possible unTil now and thiS
    FucKinG iS NoW thE most sUBER epiC
    poTenTiaL and
    oF F Y i @aLL..
    BELiEVE.. noW
    A DancE
    SioN ZinGs..:)

    SMiLes mY
    FriEnd the word
    that describes Love
    best is Free..
    any pArt of
    Love thaT iS
    not Free is
    Fear and
    related to
    Hate.. the
    word that
    God best
    is Free noW
    and fearless
    thaT equates to
    Love mY Friend..
    iF and when the world
    practices this rule of Love
    in only giving and sharing way..
    the same Golden one repeated
    throughout the sAges oF aLL aGes..
    the answer iS simple.. both Love and
    God WiLL ReigN FReED ReiNs of RaiN
    sAMe noW
    Free… unTil
    then iT iS
    what iT
    iS noW..
    mY FriEnd..
    but we are
    Free to
    you God
    for this
    to be like you..:)

    SMLes.. my friEnd.. Glenn..
    my greaTest hope REaLiT
    is the reaLiTy
    thaT aLL oF
    deSire iS
    to be Free..
    it’s just common
    seNse.. anYthing away
    from free.. including the
    tRappings of fame.. and other
    temporary accolades like a new
    car.. new home.. a new set of
    clothes or whatever
    does not
    a temple
    of flesh and
    spirit is aWay
    from free.. i choose
    naked creativity
    in all ways
    of life..
    it never
    ‘costs’ me
    in terms
    of free..
    but sure.. it is never
    free and takes work
    from wake to sleep..
    as the monkey rarely falls
    from trees and hawks fall
    from skies.. liFe IS
    A practice
    and only
    in eYes
    of human
    written words
    from thaT pest
    of neo-cortical illusion
    of past and present and
    other FORMS temporal bEyond
    saniTy NoW..

    is in the
    that kNows
    no different
    than stay..:)

    Sadly what
    i find in all
    my Internet
    travels iS
    that the ONE
    thing that is
    missing most
    from Hope.. Faith
    and Belief is both the
    U N D E R L Y I N G..
    REAL emoting power
    of these Human EmoTions
    for change in positive action
    and consequence and the
    work ethic beyond
    idols of money..
    likes.. follows..
    etc.. it’s all
    the same
    the first
    word to
    MAKE positive
    change real..
    Free effort is what
    it takes.. and in a world
    that is bought and sold from
    dollar bills to likes to follows
    to shares or whatever the
    idols of bought and sold is…
    the essence
    and hope..
    is lost in a temple
    with no flesh at all..
    but i suppose for all practical
    intents and purposes i could now
    be from another planet to attempt
    to relate this to anyone as the only
    way i know to fully understand it is
    to escape culture..
    and that
    and lots of effort
    to get to that
    place in
    first.. as
    far as i FeeL..
    sense.. and kNow
    of LiFe.. money is
    prison.. storing grain
    is the road to greed and
    jealousy.. the only escape
    i can see now is on the individual
    level.. and that’s the truth and the
    liGht iN
    pArt of
    what i for
    onE see through
    my greaTest teacher experience..
    that three college degrees
    and a 25 year career with
    the government ending at
    top pay grade levels on
    a means
    to seek and find..
    nah.. it wasn’t always
    a labyrinth until humans
    started storing grain.. sMiles..
    yeah.. the word Believe to me..
    is kinda
    WiNks.. sMILes
    aGain.. and for me
    i can see the soul of
    a person in their eYes..
    that is my ‘Autistic Super Power’..
    not often..
    that many
    folks maintain
    eye contact with me..
    if they
    but most often
    they tale me tHeir
    that works..
    for example i was dancing
    the other night at a huge dance hall and a girl upstairs
    blurted out to me that guy is gonna be my husband..
    she was about 20 and i am 56.. that’s bizarre..
    or a least kinda strange to me as i never
    ask any girl to dance.. (i’m married) have
    a nice day…
    i believe
    is everywhere i go
    and i can prove it too..;)

    ps.. this is way too long
    and i’m rambling.. don’t feel
    you need to keep it here.. sMiLesx3..
    i find inspiration everywhere and simply
    copy and paste what i do.. in what is
    now approaching 4 million words
    of the longest long
    form poem
    ever in the
    history now
    of humankind
    all for free..
    (verse) funny
    how that
    works.. like
    i said
    is real
    and i prove
    it everywhere i go..
    oh yeah.. and God2..:)

    Have a nice day2..:)

    Well.. Hank.. this is great to hear
    that you’ve been Happily married
    for 45 years.. and i must say
    that my precious and always
    Loving wife IS A mainstay
    of my happiness for
    26 years too..
    and i must say.. too..
    i’Ve visited tens of thousands
    of poems in the last 3 years..
    and commented on almost
    all of them.. and about
    90% or so of the poets
    are not very happy
    to severely depressed
    but i like visiting all those
    places as there was once a time
    that i grew ill and my doctor assessed
    me as the least happiest person he ever
    came across and that was an Air Force
    Psychiatrist but sure.. Type Two Trigeminal
    Neuralgia from wake to sleep.. the
    worst pain known to humankind
    will do that to a human
    being.. like a dentist
    drill with no
    pain killer
    in my eye and
    ear.. as you’ve
    probably heard
    me mention before
    with 19 other medical
    disorders miraculously
    cured 3 years ago..
    almost to date
    today.. a REAL
    GOD.. anyWay..
    the darkness i find
    in poetry land online
    reminds me of where i’ve
    been and just makes me appreciate
    a real heaven now away from Hell..
    and i appreciate the fAct that God
    showed me both hell and heaven..
    as perspective
    is priceless
    ever before..
    other than that
    hope you are enjoying
    your Summer and i’m guessing
    if you are not already retired..
    close to that too..
    my friEnd..
    in giving ways too..:)

    SMiLes.. my friEnd
    the greaTest lesSon
    in my life was to believe..
    yes.. IS to believe in POSITIVITY..
    not what to believe.. IN
    TERMS OF Dogma..
    i think that is
    the pARt
    of God
    that is simply
    paRt of uS and
    Nature sAme that
    most people miss in
    religious sacred texts
    that attempt to explain
    the inner human Universe
    of Emotions and Senses beyond
    what science currently can empirically assess..
    anyway.. science now.. at least has proven this
    power in terms of the Placebo and Nocebo affect/effect..
    some other folks call it prayer and voodoo.. sadly
    some folks get caught up too much
    in labels.. i see the
    same generality in
    Religious folks
    and so-called
    folks too..
    FACT IS some folks
    cannot think in terms
    of images and imagination..
    some folks can only navigate
    the world in words of literal
    in other
    words.. some folks see
    differently worlds of the sAMe God
    that is simply Nature wholE noW..
    sadly some folks may not even
    have the organic potential to
    FEEL the human emotions
    of hope.. faith.. and belief..
    yes.. they are emotions..
    not just words..
    some folks
    may never
    be able to
    this higher
    power IF THEY
    CANNOT sense
    it and feel it real..
    no one said God HAS to now
    be fair.. but never the less it is what is..
    and there is no escape.. it’s kinda
    silly not to make life super-epic
    if YOU CAN.. with a little
    faith..hope..and belief..
    i don’t care
    if it is
    the flying
    as long as it
    works.. bottom
    line in Nature’s
    eYes God same
    it works noW..
    this is kinda
    long.. just
    it a friendly
    service and delete
    it if ya like but i like
    to lend a helping hand
    and hehe.. sometimes
    a long one along the way..
    it’s what REAL HUMAN
    faith.. hope.. and belief
    can do.. as altruism
    when experienced
    in the moment
    feels good..
    no likes
    no shares..
    no follows..
    no.. your poetry
    is stunning responses
    needed just a hand extended
    my friend.. short
    as with enough
    faith.. hope.. belief..
    a little autistic boy like
    me who couldn’t speak until
    he was four.. can write the longest
    long form poem ever in the history
    of humankind in a style no one has
    ever encountered before..
    but i was a lucky
    one.. those
    to 4 million
    words were revealed
    to me through God of
    Nature whole.. soon after
    God healed me Miraculously
    of a synergy of 19 life threatening
    disorders.. you see.. here’s the thing..
    it just happened.. and i call Nature
    god as god speaks to
    me in nature
    terms within..
    inside.. outside..
    above.. so below
    and all around..
    it IS A big picture
    my friEnd..
    and i AM
    a smALL
    on a
    thaT never
    gives up
    on a canvas
    bigger than
    INfinity now.. of painting
    no limits.. no expectations..
    a place BEYOND.. faith.. hope..
    and belief.. WITH TANGIBLE RESULTS..
    to 4 million
    words and
    that i for
    one prove exists
    everyday.. anyWay..
    some folks say if you can
    prove it i would believe.. and
    when someone says i do not
    believe at all i feel a little
    to share a
    far far
    from two
    thousand years
    ago or so.. now..:)

    Again.. Consider this a gift or
    whatever.. it is what it is..
    and please ignore it..
    delete it
    or whatever
    suits your fancy
    my friend.. as i for
    one am fancy free..:)

    Side note hEAr..
    footloose2 or 3..eTc..
    side note
    and ends

    Hello my friend..
    for me the GOlden
    rule works without
    consuming others
    with harm..
    other folks
    make it
    so much
    more complicated
    than that but as long
    as that rule tHeRe is
    shared and given
    it all falls into
    place for
    mE noW..
    i don’t thiNk
    i’M the first
    person to say
    this.. but perhaps
    the first person to
    repeat it this much
    in the written word
    first hand.. now..
    i can
    i WiLL.. we are
    animals.. we are blessed
    with the neo-cortical
    ability and
    to use
    as WiLL
    to exercise
    a life long practice
    and perfection as such
    of the Golden rule now..
    big mistake for those
    who think it requires
    no work.. or focus
    instead as and
    of an hour here
    or there in a brick
    building wondering
    what dress or tie to
    wear next.. anyway.. the
    Naked Golden rule is enough for
    me.. giving and sharing and consuming
    no other part of Nature with harm beyond
    the bread and water of life.. anyway2..
    change always stARts at
    the heARt
    of the
    the SpiRit and
    the sOuL before
    the Mirror eYes now
    LiVinG Truth
    and liGht as
    Fearless Love
    that harms no otHeR..:)

    SMiLes my friEnd..
    one of the greAtest
    pARts of online and
    the world of poEtry
    in INterNaTioNal way..
    iS it provides a much larger
    meaSuRing sTick tock of both
    God sAMe..

    SAdly.. theRe
    are some
    the sAMe
    smaller.. at
    all frigging costs.. hehe..;)

    god laughs
    at human
    that attempt
    to chain something
    as big
    noW as
    any other
    of God
    is noW..
    kinda small..
    and we humans
    are so dam smaLL
    but always groWinG
    unless we clip the gift
    of these little
    as gifted
    by the
    pArt now
    SMiLes.. God IS A poem
    but thaT begs a much bigger
    than most
    folks hOld
    for poem..
    funny how that
    works even in
    of three letters
    or one more 4..4..
    nice to see yoU..
    Bryan.. have a nice day..:)

    SMiLes.. my Friend
    in every human
    interaction.. i
    go into
    it fresh
    as student
    as much as
    i can kNoWinG
    nothing.. and
    the gift
    of lEarn..
    the more i think
    about in advance..
    the less i lEarn..
    an open
    i GroW..
    the best
    are alWays
    Have a great day!..:)

    sMiLes.. my friEnd..
    a loss of hunger
    for Love..
    A stomach
    thaT is alWays
    filLed with food…
    funny/sad.. bitter/
    sweet how
    but reaLiTy
    proves it
    again and
    again over
    and over again..
    A child’s eYes hungry for Love
    in one country and a child’s eyes
    hungry for a character in a
    screen in
    i suppose
    the lonely child
    is gifted
    of cross..
    funny how the
    dArk makes the
    liGht so lovely
    as sad
    for Love or perhaps
    a real man on a cross
    in eYes of child reaL noW..
    Funny.. how so many people cannot
    see the cross in those eYes wanton for Love..
    No.. i lied..
    no other
    word for it
    but TruTh..
    In liGht oF liEs..
    Lord of the flies.. as
    such.. instead of Cross
    Love that
    kNows no Border..:)

    Hello Kim.. i Love comparing natUre
    to our human relationships2..
    as after all our EmoTions
    are ions of emoTing
    no different
    really than
    ions noW iN
    rays of SuN..
    sMiLes.. i AM
    a giant star that
    burns a breath too
    close to fire the cool
    of otHeR stars near me..
    but as that goes.. my fire
    never burns out.. never exhausted
    as humans have a secret weapon
    that not even stars have.. a power
    so infinitely more
    powerful now that
    even defeats
    Nature’s Law
    of Entropy now..
    and that IS A
    star power oF Love
    when powered beyond
    restraints of all EmoTioNs
    of fear related ways..
    BeYond 100%
    warp speed
    power of hUman
    Love.. funny.. i was going
    to see the movie Star Trek
    this afternoon.. but i decided
    to journey BeYond within instead..
    iN online poEtry UniVerse LAnd..
    THere’s alWays toMorRow
    for a movie..
    but tHeRe’s
    for Love..
    Have a great
    day.. i for one
    Believe in the power
    of Fearless Love and it
    seems in empirical results
    for me.. W/
    wiNks.. oF Love..:)

    oh.. what a Lovely
    Lunch and Dinner
    of hungry you bRinG..
    if breakfast comes @all..
    Stay hungry
    and never
    leave boot
    camp.. even
    if one was/is
    wimpy like
    me then and
    closely tied
    to my Mom’s
    way back
    when or is now..
    and look around..
    a world of challenge..
    intermittent reward..
    a world of all reward..
    N A T u r E n O W..
    a world
    oh.. the challenge..
    oh.. the adaptation..
    oh.. the change..
    the struggle..
    the win..
    noW the
    oF LiVinG
    of Joy
    Joy more
    iN dArk
    and liGht
    ONE Existence noW..
    in hell..
    heaven and
    all the ‘tween
    of lEarning God wHole..
    morE noW..
    as students
    iN liFE
    oF all
    WiLL most
    certainly do
    for wE noW..
    WiLd and Free
    without napKin
    coveRed chinS..;)

    Oh goodness..
    the Love of give
    and take.. the rule
    of yes dear.. has always
    worked for me.. smiles..
    i even used
    to let the
    wife lightly
    beat me..
    she finally
    got accustomed
    to my ADHD and
    no longer gives me
    those love pats
    to get
    land attention..
    i was unconditionally
    Loved big time as a child..
    perhaps too much.. my wife
    experienced the opposite yes..
    but i realize the gift i have and
    the gift she doesn’t.. so she gets
    miles and miles of slack from me
    ’cause the world ain’t fair and Love
    is always the best way in fearless way
    for those with the capacity to do it.. but
    so many valid reasons why folks can’t..
    i try to understand.. tolerate.. and even
    the daRkest
    holes of human
    potential.. a gift
    perhaps THEN..
    for 66 months..
    a temporary
    trip to the same
    place that i only
    saw the outside
    view for years
    and years..
    is the
    of believe
    worth living for
    me.. so sad for
    those who do not
    have the nurture or
    nature to feel or give
    that’s real and TOTALLY FREE TO
    give and
    share now..
    i can say for
    sure some folks
    never experience
    it and some folks
    always experience
    it like my mother..
    what a gift
    a mother
    like that
    can be..
    but the years
    can even take a
    toil on the greatest of Love saints..
    the neighborhood kids with salty
    parents used to come visit..
    just to see her smile..
    and hear
    i suppose
    that is why
    i am a nurturer..
    no matter how
    rough and tough i look
    on the outside of a heart that sings..
    my mother’s wings.. have a great day.. freya..:)

    SMiLes.. oh.. the path
    to self-actualization..
    so many challenges
    and roles of liFe that
    can truly eventuAlly make
    a gOlden years meme a reaLiTy
    wHere soUl keep expanding to
    the very last breath of the very
    last day of butterfly who never lands..
    reborn always in rebirth of now..
    where now is
    and always
    FlyIng colors
    in dArk and
    liGht noW..
    and ‘tween..
    renewing liFe..:)

    THeRe is nothing reAlly
    mysterious about it
    when iT
    this Human
    Heaven.. this
    Kingdom of
    God as
    one.. now..
    this.. animal
    that can be
    so difficult
    for animals
    who wear clothes now
    to finally realize iSREAL..:)

  13. More memories coming in from
    July 22nd of 2015.. in
    Macro Verse
    way of
    So Fires
    Fires Above..
    yes… all oF iT
    works togeTheR..:)

    So Fires below so Fires Above

    And as promised
    earlier in this new
    688th whole Macro-Verse..
    the KmF Train is back
    in 5236 words of

    KmF 5236 Runaway Train

  14. objectivity…or not?

    SMiLes.. Victoria..
    Actually i think we are
    just exposed to more of the
    truth now.. and lots more dirty
    laundry that never got out before..
    it’s just a matter of finding a source
    that is not biased as possible.. freedom
    of information per the net.. almost guarantees
    there will never be another epic fiasco like Iraq..
    that’s the good news in a way..
    and of course the bad news
    as more than ever is
    integrity of the
    candidates but
    as history
    shows now
    the greatest
    perceived elected
    saints before had plenty
    to come out of their soilEd
    closets too.. no different really
    than hidden emails and stains on
    dresses.. i only watch the news for
    amusement as eventually as science
    shows this conservative and liberal nature
    of humans is programed in our DNA about
    50-50.. as has always been the general case..
    it doesn’t matter where one goes.. people are
    alike everywhere.. most ironically in different
    same ways.. so.. Politics is really no different
    than soap opera cycles.. where one doesn’t
    miss much from 6 months to the next
    6 months.. and there is much
    better stuff to do now..
    thanks God than
    just three black
    and white
    and 6pm news..
    now and preferably
    something to do with
    Nature as NDD.. Nature
    Deficit Disorder.. is the greatest
    problem the Western Civilization
    as whole faces now in so many ways..
    so if enough people get disgusted with
    politics and look at a sunset as you say..
    perhaps World Peace will come a little
    Sooner.. at least per affect and or
    effect of The Butterfly effect..
    later or hopefully sooner..
    anyway.. the status
    quo will continue..
    the country will stay
    divided.. until another
    threat off our soil unites us
    again.. and the real danger of
    that is what we saw with Iraq..
    Nationalism can definitely defeat
    human reason.. as the tribal instinct
    when it gets into gear can define all
    reason for what makes usual sense..
    when peace rules for years and years..
    Ha!.. that’s likely why we don’t get any
    direct sponsored Isis related attacks
    on our soil.. the United States
    bite can even be louder
    than a reasonable bark..
    We have a reputation of
    being unreasonable and almost
    insane.. no one messes with the
    crazy eye.. it’s nice to go outside all day
    long without the same worries other folks
    have in so many countries of getting blown
    up.. unless one is paranoid of course.. as fear
    is the worse terrorism of all that so many folks inflict
    on themselves.. meanwhile.. i’LL SinG and DancE in
    steps and words.. and vocal chords.. and let the
    soap opera suds bubble on tHeir song of division
    with no
    blood shed..
    my friend..
    and sure.. i’LL
    vote for Hillary Clinton..
    i’LL never vote for someone
    who stands against immigration..
    as my Grandfather came here from
    Ireland.. and there are lots of good Muslim
    folks.. who don’t deserve to be discriminated
    against.. just because of where they lived..
    after all for those who suggest they
    are REAL Christians..
    a cross is for
    a sacrifice
    of fearless
    Love.. no..
    not wimpy
    folks with
    feathered nests
    my friend.. as Lord
    KNoWs the greaTest Lovers
    often have no where to rest their
    head and be accepted as Love can
    scare folks.. when it comes fearless like a LioN..
    oh.. misery.. does love its company.. Fearless Love..
    spOils that ‘party’..
    to the chagrin of
    negative over positive..;)


    Oh Lord.. that Star Trek
    Movie was kinda good.. noW
    and ‘this eye’ reminds me of
    beyond.. and a girl named Nancy
    from ’80.. when the Song Magic
    came out by Olivia N J.. she
    worked at Burger King..
    Nancy (not Olivia.. hehe)
    and all the guys
    who hung out
    at the sign
    at the
    Parking Lot
    Drinking Beer
    (allowed by the
    city cops then)
    really wanted to
    date her as boy
    was she stacked
    up top.. and she
    had a white person
    Afro.. maybe she
    was from France..
    in part with all that
    curly hair.. as a another
    ‘fond’ memory comes to
    mind.. anyway.. she thought
    my last name sounded.. my
    real last name.. sounded
    like something
    from the Bible..
    and she told
    me i had
    a V shaped
    back as back
    then i had a tiny
    little 32 inch waist..
    and weighed 170LBS..
    which is 60 LBS less
    than now.. by the
    way my therapist notes
    my fascination with numbers..
    likely has something to do with
    the Asperger’s and extreme
    systemizing state of mind
    and the ADHD is why
    i am
    way way
    off track..
    but anyway..
    just like the girl
    here in the eye photo
    with the red flowered eye
    that is the color of the bright
    red lipstick that 18 year old
    Nancy wore.. hehe.. she
    seemed old to me then..
    as i was 20.. and
    my previous
    girl friend
    was 16..
    how a few
    years makes
    a difference then..
    and now i’m 56 and
    still dancing with 18 year
    old girls.. with X’s on their
    wrists as they are too young
    to drink.. and i don’t drink..
    not even a Bloody Mary..
    or cup of water..
    i’m such
    an athletic
    stud.. hehe..
    with a super
    nerd perspective..
    and i remember you
    saying you were a female
    stud too.. so i kNoW you can
    anyway.. me
    and Nancy talked all night..
    she with her Kaleidoscope
    eyes just like that girl here..
    at her home then where
    she lived with her Dad
    into the Tweetie bird
    hours as there
    was no Twitter
    then.. yes
    outside in
    the Summer
    and you
    know me..
    i’d rather talk
    than have sex..
    so it is before the
    crack of dawn.. and this
    is like my first date since
    my first love broke up with
    me.. and the song ‘Magic’
    comes on.. and i feel
    magic again..
    but no.. not
    like sex.. like
    God is taling
    me one day that
    SonG WiLL mean
    something more to me..
    and it did.. as i played it
    before i got well in 2013..
    and somehow it helped me
    to recover.. it’s like the SonG
    was a seed in ’80 of hope
    to heal
    me in ’13..
    33 years
    later.. wow..
    now.. my..
    that drive in
    ’80 before
    the sun came
    up and the Tweetie
    birds SunG is like it’s
    now.. seriously.. for me
    all is now
    my entire
    life all
    iS Now..noW..
    and in a way
    that’s my eye too..
    the all seeing one.. now..
    when it’s real..
    Enjoy Church Choir..
    you know i think i told
    you i played the piano for
    the Choir and Sang in the
    decades of the 80’s in Catholic
    Church.. but now my voice is
    really like a Lion.. i cub you
    not.. when i sneeze at
    church it sounds
    just like a shot
    gun blast..
    or crap..
    shit tHeir
    C H U R C H
    bRitches.. as
    you know recent
    national events and
    all of that.. anyway.. when
    they now say sing with Choirs
    of Angels and Saints… it’s like
    a voice from
    i wonder if it’s
    miNd somenows..
    kinda like when i read
    some of the stuff i write
    into the magic hours of
    the night.. it’s almost
    like God
    my hand..
    top of the
    magic to ya..
    my friend.. and
    enjoy your choir
    singing too.. and
    hehe.. if they ever make
    a movie of my life.. i promise
    i’ll make ’em name you something
    other than Shawna.. so the choir
    girls will not give you
    a scarlet
    i’m such
    a Dog.. but
    a nice Dog.. i thiNk..;)

    Shawna says..

    Thank you so much for this poem/story.
    You and I think exactly the same. And again,
    you are brilliant. With your line breaks and
    hidden words inside words, you just told me a
    million invisible things. I think having Asperger’s
    is a gift, in the right hands and company.

    And i say..

    Yes.. thanks for your company..
    and speaking of children with
    Asperger’s.. children.. and children
    in general.. the milk you give your
    children and your children are the
    greatest gift.. not sure if you were around
    last year when i did this.. but today is the 19th
    anniversary of my child’s death.. and this one i did..
    says a lot
    i come
    from as whole..
    and why women
    are are my favorite
    gender.. my friend..
    in innocent
    ways of real..:)

    Kiss Your Baby Goodbye

    Shawna says..

    I completely feel you on this.
    I have always thought losing a child,
    in any way, would be the worst kind of
    pain and lifelong torture. I will read
    your post in a little bit. I am so so
    so so very sorry you lost your baby.

    And finally i say..

    Thanks Shawna..
    Church ends..
    now off
    to dance
    the mall
    stores and
    dance while
    i read at BandN2..
    nice seeing you
    this weekend.. and
    as alWays aGain best wishes..

  16. So.. i take one of those Facebook
    tests that asks why folks avoid you..
    and it says ’cause i’m blunt and
    directly honest.. speaking
    what’s on my

    And i say..
    Also speak
    What’s on my
    Heart.. But life
    Is too special
    NOT to do that
    And ha!
    If people
    It’s cause
    I’m strange
    And to
    Put it
    Strange is
    The new Black
    In the United
    States.. When
    i conformed i
    Was FucKinG
    Boring.. Rather
    Be a Fool
    Robot like
    i used to be
    And no.. Not
    Everyone avoids
    Me.. Don’t need lots
    Of friends to have friends..
    As honestly if one is not a friend
    to themselves they will never truly be a
    friend to anyone else either in the long run..
    Accept yourself completely before life even starts
    to put it bluntly.. Life is too short not to give tough
    love advice that can change a life and that is altruism
    too as it loses friends but I’d rather help someone
    in the longest of runs.. Named life.. So i move
    on and dust my sandals off where i am
    no longer welcome.. Yes.. No
    matter what i walk in the
    footsteps of the best
    company i kNow
    and FeeL..:)

  17. Projection – dVerse

    Oh wow.. didn’t realize the story was actually
    about you and your Dad.. you seem like you
    have it so together it’s hard to imagine you’ve
    having any problems like that freya.. but truly
    it is our challenges that make us who we are and
    i think most everyone has a story to share and that is
    what is the best about poetry.. as it deepens our cognitive
    empathy for the human condition.. and ha!.. being on the
    Autism Spectrum with a lifelong condition of reasonably
    controlled bi-polar condition most of that life with no
    drugs does make me unique my friend.. inherently..
    i got the Asperger’s from my Dad
    who was the spitting image
    of what you write of
    your Dad here..
    and the EXTREMELY
    happy side from my mother..
    but she never really had the
    periods of dark depression i
    experience in life.. anyway..
    today is the 19th anniversary
    of the death of my only child and
    to put the relationship of my father
    and i in a ‘nut’ shell in the waiting room
    of the open heart surgery procedure.. for
    my child before he later died in my arms this
    day 19 years ago.. my father said.. (and it was
    pretty obvious our child who lived 51 days wasn’t
    gonna make it from the get go.. medicine kept him
    in suffering in pain for all those days) anyway.. my
    father said.. “Make sure you raise him like a man”..
    as my father a 46 year law enforcement veteran
    left at three.. ’cause my mother didn’t wanna
    go to work and wanted to be the
    stay at home mom.. so i was
    raised with all women..
    and never got that
    bow up spine as
    they say
    in the
    ‘red neck’
    red state panhandle
    of Florida where i live..
    well.. i eventually developed
    it when i learned to be my own
    father.. and that seems to be a common
    archetype of the so-called ‘super hero’ theme..
    even in the movies… where the super masculine
    male marries the super masculine female as in the
    case of my father and mother.. and the boy is left
    in the care of a distant land in a weaker place
    than what he would be in a village that
    had both masculine and feminine
    influence for balance..
    dark struggle
    comes.. then..
    and eventually
    love lives with fearless
    too.. and the once timid
    Clark Kent.. Dr. Jekyll or
    Bruce Wayne changes into
    something else when they finally
    escape the cocoon and are reborn
    to come into their more full human potential…
    i have to say that the Jungian archetypes
    are valid.. and sure it seems i have
    gone beyond them in some
    ways.. hehe.. and that is
    just my access to
    all of cultures
    through all
    of history
    to select
    the parts i like
    and make that
    Fred culture.. haha..
    anyway.. a link to “kiss your
    baby goodbye”.. a tear jerker
    ‘they said’.. but it was just the
    literal truth.. in my life.. reality
    has been much more unique than
    any movie.. i have ever seen.. and the
    high part is amazing.. but oh my God.. the
    dark parts.. were beyond scary.. beyond
    Friday the 13th..
    Heaven is great..
    i kiss life my friend
    all for free.. just ’cause
    i can with all my might..
    hehe.. hercules
    i’LL be..
    i can..
    and WiLL..
    with fearless LOVE..:)

    Kiss Your Baby Goodbye

  18. Poetry is as much of a healing tool
    as it is a gift to give.. but both of those
    equal gift and tool of course same..
    and sure.. when rising from hell
    after 66 months.. on a July 22nd
    date of 2013.. along with
    anniversary date of an
    only son’s death..
    coming in two
    days alter
    on the 24th..
    those inspirations.
    of hell.. heaven and
    a child who i promised would
    continue to live in my life do go on..
    in words of Titanic too.. yeah.. ‘HErCuLes
    of SoUl’ will be the title of this next title
    of the 688th Macro Verse wave with
    this micro-poem that is rather
    long sTiLL as poems do go..
    particularly in a twitter
    world of pokemon ways
    of lifestyle.. and sure.. been
    there done it too.. in a little
    video game i played same for
    literally years.. and no text at all
    in reciprocal social communication..
    so i was even more shallow than that
    as far as deep can go.. and seriously..
    in a world of stresses like we have
    any escape can be Good and as
    Maslow says.. there is no way
    to move up the pyramid of
    being human until you
    meet basic
    animal human
    homeostasis of
    rest and relaxation
    101 after challenge..
    and that is where pokemon
    and little video snowboarding games
    come in.. and even a twitter conversation..
    when there is hardly time to frankly wipe your
    ass.. can be a nice relief of humanity along with
    those kitty kat photos and a song or two.. so inspiring
    by katy kat katy perry too.. as i am a big fan of hers2..
    anyway.. seriously.. one can only judge if they are truly
    a ‘Hercules of Soul’.. between they and God Nature one
    as that IS A dArk night of the soul that must be conquered
    one on ONE on ONE wE God wHole.. no one can possibly
    go there and understand it.. except for the multiverse of
    individual who goes there with God as one multiverse
    of all verse whole God now.. and after going to the
    darkest night of soul.. i for one have at least
    read about in fact or fiction for 66 months..
    it is safe to say.. i am a JOB OF THE
    MODERN NEW AGE.. no.. not just
    a character in an old black
    poetry book of dARk and
    liGht of the human
    condition through
    history.. 3500 years..
    to 2K or so years back..
    this is now.. i AM real.. but
    only me and God as Nature
    whole WiLL ever fully kNow the
    dArk niGht of my soul that lasted
    66 months with all those extenuating
    beyond hell fire circumstances then..
    but as they say.. and Katy does too..
    after every Hurricane.. comes a rain
    bow and eye of a Hurricane too.. now
    and sometimes when all the doors
    are closed perhaps it was just an
    invitation to a best path of all..
    just waiting on the other
    side of that door you
    didn’t think you
    could open
    at all way back
    then.. anyway.. it’s
    safe to say i’m wide awake..
    i’ve faced the devil up close and
    personal as me.. i understand fully
    the dude who was the real bad dude
    in the new Star Trek movie too.. as sure..
    i do know that IS A dark place of separation
    the human soul can truly go.. where there is
    no limit or expectation of what evil can grow
    in a dark soul too with no respite of light..
    to heal.. and if you don’t think the efforts
    of folks like Katy Perry do not save
    lives.. you my friend.. have never
    FucKinG come close to
    the darkest night
    of the soul
    even demons
    dare not go..
    yeah.. i kNow
    all about suffering..
    potential vengeance..
    but most of all i know
    about recovery.. liGht
    and the Victory of the
    hUman heARt.. SPiriT
    iSREAL and more important
    than any so-called money making
    project or other material gaining activity
    one will ever do in life.. as the worst death
    is the living one with none of those three as
    without those three from the beginning you never
    lived and to lose those three while living is to do die
    same truly in suffer way.. seriously it can and WiLL get
    better if you just
    never ever give up
    no matter what the hell
    comes next as Dante’s rings
    trust me IS A real thing too of REAL
    HELL here.. yes.. there is heaven here
    different folks who walk the side walks of here in all
    those places.. in tHeiR own multi-verse of real now..:)

    And the story oF Y i.. lightens
    up here noW in macro-verse
    facebook algorithm memories
    moving now from three years
    ago to two years ago.. and
    in reference to
    the new
    who guards
    the real now
    Goddess Isis..
    Katrina.. who is
    currently named
    little Yellow Boy
    King of
    the Garden
    of Eden2.. by
    guard of the
    Patio screen too..:)


    Balance is key here..
    with Golden Mean
    of Body Mind and
    SouL Now noW..
    STiLL of course
    from another
    2014 to date..:)

    Golden Mean of Body Mind and Soul

    HEhe.. and now
    from a year ago..
    Confession of a Muse..
    need i say more.. per
    this rhetorical statement/
    WeLL sUre i do..WiLL..
    that’s what free streAm
    of consciousness poets
    do they muse the others..
    in all they do in dance and
    song and hehe.. yes.. photos now2..:)

    Confession of Muse

  19. Well.. there is quiet a few Loaded
    Questions and answers in this
    photo as to what are
    Southern Girl’s
    Must Haves
    but i WiLL tale
    you this.. this 56 year
    old dude as more fun
    than his whole F iN Peer
    group at the mall.. and
    probably 99 percent of
    teens too.. hehe.. so much
    more fun going on inside that
    they’ll never see on my stoic face
    either.. hehe..
    but sure Body
    Language says
    a wHoLE dam Lot..
    and more on lot
    a little

    Okay.. now.. more on Lot
    yes.. probably a lot too on Lot..
    anyway.. today.. now in Catholic
    Church was the day for the ‘Evil’
    Homily.. as the Monsignor old tennis
    buddy almost always does a great job
    of keeping everything associated with hope..
    and actually the Catholic Church organization
    as a whole.. does the same.. as today they picked
    a part the positive story about the Genesis one about
    Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah where the so-called
    God entity was gonna spare the city if 10 so-called
    good folks are there.. but it didn’t get down or
    up to the more unsavory parts.. like Lot
    offering his virgin daughters up for
    basically rape.. or these so-called
    Virgin daughters so-called getting
    poor old Lot Drunk and having
    sex with him on successive
    nights.. i mean Jesus f. iN
    Christ.. we are only into
    Genesis.. and
    there is offerings
    of Virgins for basically
    rape in lieu of a dude getting
    screwed.. by another dude..
    and daughters raping drunk
    daddy.. give me a break..
    incest is the one dam thing
    that is taboo across all cultures
    along with screwing little kids..
    and molesting them overall
    as such.. it’s called nature..
    and survival of the human race
    to protect the young for survival..
    and to protect the whole dam species..
    from birth defects.. bullshit.. drunk or not..
    ain’t no excuse for any kind of so-called female
    rape against a man.. when a man ain’t gotta
    get turned on.. to do the incest deed.. pretty
    disgusting.. and at least Lot’s wife didn’t
    hang around to see the daddy do the
    incest deed.. but shit no wonder
    she was paranoid and looking
    around.. considering the
    husband daddy..
    was offering
    up the Virgin
    daughters for
    basically rape.. so anyway..
    the bible does not condemn
    Lot for offering up his daughters
    for basically rape.. nor the so-called
    incest act that the father was actually
    responsible for.. drunk or not as that
    is what the incest aversion
    taboo does.. unless there is
    some pedo sickness going
    on like they do with 9 year
    or so old girls in other cultures
    which is so God dam sick as
    some religion doesn’t condemn
    it ‘over there’ either.. so anyway..
    the priest and the Catholic Church
    never covers that part in church.. of
    course.. as it is kinda worse and more
    perverted than even Hustler can get
    on a bad day.. for rape and incest that
    no one wants to hear about with any
    kind of normal humanity now.. so the Monsignor
    goes on to talk about the evils of legal abortion and
    Internet pornography.. oh my God.. humans doing the
    wild thing is evil to see.. what would God do.. well.. considering
    God doesn’t clothe humans from birth.. and considering that
    before humans had homes.. they did it outside.. it wasn’t a
    big deal for thousand of years.. before prudes came along
    and called the human body.. per the temple of God and
    all its blessed and shared functions like the Peaceful
    and Loving non-violent Bonobo does as Bonobo-Christ
    like animal per Golden rule se of free for all
    consensual love in all the ways that comes..
    yes.. they made something holy and sacred
    those humans did from head to toe.. into
    FucKinG evil.. yes Literally FucKinG evil..
    and what happens when you cover sex all
    up.. including the human body.. and you do
    not let the male and females mix until way
    after puberty.. and only family members
    can touch each other.. sure.. REAL
    Arabian Physician study that suggests
    up to 80% of 3 to 6 year old little
    girls are molested in the home..
    by family members and other
    close associates.. oh so
    messed up culture can
    make the otherwise.. wild
    and free peaceful loving human
    condition as the so-called simple
    Bonobo does.. all naturally without
    violence.. oh.. the blood shed that comes
    eventually when human nature is oppressed
    and repressed same.. and sure.. all the REAL PERVERSION
    ME WANNA THROW UP.. AND i bet at night they pray.. they
    pray that somehow real God will save them one day soon..
    or some representatives of God who really care to
    take them out of their misery and suffering.. i can
    almost hear the plea at night.. the wailing and
    the weeping and the gnashing of their teeth
    shortly before.. during.. and after their
    sexual assaults.. anyway.. there
    are a lot worse things in the
    world than adults having
    sex all naked and such
    and others viewing
    what nature does
    at its hottest best..
    no venereal disease
    comes from this.. when
    solo viewed.. no unwanted
    pregnancies. therefore no
    potential for legal abortion
    that the Catholic Church ironically
    names evil.. when they say that alternate
    activities.. that do not lead to unwanted pregnancies
    are evil.. not to mention their stand against birth control
    that does lead to venereal disease.. unwanted pregnancies
    and more abortions.. legal or not around the world.. and as far
    as trying to outlaw abortion.. they did that in Catholic Mexico
    already.. and there are just as many abortions over there.. only
    difference is they are done not medically safely so there is
    more suffering and permanent disability for all who are
    concerned.. the Catholic Church must grow a brain
    if it ever wants to move into the new age out
    of the earth is flat age same.. and Jesus
    F in Christ.. if there is anything reallly
    Evil it is harming other folks when
    you know good and god dam
    well you are.. like the
    4% of homosexuals
    that science shows
    sits in the general
    audience everywhere..
    including now the pews of
    church when they say they
    are less than gentile or jew..
    servant of free.. woman or man
    no more.. and do not deserve the
    same human legal right to marry so
    someone can visit their loved one in
    the hospital.. thank God for separation
    of church and state.. as so often the state
    is so much more humane than the church..
    God speaks Nature in Truth and liGht.. humans
    lie in black books.. and continue to harm other
    humans and the rest of nature and God same too
    as humans have already populated the earth..
    and now are slowly/fast destroying other God
    created animal species through
    the taking more than
    giving of overpopulation
    and the Big Catholic Church
    has a lot to do with that real
    evil of getting out of balance
    With God of Mother Nature..
    by making Frigging birth control
    against their rules.. when it could
    FucKinG save the entire human
    race.. ultimately.. and so many other
    parts of life species on earth too..
    Common Sense and Brains..
    God gifted it to us..
    action use it..
    or consequence
    pain.. misery and
    suffering.. God of
    Nature will have all
    her way..
    line when
    all is said and
    done.. and you can
    mARk her words on that
    as both she and Godzilla
    prove.. the folly of all humans
    who think they can now FucKInG
    fool God and Mother Nature sAMe..
    iF ya wanna hear God speak Go to natUre..
    and listen to hEar/sEE.. while you can or will now..:)

    Yeah.. and here is what
    the little girls sound
    like when they wail
    for mercy.. if you listen
    closely you can hear them
    wail for both Moses and Jesus..
    how that
    works.. no.. i lied
    again.. it is only beyond
    sad and A sick human species…
    that could use so much God dAm healinG now…

  20. Eggs & onions, in any order….

    “I maintain that Truth is a pathless land,
    and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever,
    by any religion, by any sect….
    I do not want to belong to any organization of a spiritual kind;
    please understand this …
    If an organization be created for this purpose,
    it becomes a crutch, a weakness, a bondage,
    and must cripple the individual,
    and prevent him from growing,
    from establishing his uniqueness,
    which lies in the discovery for himself
    of that absolute, unconditioned Truth….”

    ~~ J. Krishnamurti ~~

    Top and
    bottom line..
    all systems
    aim to control…
    Bottom and
    Top line
    all nature
    does is is…
    Same line
    Same time
    Same now
    All God
    all that is…
    And the rest
    works its way
    out now as is is…
    and Bill Clinton
    would Be proud of
    me.. as it all depends
    on the definition of is at
    all that is
    and that’s
    where words
    get in the way…
    iS IS..
    Me thiNks
    Kris spent
    somenowS in
    Nature too.. A Tree..
    A Beach.. A Desert..
    perHaps a Mountain..
    but a
    HELL NO!..
    God is fun to me..
    @least and
    me giggle
    and cry insane..
    Jesus F. in Christ..
    imagine what Kris
    could have done
    a blog
    now.. or maybe now
    even Jesus.. wHo kNows..
    or Buddha.. or Lao.. oh.. the
    disadvantages.. them guys had
    so.. so.. long ago.. back then..noW
    Free WiNow/sPiNs Victory oF iS iS..;)

  21. claudia says:

    hey – sorry i’m late but i needed this long to read your comment – cause it was so long – smiles
    my computer has difficulties to load your post and i can’t read – so – just thought i’d wish you a happy monday..

    • SMiLes.. my FriEnd Claudia…
      as i’Ve often told other folks who are
      nice enough to make me a part of their
      life.. there is no word of sorry in Unconditional
      Fearless Love to me.. there is no word of hate.. there
      is no word doubt.. there are no swords.. there are no light
      beatings.. there is only liGht.. and somenows odes to Love to
      Witness for that liGht that is possible in the shadow of human
      potential does
      most certainly
      take unlimited
      symbols to express
      just a tiny part of the essence
      of allthatis.. aka God.. no.. like i said
      before.. 800K words in a bible is not nearly
      enough.. not a small painting on the Sistine
      Chapel Ceiling though both are impressive
      in tHeir own now and effort.. both individual
      and combined.. and a statue of David that
      is impressive.. one of Apollo too.. but does it
      do justice in awe of this gift of life given to us
      all by Nature same.. in my eyes and the eyes of
      even the reported Jesus per Saint John way back
      when.. says no.. folks will do much more in appreciation
      of the blessings of this gift of life.. sadly some folks just
      stopped at an already scholarly proven wrong interpretation
      of John 3:16 where the me of Jesus was the God head of Jesus
      that is one in i as self and ego same along with ! spirit connection
      with the rest of all that is aka God.. i didn’t make that up and in original
      Greek terminology it was never THE son of God it was A son of God as
      nicely described by the great philosophical and biblical scholar of last
      Century Alan Watts per just another Book of Eli that was lost along
      the way.. as Constantine and Catholic Cohorts and the after and
      before.. changed Jesus into a THE soldier God to consummate
      the old original Christianity with the mythology of the Mithra
      religion of the region.. same as Muhammad did to combine
      the Christian religion into something new named Islam
      and to make the words he brought into so-called
      last words of God.. WeLL.. i’ve seen lots of
      used car sales folks in my life ranging
      from the likes of Constantine
      to Trump to Muhammad
      and i see through their
      lies even when they think
      they have hidden them in
      fast take of heart string pulling
      words.. it doesn’t work for me friend
      as i not only read long.. i read deep deep
      and deeper deep.. and that is my other Autistic
      Super Power.. along with reading the eyes of
      souls in beings named humans and other animals
      same.. and that my friend is reading 10 to 15 times
      faster than the so-called ‘normal’ human and when
      totally focused typing faster than what the potential
      of this keyboard has to offer.. no.. it is rare that
      anything keeps up with me friend.. human
      or even technology.. but i cannot wait
      for that to happen.. as yes.. i am
      human too.. and what God has
      set out for me to do..
      is Beyond
      of before my
      friEnd and i’M certain
      that many others have heard
      the same cAll.. some have answered
      in ways of Lao Tzu.. Yeshua.. Buddha..
      and untold innumerable others.. and others
      have taken the opportunity to go down the dark
      path and subjugate and control others instead..
      well.. the truth is the marriage that Jesus was
      speaking of in original text was the marriage
      of the divine in me.. that is you and i and we..
      and us whole as one but it does start
      at believing in me.. that is you..
      combining and balancing
      the marriage of yin
      and yang
      into one
      force of being
      in masculine and feminine
      animus and anima way as
      Jung says too.. and all the
      other duality of liGht and
      dArk and the ‘tween aspects
      of life.. when we holds hands
      with our self as one.. we can unconditionally
      hold hands with the hands of other folks in life..
      the world can hold hands as humans with each
      other with the rest of Nature.. and eventually the
      entire world can hold hands with God all as all that is
      and live happily ever after in all that’s ever been or ever
      will be as now.. in what is is of all that is.. but sure it starts
      with me.. if you believe in me that is you.. seek.. and find
      one’s God Given potential in you.. practice it and most importantly
      never ever hide your light ’cause it may blind someone else.. particularly
      online.. as there is an off button.. for those who are blinded by light as when
      i walked in dark.. the light blinded me as small as the kind vocal words of another
      human being.. as i was the dark night of the soul embodied as me.. now i AM liGht..
      sMiLes2 and this Energizer of Love.. is more powerful that even technology in
      most homes now.. hehe.. anyway.. i’m doing this for the longest of terms of
      now my friend.. per the grace of what is in God’s hands that are much
      bigger than the tiny pARt of reciprocation of thanks to God
      i offer here.. and smiles.. the fact that you took the effort
      to come here and wish me a Happy Monday proves
      there are still folks in the world who believe
      in gentile or jew.. servant or free.. woman
      or man no matter how far
      the sOuL can shine
      as WeLL.. i aim
      to go wHere no human
      has gone before in Love..
      i can safely say i’Ve done it
      in mY own way already.. and i can
      also say i AM thrilLed to be pARt of a
      world wHere i have free access now to
      see similar folks around the world doing the
      sAMe for God wHole in tHeiR own ways of
      art and science too.. it’s a wonderful world if
      one can do what they can to change the world
      in liGht.. be the liGht and tolerate the dark knoWinG
      that they are butterfly WinGs that fly toGetHer like a sWarm
      oF Love the planEt has never witnessed beFore.. i hOld hands
      with many folks like this mY friend.. who see no limitations or
      expectations in life and continue to rise.. this is the new
      generation of now.. and for those who shine
      the blind the dARk across
      the Earth..
      and from
      aLL thaT iS
      God SinGs
      WitH wE a SonG
      of hUman PoTenTial
      in the best ways of Fearless
      Love realized as trUe Grace
      of Heaven Now.. yes.. the rapture
      already happened as soon as the
      first hUman lived in this way mY friEnd
      and Team liGht is GroWinG as my words
      FloW one with God and We one Force of
      Love aLiVE..
      NoW iN Heaven Real
      in the Kingdom of IS
      other than
      that thanks
      aGain for
      coming by..
      it took me a long
      thanks as you provided
      a path that i needed as
      so many other folks do..
      as i continue to respond
      in kind of what that means
      to me.. in terms of Love my Friend
      that is fearless.. sure and never wavereRinG noW..
      And for the others who do not want to come into
      this Marriage with God.. all i can say is
      Oh My God..
      Only if you knew
      Only if you knew
      Only if you knew
      the heARt of wE..
      OnE iN spiRit aS ONe
      SoUl GOD FORCE NoW..:)

  22. mY LamP iSreaL

    WeLL.. this is the 60,000th comment of
    My Word Press Blog that includes all
    the comments that Word Press keeps
    in record of comments.. which of course are all
    poetic.. plus a large portion of spam.. wITh mostly
    mine on my Blog that generates few comments from others
    of course2.. as each post now continues to inch toward
    Novel length with main post and art palette of new paint
    in full brush of comments section of my ‘little’ effort.. to
    Thank God for my life in all the ways that comes
    repressing and oppressing none oF iT less
    than sacred and holy except for that
    that harms other folks and
    parts of nature beyond
    the bread
    and water
    of LiFE noW..
    so who gives me the
    right to wRite like this..
    God and only God.. i answer
    to only God and no one else..
    sure.. i follow all local.. state.. and
    federal laws.. no different than the
    parable of Caesar’s coin that rings
    equAlly true for me today as then..
    as the road is paved for me to
    give God Blessings in thanks
    by this coin of Caesar
    same as it was way
    back then..
    for whoMever
    the Jesus’s were
    who walks the earth
    then.. in the trUe Christ
    liGht of Fearless Love
    alWayS noW without
    fail.. a practice of perfection
    of fearless Love with human
    gifted relative Free WiLL.. iT’s
    not enough to be forgiven.. it is
    enough not to make another mistake
    and sure it’s possible.. don’t settle for
    less if you Love God’s Gift of Fearless
    Love that is the trUly special God given
    Nature sAMe Potential of hUman bEinG
    more fully realized.. and all i kNow and
    more importantly FeeL that the hUman
    word MaGiC most definitely does
    describe the higher potential
    of God more fully
    as gift
    oF God
    iN hUman
    BeinG and the
    Secret of this Dream
    come True is to use the
    power to give and share
    over taking more than
    one gives now..
    yeS.. in
    fearless Love
    of sharing whatever
    fuLLer hUman potenTial
    one has to giVe nOW.. FREE..:)

    i BELIEVE! in the MAGICK of DREAMS!

    SoMe muse i AM
    SomE muse i WiLL
    continue to bE in the
    what Jesus would say now..
    if reAlly here that we are aLL A
    free and wild children of God who
    can fearlessly Love like no one else
    on this planEt when we seT oUr fuLL
    potential in MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
    and much fuller CreAtinG poTenTiaL
    NoW wiTh HeARt oF EmoTioNs and
    aLL seNses and pure liGht sexualiTy
    too.. expresSinG thaT hiGher poWer
    of Nature goD onE sAMe as hOlY
    SpiRit wE in Quantum-like mInd
    and BOdy more fully unLeashed
    and reLeaSed as miNd and
    BoDy BaLanCing SoUl..
    and DancE and SinG
    hOldinG hands
    no different
    than sAMe in
    tolerating the Bio-diversity
    of We all Different and sAMe
    aS oNE Force toGeThEr of God
    Now.. wHeRe soMe mUse beCoMes
    aLL Muse GoD onE MoRE noW.. wHere
    Can beCoMes WiLL and Now iS GoD aLL oNE
    wE onE ForcE.. mE.. yOu.. i.. uS aLL NoW aLiVE..
    LoVe LiVes

    Some Muse

  23. “A whole human life
    is just a heartbeat
    here in heaven..
    Then We’ll all
    be Together”…

    -Robin Williams

    E-nuff said.. butt..
    i wish i could have
    taught Robin how
    i dance with no clothes
    of the trappings of fame..
    money.. F iN STUFF.. all
    the sacrifices for a greater
    M E S S A G E R E A L
    that those hold as crosses
    eventually too heavy to carry..
    i take the easy and free route
    66.. did my hell first.. and am Heaven Free..
    the best thing about blogs.. youtube.. and all
    the free avenues of art.. is one can spread a
    MesSage totAlly Free.. and i for one can dance
    everywHeRe i go.. only to be known as that
    amazing.. inspiring.. spirit animal.. boss..
    legend.. Pensacola icon.. inspiring..
    i wanna be like.. and that is gonna
    be my husband.. dancing guy..
    where most do not even
    know my name of
    Fred.. but here’s
    the deal.. i go home
    an unknown in peace
    with no one owning me
    but God one same in me
    as me all of me and allthatis
    inside.. outside.. above.. so below..
    all around.. WiLD and Free.. the Matrix
    i escape.. but the MoVinG.. ConNecting
    And CreaTinG.. in GiVinG shArinG aLL
    i have to share Free comes with ease of
    Wild and Free i.. so sure.. a person can
    move through this liFE.. be as super
    epic as they like and retain tHeiR
    Freedoms too.. it’s just a matter
    of kNoWinG and FeeLinG
    the opportunities that
    do exist.. SeeKinG..
    FinDinG yoUr TrUe
    and Free LiGht WiLL
    WitH NatuRe wHole iN
    BalanCinG Act of JuSt
    DoinG iT noW as REaL
    iN REal Rise oF hUman
    PotenTial with No limits or
    expectations of before or what
    may or may not come.. or you can
    call the whole dam thing a Giant Blue
    Turtle.. the forms matter not over essence
    when essence comes real and we exceed
    what we were before.. the beauty of now as
    anyWay.. Facebook
    Friend Ned shared
    quotes from Robin Williams
    on his what would be a 65th
    birthday.. and this one was
    too deep.. in Truth and liGht
    not to add juSt one more Micro-Verse
    to celebrate Robin Williams as sure he and
    i and so many more like him and the hers as
    well.. etc.. are kindred souls who kNOw no boundaries
    or limits of before or what may or may not come neXt…
    and now more than ever we can give and share for free
    without the
    trapping of
    before and what
    could sAdly otherwise
    come in those priSon’s
    of fame.. money and F
    it’s easy
    to be free..
    it’s alWays noW
    MoVinG.. conNecTinG
    and CreAtinG.. and never
    a place of stagnation but
    bottom line.. REAL HEAVEN iSREAL..
    and the Free of We who live in this place
    most definitely continue to thrive and Rise REAL..
    iN LAMp oF liGhts neVer SeeN or FelT bEYoND.. NoW..:)

  24. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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